Chapter 32 : Lovesick

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Jenna's Pov
"Jiyong. Please pick up." I begged desperately.

For the past ten minutes I have been on my phone trying to reach him. Every time I hear the voicemail, I would let out a frustrating sigh.

"Jenna just stop it. He's not gonna pick up." TOP said, discouraging my hope that he will answer my call.

Stubbornly, I ignored his words and dialled Jiyong's number again.

The reason why I am doing this repeatedly is because I am very concern about Jiyong.

For the past few weeks, he has been acting strangely towards me and would ignore me completely. I did not take any actions in those few weeks as I thought that he needed some time to be alone. However, I was wrong. And I miss him so much.

Right now, I am very desperate in searching for him as he is missing since morning. He was not present at YG building and he did not send a single text or a call to anybody. Even the ones who are close to him. Including me.

I was about to dial his number again when TOP snatched my phone from my hands. I was taken aback a little as I did not expect that to happen.

"Give me my phone back." I demanded while attempting to take it back.

I could not reach for my phone as he held it up high and I kept jumping for it like an idiot. Whatever it is, I am doing this for Jiyong. Even if it embarrass me so much.

After a minute, I was exhausted from jumping and decided to stop.

"Jenna. Why are you so desperate?" He questioned me while placing the phone on the table.
"Because he's my best friend and he's always there for me when I'm feeling down so I wanted to do the same." I explained.
"But you know we can find him in the morning right?" He said, sounding tired.

Since I know that he is not going to help me find Jiyong, I have a plan in mind.

I nodded my head in response and to show him that I strongly agree with his suggestion. He gave me his small smile before embracing me with a hug.

"Don't worry. He'll be at work tomorrow. I promise." He whispered softly.

We broke the hug and I just smiled at him politely.

"You're right and I'm sorry to bother you." I said.
"It's ok. I know how much he means to you." He said.

After a few minutes of chatting casually, I pretended to be sleepy and gave a fake yawn. He decided to head home since he knows that I will be heading to bed but, I am not.

Like I said, I have a plan in mind.

We walked together to his car and I waved goodbye as he drove off.

This is my chance.

I went upstairs to my bedroom to fetch my black hoodie and my car keys.

Jiyong's Pov
As I was strolling around at the park, I recollected memories of Jenna and I. I smiled to think of it and wished that it will happen again.

My smile slowly fades away when an image of Jenna's engagement ring appear in my mind. I let out a sigh and continue strolling around.

Realising that I am tired from strolling around, I decided to take a seat at the nearest bench. As I was sitting comfortably, beside me was a bush filled with small dark pink flowers.

I plucked one of it and admire it. Till now, I still remember what does this flower reminds me of.

The day when I asked her to be my prom date at the park. When she agreed to go with me, I thought that she accepted it because she loves me the way I love her. Or, at least realise that I am madly in love with her.

However, my predictions were wrong.

For the past few weeks, I have been missing her a lot. I miss every little thing about her. The way she beat me up after I tease her, the way she smile beautifully and her voice. I seldom eat my meals and I could not sleep peacefully every single day. The only thing that will make me being the normal me is Jenna.

I am such a fool to bring her here and not thinking further of what may happen to her or me.

Whatever it is, nothing is going back to normal. It is too late to change.

If only I had confess to her back then, I would not be sufferring like this and move on.

In those few weeks, I felt that I am acting a total different person. I did not talk to anyone and I was always being moody all the time.

I felt that I am in a mess.

The people who are close to me were very worried about me as I always keep myself silent and never involve myself in any events.

Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri are more concern than anyone else as they know what my problem is and are afraid that I might do something stupid. They have been constantly keeping an eye out for me.

I was busy plucking the petals of the flower when someone took it from me. I was startled as I did not expect anyone to come here at this hour. I looked up to that person to see Jenna.

I avoided eye contact with her and wanted to escape from here.

"Where do you think you're going?" She said while trying to block my way.
"Home." I replied simply and started walking away coldly.

"Why are you acting like this?!" She yelled.

I stopped walking and turned to face her.

She look frustrated with me but at the same time she look hurt. I could not think of any words to answer her as it will be hard to explain later.

She went closer to me and tried making eye contact with me.

"Jiyong. Why are you acting like this?" She repeated her question but in a softer tone.
"Because the girl I love is getting married to someone else." I said.

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