Chapter 4: The Mission

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I woke up to not only the sound of blinking sounding when I was near but to my radio going on.

I turned on the radio and heard Fury "Agent Stan what's your ETA?" I look to see I was right above the base however, with my reflective panels it was impossible to see me. "I am right above the base. I am headed inside now" "Okay Agent report back immediately once you complete the mission" "Understood"

I then landed the plane on the flat roof and unlatched my gun from my holster and prepared to shoot. I focused on Pietro's room and soon I opened my eyes to outside of his room. I looked around and saw two guards at the end of the hallway. I quickly went inside and saw him. He was asleep strapped to a metal table.

I used my knife to cut through the restraints and carried him over my shoulder but when I turned around I saw the two guards with their guns pointed at us. I quickly shot them but I wasn't fast enough and all I felt was pain erupt in my left upper thigh. Gritting my teeth I focused on the jet and I put Pietro on the gurney and then I put a mile between us and the base before I launched the missile.

Luckily the base was in the middle of nowhere so there was no civilians. I looked down and saw 3 through and through bullet wounds on my thigh I applied pressure on my wounds to stop the bleeding and soon after I got the bleeding under control did I radio in.

"Mission complete. Heading back to HQ" "Great job Agent Stans. What is his condition?" I look back and said "He is resting but looks like he won't endure any permanent physical damage" "How about you?" "I'm fine" I gritted my teeth at the shot pain that coursed from my leg. "What is wrong, Agent Stans?" I sighed "I was shot three times all through and throughs from what I can tell." "Can you stitch it up so that you make it to base?" "Of course I can. I am a doctor you know" he chuckled "Okay, radio in once you are in a mile radius of the HQ" "Okay" I turned off the radio and went to my medical kit.

After cleaning and disinfecting it I saw Pietro was starting to wake up. So I quickly stitched my wounds and hoped on my right leg to the gurney. I looked over and saw he had a hairline fracture but other than that he was just bruised. I placed ice packs on where the restraints were and put a line of morphine in him.

After I was done his eyes shot up and he sat up. "WHERE AM I?" I was startled by his shout but I said "You're on SHIELDS jet and we are headed to HQ." He turned and looked at me "Who are you?" I smiled warmly that got him to relax "I am Alexis Stans. I am an agent and a doctor that got you out of that hell hole." "Thank you" I nodded "Of course" "So you came alone and saved me?" I nodded then he pulled me into the biggest hug I have ever received. He whispered in the crook of my neck "Thank you so much." I patted his back gently and said "You're welcome, again" he pulled back and smiled. "So I have clothes for you and food. You can take a shower in that room" I pointed to the one door on the left side of the room and then handed him a bag of all his necessities including a tooth brush.

He nodded and stood up slowly "Can you take the IV off?" I laughed and gently took off the IV line. "If you need anything I will be in the front of the jet making sure everything is okay" he nodded. But before I could go he grabbed me and pulled me into another bear hug. "I mean it when I say thank you Alexis. Thank you for saving me and bringing me back to life." "You're safe, Pietro. No one is going to take you again."

He pulled back and then went to take a shower. I went to check my business phone and saw a couple missed calls from my personal assistant. I called her back "Hey what's up Allison?" "The board wants to open another building in Japan" "I don't like it though. I mean we are good with Japan but I think we should wait it out a little bit" "I suggested that but they say the gain out weighs the means and that we should move in asap" "Where is the board now?" "In the meeting room" "Okay put me on speaker phone" "Right away" after a few hellos from my fellow board members I start 

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