Chapter 20: War Starts

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I go to the shooting range and spend 30 minutes throwing my Chinese daggers so much so that the bulls eye has a giant hole because of how many times I'm hitting it.

I run my hands through my hair debating whether or not to help Fury. Out of frustration I slam my fist into the wall breaking through the drywall and possibly my hand. I grunt in pain as my hand swells up already producing a huge black and purple bruise across my knuckles.

"Shall I tell Tony you require assistance?" JARVIS asks and I shake my head "No, Jarvis. But could you please fix the wall?" "Right away Dr. Alexis Stans." I know I should go talk to the avengers so I ask JARVIS "Where is everyone?" "Still in the meeting room with Director Fury, Dr. Alexis Stans." "Thank you JARVIS. And please refrain from telling Tony about the wall." "Of course."

I grab my weapons and put them on while going up to the meeting room and attempt to hide my bruising right hand. I hear arguing as I enter and smirk as I see everyone fighting so I decided to break the ice. "Well this is a team."

Everyone stops and looks at me. I raise my good hand in a gesture to continue "Oh please don't let me stop you." I take my seat and everyone cautiously sits back down and I smirk at Fury. "This is the team you want to help save the world. Well let me tell you this Director." I say sarcastically "If you want to save the world you need a team to do that." He glares at me "They need you." he says and I shake my head

"I can't fix that." I gesture to the Avengers and Pete "You and I both know that you can. As soon as you spoke they listened to you." I slump back in my seat "No, they just listened to a new voice." and I ask out of curiosity "So is Webster on the team or what?" Director nods and passes me a sheet "And so are you."

I give him back the sheet using my left hand and look around at the rest of the people in the room. "What were you guys arguing about?" before anyone responds Fury says "You need to sign before you can know." I glare at his one eye and snatch the sheet he holds out to me in anger. I skim the sheet basically stating I will officially be an Avenger and only an Avenger. I have to be there when called by the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D and can stay in the Avengers Tower whenever needed. I sigh and say to Fury "I am adding that this only be a two year contract" I could see his reluctant but agrees. 

After a little debate in my head I sign the sheet with my left hand and Bruce says "I thought you're a right hand person." "I am an ambidextrous." He nods slowly and reluctantly like he wants to ask a question but decides against it.

I place the sheet down and Fury smiles and nods when he sees my signature. I tap my fingers against the table and ask sarcastically "So is this where you tell me that a potential alien race threatens to take over the fragile world we have to protect." I'm surprised when Natasha says "Yes."

I turn to see everyone has a serious face and I say "Oh.." I grab the folder with Fury using my right hand because at this point I didn't care and looked through to see the people responsible. Of course it had to be the Brotherhood experimentations on humans.

They wanted them to be better and the attack on New York gave the perfect opportunities. They've been using alien blood on humans creating hundreds of deaths. My thought process was interrupted by Tony yelling "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR HAND?" I shrug and just said "You should see the other guy."

I smirk as he runs to get the first aid kit. I press my A.I. computer system and speak "Scan these images and search through every single countries satellites and see if we can match it anywhere." "Right away Dr. Stans" everyone looks confused at me and I point to my ear piece "My A.I system." they nod and Tony grabs my right hand which makes me hiss. I hear him whisper profanities as he cares for my hand and Steve says "So are we supposed to find these.." but he couldn't find a word so I just said the first thing that came to mind

"Dread Doctors." (TEEN WOLF REFERENCE) I see everyone smirk at my nickname and Steve nods at me with a gentle and caring smile. Fury says"Yes, you are. I think we should get Sam on this as well." Steve nods and leaves to call Sam.

Bruce comes over and examines my hands "I think you broke it." I shrug "I've broken a lot of bones. It doesn't hurt." Tony gives me that look like 'you're kidding right?' Bruce turns to Fury "We'll bring her to the lab and fix up her hand." He nods and both Tony and Bruce lead me to their lab.

When they place me on the bed they get the x-ray machine ready. "Guys I really don't need this." "Yes, you do. If it's broken then it needs to be healed properly." "It's just a fracture." Bruce turns and looks at me "How would you know?" "I know the difference between a break and a fracture." "Well either way you need a splint" I groan and Thor squeezes my shoulder in reassurance and Steve holds my good hand.

Once my theory was right I left the lab with my right hand in a complete splint and a massive headache from all of Tony's disapproval. I walked into the grand foyer and see a male standing there.

I put out my gun but put the safety back on when I see who it is.....Sam Wilson the man I served with.


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