Chapter 3: New Information Brought To Life

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"Wow" Steve says as we enter my lab. I smile and gesture to the huge lab that has a corner of a small kitchen, bathroom, some clothes and a cot. The rest is filled with a long table opposite to the door where all my computers are and on at all times. Then I have a huge white board where I do equations and currently is filled with math on both sides.

After a few minutes of Steve looking and saying it was even bigger than Tony's at Starks Tower. He says "Why are you doing diagnostics?" Steve asked. I shrug "It's a simple facial recognition diagnostics however, it took longer than I expected because I had to hack into Russia's and China's global recognition software and temporary use their satellites" Steve looked impressed and then my printer went off and I looked at the sheet.

At first I was confused and my confusion went to shock when I recognized the name. I frantically grabbed my glasses and immediately went to my computer and looked through all the data and whispered "What the hell?" "What's wrong?" I shook my head and looked at him with a fake smile on my face but secretly going insane and said "Nothing.."

Before I could say anything I was interrupted to a knock on my glass door. I turned to look and saw Dr. Banner. I raised my eyebrow and then tapped a couple of numbers on my key pad that allows the door to open. Just when Steve wasn't looking I tucked it into my bra because when your a women there isn't many safe pockets.

I walked up to Dr. Banner and held out my hand "It's nice to see you again Dr. Banner" "Again?" Steve asks and Dr. Banner nodded "We met at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in her honor. And" he turned to look at me with a smile "I told you to call me Bruce, Dr. Stans" I shrugged and said "I'll call you Bruce when you call me Alexis" he nods and Steve looks flabbergasted "You got a Nobel Peace Prize? You're a doctor? WHY DID'NT YOU TELL ME!" I shrugged "It didn't come up" "But you're an agent" "I am a lot of things" "It's true" a new voice comes out of no where. 

We all turn to see the Tony Starks, my father in the entrance. He walks over to me and says "You are Alexis Stans. The genius, scientist, multi-billionaire, philanthropist, doctor and agent" I stood up straighter as he proceeded to continue talking and walking further towards me "But what shocks me most is that we've never gotten the chance to meet" I shrugged and said "I've been busy" he raised his eyebrows and asked "For 2 years?" I shrugged and he started looking around the room. 

He stops at my white board and examine the equations. He whispers "amazing" as he continues to look at my work. Then he turns to me with a bright smile and says "Well your reputation proceeds you. But I'm confused" "With what exactly" as I hold my breath but then I release it when he asks "What do I call you?" "You can call me Agent Stans" he raised his eyebrows and pointed to Bruce "Why does he get to call you Alexis?" "Because he is not currently trying to hack into my systems and not to mention we have mutual respect for each other."

He looks shocked and recovers acting nonchalantly. "I have no idea what you're talking about" I took a step forward and narrow my eyes and said "Try all you want but the least you can do is not try to deny it. I know you have JARVIS trying to hack into so go ahead and ask him how his progress is." "Right now?" I nodded he took out his phone and asked "JARVIS what's the progress report" he is answered by a girly chirpy voice "Ma'am I have no idea what you're talking about. However, the cookies are ready if you would like some?" Bruce and Steve laugh and Tony looks back at me shell shocked and said "What did you do?"

"I reprogrammed Jarvis. So anytime you ask something that will always be your answer until I change it, of course. Now, it will only answer to me, not you." I take a step forward "Don't try to hack into my system. You will fail miserably" he quickly nods and a voice interrupts "I see Tony has finally met his match" I look over and see Natasha. I threw up my hands "What is this a show of the Avengers!" She nods and literally tackles me in a hug. She whispers into my hair "I've missed you" I hug her back "Yeah me too" I broke the hug and typed into my keypad and soon my ceiling shaft opens and in falls Clint.

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