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"Mom, please wake up. Please, don't leave me"

I was begging my mom who was strapped in the metal chair in front of me, unconscious. I prayed for my moms life, I needed her. I was only 7 years old when we were at my high school graduation and taken hostage.

At first we were separated and I woke up to cold water being poured on me. Stood before me was a tall 6ft well built man. He had shaggy brown hairs, brown eyes and a square jaw line but a scar on his left eyebrow. All I saw though when I looked in his eyes was. He punched me cracking my lip open and asked "What do you know about the radioactive spear?" I shook my head and he stabbed me with a long carving knife I didn't see before in my left shoulder. To add to the pain he twisted it which made me scream in agony. He then stabbed me in the same shoulder again with another eyes that made me see black dots. There was so much pain and agony that I soon after blacked out.

When I woke up my mom was beaten and in front me unconscious. Two man came in and poured water on her. She shot up and looked at me. I could see that she was sorry in her eyes and I felt tears well up in my eyes. However we couldn't say anything because we were both gagged and I tied. I tried my hardest at tugging the ropes that bounded me but it was useless. The man pulled out a long knife and placed it in my mothers throat. "Say goodbye to your daughter" And just as he pulled the knife along side her throat shouts were heard from outside. But by then it was already too late. Both men left and I pulled the ropes with my new found adrenaline and crawled to my mom. I cut the ropes with the knife that was in my shoulder and her body fell on me. I held her in my lap and saw her eyes were lifeless. I tried to stop the blood flow but nothing was working. My mom died in my arms and her blood was on my hands.

Just soon after the steal door opened and I held the knife protectively in front of me. He held up his hands and said "I am from S.H.I.E.L.D. You can trust me. I'm going get you out of this." "Where's your badge?" He grinned and held out his badge. I nodded confirming he was who he said and he came to me gently. He saw my mom and he turned to me. "How about we get out of here?" I shake my head "I can't leave her" he looked at me and said "The other agents will take your mom and you'll have a proper burial. But you need medical attention" he gestured to my shoulder. I slowly nodded and he lifted me, bridal style. We got looks from the other agents but he ignored them while reassuring me "You're going to be okay" I sat in his arms silently, avoiding to move my shoulder. He looked to me and asked "What's your name?" "Alexis" I whispered "What's your whole name?" "Alexis Stans"

By then we were outside in the nice warm sun and he carried me on the jet where doctors took me on the gurney. "I am Agent Coulson, but you can call me Phil" I smile at him and he took my hand as the doctors took care of me. "I'm not going to leave you Alexis"

Being Everything & Having Nobody(Iron Man Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now