Chapter 8: Escaping and Clubbing

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I head to the punching bags and end up destroying 5 punching bags. I got bored so I head to the simulation.

The simulation is a battle zone in my own opinion and allows agents to practice without enduring the physical pain.

I enhanced the software so it is more realistic and much harder depending on what your capable of. This allows you to become better and complete missions faster. My specialty is knives because they never run out and can always be reused.

After adjusting the level to the highest it could go I grabbed all the knives possible, a bow and arrow, and lastly 4 guns. Then I stood strong and tall in the middle of the room.

Soon I had four men surrounding me and in a second I killed them. I used my bow and arrow and shot the 5 men on the railings and then threw a knife at a man coming towards me and ducked from a man coming behind me causing him to tumble over me. I killed him with one stab and rolled over him avoiding the two men from the sides. I shot them both in between the eyebrows, bullseye.

I didn't realize it was over until the buzzer ran off indicating a new record. Sensing people watching me I looked up and saw all the Avengers and Fury jaws wide open in awe.

I picked up my bow and arrow and collected the knives then walked out with my head held high. After placing the temporary weapons back on the table I went to my lab for a shower avoiding agents.

Before going in the shower I asked Ally to collect everything about me including all my private files S.H.I.E.L.D didn't have. I knew Tony was going to find out so I was going to lay out everything on the table before anything got serious.

Once I dried off I let my hair naturally curl into its thick black waves. I slip on black leather pants and  a white crop top that showed a little of my toned stomach and my combat boots that has a three inch heal.

I grab the thick file of myself and put it in my closed cabinet along with my heritage. I smirk at the soon to be shocked face Fury and quickly applied a small amount of make up and I looked at my full length mirror. I nodded in satisfaction and slipped on my leather jacket and a couple of weapons just in case.

I grabbed my phone and cash so that S.H.I.E.L.D cant track me. Moving quickly I slipped into Fury's office unnoticed and wrote him a note;

Dear Eyepatch,

I am headed to my clubs opening and will be gone for a few days. Please, do not bother ruining my opening since I have worked hard to get to the point I am. Good luck while I am gone. I hope this place doesn't go to hell when I am gone, which it probably will.

P.S Check the tabloids if you don't believe me. I will be all over them;)

With unrequited love, 

Agent Alexis Stans

I nodded after examining the note and flew in my helicopter to a landing just outside the city where my car is. My phone keeps on buzzing so I look down and see the Avengers and Fury calling me making me decline.

I call up my P.A and she says my black W Motors Lykan Hypersport car is waiting for me. Once we land I drive my car and head to my club. As I am almost there I roll my eyes and slip on my avatar sunglasses when the paparazzi flashes are blinding me and I slide into my slick black leather seats and start up my car. I press on the gas while it on neutral so people could move to give me a little excess way to drive which they did. 

I smirk and put it on drive and speed away immediately breaking the speeding limit. I crank the music so loud that it drowns my thoughts and pull up to the already packed club.

As I park my car everyone gawks at me. When I step out all I hear is people screaming my name. I smirk and toss my key to my bouncer.

I ignore all the papers being thrown my way because there all just phone numbers that I'm not interested in. The first thing I do is head to the bar and order a scotch on the rocks. That is when the fun started.

Soon its 5am and the party is still going and I am still having a blast. At 6am is when all the people have to get kicked out and I smirk while sitting on my bar.

Once everyone is out and the staff has gathered around me I clap for them. "You all were amazing tonight and none of this would've been that great and successful without you. Thank you all and your bonus's will represent all your hard work and effort you put forth." I clap for them and head outside.

The bouncer has to escort me through the crowd of people swarming outside of the club and I thank him before I drive away. I smile in success but that fades when my P.A calls me. I pick up but not before seeing the countless missed calls from everyone. "Alexis!" I roll my eyes at her frantic voice and say "What?" "I have been getting countless calls from the Avengers and Fury. What the hell did you do?" "I left them a note saying I was leaving."

I couldn't see it but I could feel her rolling her eyes at me. "Seriously? A note?! That's the best you could do." "Is there any other reason you call me at 6:30 in the morning?" "Oh yes there is" now its my time to roll my eyes and she says "The tabloids are going crazy about you and the success of the club last night. You are all over the news." I smirk and then she continues

"Today you can sleep but tonight you have a ceremony in your honor given to you by the military at your Expo." I curse under my breath at the thought of wearing a dress.

Clearly she senses my discomfort and says "Colonel James Rhodey said 'I will pick you up at your building at 7 o'clock sharp. If she is not in appropriate attire I will personally put her in something.'" I roll my eyes "I have sent your dress and shoes that has been pressed and cleaned in your bedroom. Be ready! Bye!" I sigh and stop in front of my building. I throw my keys at the bell boy and head to my room.

As soon as I am in my pjs and set my alarm for 5 I drift to a warm sleep putting my phone on silent and my life.

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