Chapter 23: The Struggles

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We immediately went to work and with Tony, Bruce and I it took less than a day. "Guys these are the dread doctors and they are literally in the middle of the desert." Tony says and I said while walking out of the room "Send me the exact location." I put on my bullet proof suit that I made improvements on so no bullet or knife can get through and strapped on my weapons. I tied my hair back and made sure I could never run out of the weapons. Then I put my A.I ear piece inside my ear drum.

On my way I have my helicopter prepped but I get stopped by the Avengers all in their full uniforms. I raise my eyebrows and Natasha says sternly "We are coming with you." I shake my head "I work alone." "You don't now." Steve replies and Fury added from behind "The jet is already ready to go and it will get there faster." I sigh "I don't work for SHIELD." he walks over and hands me back my gun, my key card and now a golden badge which was different then my old silver one. 

"You always have and now you're level 10. So go out there and kick some ass." I smirk and say as we all pile in the elevator and say to everyone "Steve apparently doesn't like that kind of language." Steve rolls his eyes but still smiles as the rest laughs. Natasha and Clint drive and Tony says he will go with his suit so he can scope the area before we land. Thor places his hands on his face obviously upset over Izzy and Bruce paces while Steve tells everyone the plan.

I pat Thor's back and he looks up "How are you calm Lady Stans?" "Because I know we will do everything to get them back and we will not fail, I never do" He nods and offers a slight smile. I check my weapons and pull out four knives and play with them until we reach the base. I saw Bruce watch my hands intently looking impressed and slightly scared. I give him a reassuring smile and soon we land with Stark telling us the layout. I am ordered to retrieve the hostage's while the rest take out everyone.

I knew from the dead atmosphere that it was a trapped. I call on the in com but it was already too late. A hundred soldiers come my way and I send out an electrocuting sound wave that killed them all instantly. I run back and look for the others. 

I see Clint and Natasha fighting what seems to be hundreds of soldiers so I slide to them and place anti electrocuting bugs on each of the necks and send my sound wave dropping all the soldiers dead. They turn to me shocked and I said "Do not take those bugs off your neck and head back to the jet. This is an ambush." they nod and I race to see Bruce killing all his soldiers and he seemed to finish the last one when he turns to me. 

I hold my hands out in surrender "Bruce it's me. Alexis. You need to head back to the jet." he nods and leaves. I find Thor fighting and do the exact same thing I did to Nat and Clint. But unlike them he doesn't leave me saying we need to find Steve and go. 

When we do find Steve its shocking. I see him protecting the unconscious Izzy while bleeding. I place a bug on each of their necks and send the exact same sound wave. Thor picks up Steve and I pick up Izzy bringing them both to the jet. Tony radios in that he found Rhodey unconscious and is bringing him to SHIELD's hellicarrier.

As soon as we are all on the jet it takes off and Bruce examines Izzy while I do the same to Steve. He has a curetted artery in his lower abdomen that will bleed out if I don't clog it. I look around for something and find absolutely nothing to stop the bleeding. I sigh straddling his waist and put gloves on my hands and ignore Clint's question on what I was doing. 

Using my thumb I was able to clog the artery stopping the bleeding. I turn to see Clint, Thor and Bruce's white faces. "Report to SHIELD of Izzy's and Steve's condition Bruce." that seemed to snap him out of his shocked stage and he runs off to tell Nat and I turn on the ear piece connecting me to Tony and say "Steve has a curetted artery in his lower abdomen I stopped the bleeding but it's temporary." 

"Got it. The doctors say just keep doing that and once you get here they can stitch him up. But they want to know how you are stopping the bleeding." "My thumb is currently in his artery clogging the blood flow. " he doesn't say anything for a minute and then resumes "Okay" I take deep breathes and Natasha lands the jet and the hanger. Thor wheels me and Steve out and Bruce takes Izzy.

Doctors produce orders running along with Thor that is pulling the gurney where I am straddling Steve's body. We get shocked stares even from Fury as we proceed to the medical wing. "Carefully get off and we will tell you when to let go." one of the doctors say and as soon as the gurney is stopped I cautiously get off and then the doc said "On three quickly take out your hand and immediately leave the room. Do you understand?" 

I nod and they say "One....Two...Three!" I take out my hand and leave the room while the doctors scurry around saving Steve. Once I'm outside I glide down one of the walls and pull my knees to my chest not caring of the blood.

Bruce tells me Izzy is going to be alright but will be asleep for a few days while Rhodey is right beside her, fully awake and okay. I  slump my shoulders in relief but still I hold worry for Steve. I didn't realize how much I cared for him and how badly I would be destroyed if he would die. 

A tear leaks out of my eye and I quickly wipe it away. "You know it's okay to cry" I look up to see Tony walking over and he too sits down beside me. "My mother never allowed me to cry at least not in front of anyone." "I am your father and I say it's alright to cry." he pauses momentarily and then continues "I was an idiot. I always say I'm a genius so it pushes my mistakes away but not this time." he looks at me and says 

"I shouldn't have left you. It was the worst mistake and regret that I have. And I won't make it again. I missed out on so much and the worst part of it all is that my father did the same to me. I found out that he thought I was his greatest creation but he told me after he died. I didn't know what he meant until I knew of you. And I don't want to make any more of my father's mistakes and I need you to know that you, Alexis Stans-Stark, is and will always be my greatest creation." 

A couple of more tears slide down my cheek and he quickly wipes them away saying "I'm sorry I didn't want you to cry.." but I cut him off pulling him into a tight hug. He doesn't miss a beat and hugs me back stroking my hair that was pulled out of its ponytail awhile ago.

He whispers "We are a team. Okay?" I nod and whisper "Promise?" "I promise. My little girl..." I can feel my tears fade but, I still stay in my father's arms waiting for Steve...


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