Chapter 13: Stay or Reveal

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At exactly 10:30 I hear a soft knock on my door. I quickly threw on one of my MIT shirts with matching sweatpants and opened the door.

I saw Steve looking nervous but smiled nonetheless. "I was hoping we could talk." I nodded and he led me outside and we sat with our feet in my underground pool just watching the moon.

After a few minutes of silence he asked "Why didn't you tell me?" "It was for their safety and I found out a day earlier than all of you." He nodded "Okay it just seems like you've known each other longer." "I've known Rhodey for a very long time." "How?" "He trained me when I was in the military. Later on we served together." He turned and looked at me "I don't want this to sound like an interrogation." I nodded "Then, let's make it a friendly conversation." "I don't want us to be just friends" he blurted out and my eyes widened in shock. I quickly recovered trying to look composed but really my heart was racing. "What do you want us to be?" He gently pressed one of his large hands on my cheek and leaned in further "I want us to be together." "As in a relationship?" He smiled and nodded "Yes. I know that you weren't expecting.." But I interrupt his rambling by placing my lips gently on his.

Immediately I felt sparks and I swear I have never felt more alive than I did in this moment. At first he was shocked but quickly recovered as he kissed me back. But as we were both only human we had to breath.

Our foreheads rested against each other as we attempted to catch our breath. He smirked at me and said "Okay I wasn't expecting that." I chuckled and he asked "Did you feel.." I nodded knowing full well he meant the sparks. Then we went inside that night hand in hand like we were meant to be.

A few weeks pass by and me and Steve are officially in a committed relationship. Everyone said they expected it, however, Tony was the most unease of our relationship but it wasn't about him. As we were all eating lunch we get a call from Fury stating the threat was finally "eliminated" in his words. He also said we had to report back to the Hellcarier for a meeting. That included me too.

The farewells were bitter sweet for everyone since they all grew fond of Lizzy, especially Thor. But he promised to visit her and bring her to Asgard one of these days.

Once we were at the Hellcarrier we went to the control room where all the meetings took place. Fury stood at the head of the control panel as turned to us as The Avengers took their seats. He went straight to me not bothering with the rest and said "Who is your father, Agent Stans?" He looked annoyed and beyond irritated as I didn't answer him but that didn't stop him from asking again "Who is your father, Agent Stans?" And he added at the end "This is the final time I will ask" "Or what?" I challenged him and he furrowed his eyebrows. I stepped forward and say "It's either I stay here and work for SHIELD without you knowing or I quit and you find out the truth." He hesitated and I knew he was debating so I made the decision for him. I placed down my SHIELD badge and key card along with my gun.

Before I leave I lean in and whisper "My father is Tony Stark."

Authors Note;
*I know this is a short chapter but I just couldn't bring myself to add anymore. I believe the simplest words could have the greatest impact. Please COMMENT AND VOTE!*

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