Chapter 43 : Like A Broken Heart

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Jenna's Pov
The next morning, I decided not to go to work as I knew that I would see the two men who fought with each other yesterday night. TOP and Jiyong. By just mentioning their names in my mind, I could see possible bad senarios that can happen between them. Thanks to them, I have a terrible headache due to lack of sleep and my body aches because of sleeping in one position throughout the whole night.

I got off from my bed and did a few stretches before heading downstairs to clean up the mess that the two men made. Seeing the shattered glass sprawled all over the floor and crooked picture frames that hung on the wall made me groan in frustration. I could predict that I am going to worsen my condition by having a back pain.

I make my way to the kitchen to fetch a huge black plastic bag instead of smaller ones as I can stuff in as many things as I want. Even though it will weigh quite heavy later.

I tied my hair into a messy bun and wore gloves before beginning the unnecessary cleaning up job. I picked up each and every broken glasses cautiously, not wanting myself to get hurt. As I was busy cleaning up, I started to get exhausted from bending down at every second to pick up the shattered glasses.

"Why must I do this job alone?" I said in a most tiring tone. "Why can't they do it? They're the ones who messed up this place." I complained to myself.

Anyway, I still have to do cleaning as it was my house and I could not stand living in a messy environment.

When the living-room finally looked spick and span, I spread a satisfied smile on my face. However, the living-room looked a little empty as the decorations were ruined and had to be thrown away. I let out a sigh knowing that I have to go shopping to buy those decorations again. It felt tiring by just thinking of the list that I need to buy but at the same time, I felt excited as I wanted to explore around and look for new trends or designs.

Pushing these thoughts aside, I decided to have a nice good bath since I deserve one. I pushed the heavy sealed bag to the corner as I do not want to bump into it or trip over it.

"Okay. Now I need a bath." I went upstairs to my bedroom again to fetch an oversize tee and leggings before heading to the bathroom.

I placed my new clothes at a dry area before sinking myself into the warm tub. I immediately felt calm and peaceful took over me as I relax in the tub. I felt as if my unsolved problems abandoned me and my worries vanished into thin air. Little did I know, I was slowly drifted off to sleep. Not caring that I am sleeping in a tub without my clothes on. However, my sleep was disturbed by the sound of my phone was making.

I wanted to ignore the unanswered call and stay in the tub as long as I want but the ringtone became an annoyance to my ears as it rang for a few times. I quickly put on my new clothes and went to fetch my buzzing phone.

Me : What?
Jiyong : Can we talk?
Me : If it's about yesterday, then don't. I had enough of your problems that you're giving me.
Jiyong : Problems? How can that be my problem. You're the one who started it.
Me : Excuse me?! You're the one who kissed me out of the blue and you're blaming it on me!
Jiyong : You can choose not to.
Me : Whatever it is, you're the one who started this mess!
Jiyong : No. You're wrong. You're the one who started all of this mess by reading that diary book of yours!
Me : Who told you to put it there! You know that I'm always curious and I would dig out every secrets you hid from me!
Jiyong : Even after you know that we were in a relationship, you still wanted to find out more about it. So was that my problem?! No. So don't push the blame on me!
Me : ......
Jiyong : Why aren't you talking back? Huh?! Aren't you smart at doing that!
Me : Let's not meet up again. You don't come to my place and stop pestering me!
Jiyong : Jenna, I-
Me : Goodbye.

I hung up the call and threw the phone away from me. I felt anger arose in me each time I recall the unpleasant conversation I had with him.

However, that anger I am holding within me, slowly fades away and tears came welling up in my eyes. I sat down on the floor, leaning against my bedroom door and buried my face in my palms as I cried it out.

He was right. I was too dumb. Stupid. An idiot. I could have stop myself from being the curious me and thought about it for a while. I could have known the consequences before doing it.

All of these came to reality because of me. My feelings were all jumbled into places, trust was no longer seen in TOP's eyes and lastly, I messed up Jiyong's feelings. I am really such a fool. A big fool.

I continued shedding more tears and I could not control it. I kept pouring out those tears that filled with sorrows and pain.

After some time, I finally calmed myself down and felt better. I could feel that my tears became dry as I did not bother to wipe it away. I sat there for another minute before realising that I have to throw away the rubbish bag. I got up from the floor and went downstairs.

I decided to open the frontdoor before bringing the bag as I would be busy pushing and pulling the heavy bag forward. When I started pulling the bag, I felt that I am carrying a dead body with me as the weight was undescribable. I just wished that someone, besides Jiyong and TOP, help me throw this burden bag away.

When I reached at the bin, I felt happiness washed over me. However, that did not last long.

How am I going to carry it?!

Anyway, I was forced to do it as no one is available to help me. I grabbed the bag tightly and tried carrying it in the air. I made many attempts of doing it but kept failing. Even when the bag was nearing to the edge of the bin, it came back to me.

"Stupid bag!" I yelled out of frustration.

I let go of the bag and kicked it for a few times, not caring that I will tear it apart.

"Need help?" I spun around to see the person whom I least wanted to see. "No." I said, refusing to take his offer.

I faced the bag once again and grabbed the knot of the bag that I tied earlier. I was about to pull it upwards when I felt someone snatching the bag away from my grib and threw it in the bin without difficulties.

"There. Done." He said while abandoning me.

I rolled my eyes at him without him noticing it and head back inside the house. I slammed the door shut out of irritation and could not believe that I talked to him when I made it clearly to myself and Jiyong that I will never meet or talk to him ever again.

Suddenly, I heard a doorbell rang. "Not gonna open it." I told to myself and went to sit at the couch.

I switched the television on and ignored the doorbell as if I am deaf.

"Jenna. Open the door!" I heard a yell from outside which startled me.

Since this was getting annoying, I went to open it. I was predicting that it will be the annoying Jiyong but it turned out to be a different person. TOP.

"What?" I said in a low tone, not daring to raise my voice at him.

Recalling back the incident, made me feel guilty and it was all my fault.

"I heard that you and Jiyong are a couple." He said, beginning the worse topic ever.
"That was a long time ago." I said hastily.
"But you haven't broke up with him." He said, stating a true fact that I have not broken up with him.
"So do you still love him or not?" He questioned me.

I let out a tiring sigh as I was sick and tired of hearing that question repeatingly.

"I don't want to talk about it. Even if you're desperate to know, my reply to you is I don't know." I confessed of how I feel of answering that question.

He hung his head low and did not speak further. After a while, he looked back at me.

"I'll get going then. See you at the wedding." He said, leaving me all confused.

♡Hey guys! Sry that this update was looonnnggg and I apologise to those who doesn't like to read long chapter. Anyway, plz vote and comment! ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ♡

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