Chapter 11: Duty Calls and the Truth Starts to Unravel

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I woke up to the sound of my phone blaring and saw an emergency call to all the Avengers and me....

I groan in annoyance. Why did they have to call me in on my day off? More importantly, I just wanted to spend more time with Izzy. I look over and see its 9 o'clock and Allison should be here. That explains why I smell pancakes.

I smile and jump into the shower and change into my S.H.I.E.L.D uniform including all my weapons. I tie my hair in a high pony and apply mascara and eyeliner. As I head to the kitchen I slip on my black combat boots and a greeted with Allison and Rhodey laughing and Izzy eating in a high chair but clearly enjoying her father laughing. I smile and grab a couple of pancakes.

Once Izzy sees me she sequels in joy catching the adults attention. Allison smiles and says "Hey!" I smile and say "An emergency has come up. I need to go in." she nods and says "I understand and know that I am expecting a raise at the additional job,"

I smile and hug her "Of course! It's already in your bank account" I turn to Rhodey and said "I left you a list of things that will answer any possible questions on the fridge along with my personal phone which S.H.I.E.L.D can't track. Please call me if anything happens." He nods and waves me "Go! You'll be late!"

I nod and give Izzy a sloppy kiss on her cheek making her smile and she said "AUNTIEEEE" I gasp and turn to see all the other two adults gawking at her. I smirk at Rhodey and said "She said my name first!" I high five Izzy and whisper "You can call me Alexis" She smiles and says "LEXIII!" i shrug "Close enough." I turn to the adults "Bye guys!" Before I leave Rhodey yells at me "SHE SAID DAD FIRST BUT GOOD LUCK NEXT TIME!" I roll my eyes and say nothing but Allison says"Be home for dinner at 6!" "Okay!" I yell back and run to my car while eating pancakes. On my way to the base I get a call from Fury. "Agent Stans meet us at the Avengers Tower now!" I roll my eyes and said "TODAY IS SUPPOSE TO BE MY DAY OFF AND BE REST ASSURED I AM GOING TO GIVE YOU HELL WHEN I GET THERE IN 5 MINUTES!"

I hang up and see Rhodey changed my back ground to a picture of us three on the couch. I didn't know how he got into my phone but I didn't care at that point. I tuck it back in my zipper pocket and speed to the Avengers Tower swerving around traffic.

I smirk as the paparazzi take pics as I park in front of the tower. I slide on black trench coat and my sunglasses as I get out. I was immediately surrounded by paparazzi but I just pushed my way to the entrance and handed the bellboy my keys and warn him "Scratch it and you will regret it." He quickly nods and races away.

I skip the lady at the desk and head straight to the elevator. Ignoring the ladies shout I swipe my personalized key card to Starks level and JARVIS speaks "Dr. Stans they are waiting for you in the meeting room. I will send you up." "Thank you JARVIS. And I hope there are no hard feelings." "None at all, miss."

Once the doors are open I see The Avengers all sitting around the large circle table. Everyone is reviewing a file but once they hear my heal's click on the floor they look up. I ignore their looks and questions and glare at Fury. He flinches slightly as he held my gaze and says "You're late.." but I cut him off "TODAY IS MY DAY OFF! Don't you dare say that I'm 'late' again when it was never scheduled."

I stomp towards him and snatch the file from his hands and sit at the only empty seat. I carelessly flip through it and see threats towards The Avenger. I look around the room to see the others clearly disturbed with the images. I flip through unfazed until the last one.

There was a young little boy dead in the Hellicarier clearly dead with the Avengers symbol carved into his skin with an 'X' over it. I shake my head and all I think about is if that was Lizzy. I completely shut down that thought but I still text Rhodey to make sure everything was alright. His response basically told me they were fine and to leave them alone. I rolled my eyes and delete the conversation. Furys voice interrupts my staring at the picture of Lizzy.

"Agent Stans?" I look up and shove my hone in my pocket "Yes?" "You finished?" I nodded knowing he meant my phone and then saw all The Avengers looking at me. "So what's the plan?" "There is no plan." I turn to Fury with my eyebrows furrowed and said "Somebody is clearly going after the Avengers and some might even be inside S.H.I.E.L.D. Are you suggesting we just act as if we're sitting ducks?" He glares at me and says "Do you have a better idea?" I nod "Flush them out. Make them think The Avengers are broken and gone." Tony snaps his finger "That's brilliant!" he exclaims and all of them nod in agreement.

Fury asks "They can't stay at any S.H.I.E.L.D's safe houses." I shrug and say "Look this isn't a job for the Avengers to do. It's yours, so we can easily find them a place to stay but you need to know that this is your responsibility." He nods and says "I will take care of it as long as you take care of The Avengers." I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose before hesitantly nodding in agreement.

He claps his hands with a smile "Perfect!" I roll my eyes and said "There's still a problem. We need a safe house." Tony was about to speak but I cut him off "And no we can't use any houses that are connected to any of you." Fury crosses his arms and thinks then turns to me "Do you have any of safe houses?" I shake my head "You know them all." He narrows his eyes and said "Do you have a safe house that we don't know about? Because I think you do." I rub my hands over my face and say "Give me a moment." they nod and i go out to the balcony and make a call.

Rhodey: Hey I told you we are all fine here...

Me: That's not why I'm calling.

Rhodey: Okay, is everything okay..?

Me: No. The Avengers are being threatened by someone in S.H.I.E.L.D. There is no where safe for them to go.

Rhodey: Bring them here.

Me: I don't want to do that to you guys. You just got there and they don't know...

Rhodey: They were going to find out eventually. The kitchen is restocked and the beds are all ready. They can come today.

Me: And the little one?

Rhodey: He was going to find out eventually. I hate asking you over the phone but I want you to be her godmother.

Me: Of course I will!

Rhodey: Fantastic! I will see you all soon.

Me: Okay tell her I'll be there soon

Rhodey: *laughs* She will be racing to hug her

Me: I can not wait

Rhodey: I gotta go, see you soon

Me: Okay thanks Rhodey

I go back inside and see the Avengers patiently waiting and I said "Okay pack your stuff we're going there in 30 minutes." They all nod and Natasha asks "Where are we going?" I smirk "My home."

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