Chapter 2: The Meet

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Punch after punch... that was all I did. Sweat dribbled down from my face on to the floor but I didn't care nor did I dare make a move to wipe it. This was all because of a meeting I had with Fury in his private office a few ours back. There is one word in that sentence that speaks volume., 'private office' implies that whatever he has to speak to me about is not good


When I walked in and saw his face I know I was right. "Sit down, Agent Stans" I nodded and sat in the chair directly in front of him. Only his large desk separated the two of us but I could feel the tension rise in the room as I held tighter to my lab coat cuffs whenever I get nervous. He took a deep breath and asked "Why can't S.H.I.E.L.D find out who your biological father is?"

I looked taken back for a moment until I recovered and managed to say "What?". He leaned forward clasping his hands together and said "I am well aware that you could've easily destroyed any files or information on who your father is. I know that you have an IQ of 230 so do NOT play dumb with me?"

I leaned forward and said 3 simple words "Read my contract". Then he turned from mad to furious and began to understand better as to why they call him 'Fury'. "I AM WELL AWARE OF YOUR CONTRACT AGENT!" I nodded and said "Then you should know that I am in no circumstances to bestow that sensitive information to you and legally I don't have too" I know I was being hard but I would never willingly give him his answer but he still continued to talk "You are our top scientist and agent in S.H.I.E.L.D and don't forget that I know of your past so I would like to ask you one question that doesn't break our contract" "Once you ask it, may I leave?"

He slumped in his seat in defeat and reluctantly nodded in agreement and asked "Why don't you want to tell us who your father is?" I stood up and said "Because he is a disappointment to me and as soon as I was alive, he left." Before I closed the door I turned back to look at him and said "Also, not once did he bother to look for me, he never once searched for me nor does he care about me. So, why should you?" I then left knowing I wasn't going to get a truthful answer from him.

**End of Flashback**

There was so much built up anger so I headed to the punching bags for a few hours to blow off steam. Of course there wasn't agents in the training room due to the fact that everyone is sleeping.

I changed into leggings and a tank top with my running shoes. I wrapped my hands and tied my hair back then began to punch throwing my entire body into every single punch. I didn't realize how much time passed until I broke the punching bag off the chain. I looked down and saw sand all over. "Shit" I whispered under my breath and then I heard someone clapping behind me. 

I turned around and I saw Captain Rogers aka Steve smirking at me. He walked towards me while saying "You pack one hell of a punch" I shrugged which caused my dog tags to clank together. He raised his eyebrows and then saw my chains. His eyes widened and he asked "You served?" I straightened up and grabbed the duct tape and said "Yes, sir" He looked impressed and soon I wrapped the punching bag and placed it on the hook.

I turned to him and saw him watching my every move. I held out my hand and said "Agent Stans" I saw recognition in his eyes at my name but nonetheless he shook my hand and said "Steve" I nodded and he asked "Would you like to grab something at the mess hall" I shrug "Sure just let me take a quick shower and change" He nodded and said "I'll meet you there" I nodded and headed to the showers.

I decided to leave my hair down and to wear my S.H.I.E.L.D cat suit on that hug tightly to my body and strapped on my gun and several knives along with my badge and key card. I looked presentable and soon headed to the mess hall while hand drying my hair that was damp. When I walked in it was empty except for Steve. He looked up and smiled while walking towards me. We both grabbed a coffee and some food. "So I know you" I turned to look at him in surprise as we sat down.  I raised one of my eyebrows with a smirk "Do tell?" He smiled shyly and continued on "You're the top scientist and agent at S.H.I.E.L.D it's hard not to know of you. But I want to know everything about you. Your hopes, fears, dreams basically your story." I smiled and said "My life is really nothing extraordinary" He raised his eyebrows and said "So the Stans Industries CEO and owner also an agent/scientist for S.H.I.E.L.D is sitting in front of me telling me her life is completely normal"

I looked surprised and he said "I did a little research" I nodded and asked "What do you want to know, specifically?" "How long did you serve" "Four tours" "You don't look that old." I smiled and shrugged "I'm capable." He nodded and asked "What's your first name?" "Alexis" He smiled "A beautiful name for a beautiful lady" I smile "My dad chosed it" "He must be pretty smart" I laugh at the irony and whispered "You have no idea" "What do you mean?" he asked and I saw that he heard me "My father left me and my mom when I was born. My mom gave me her last name since my father chose my first" he nodded sympathetically and said "I am sorry" I shook my head "It's not your fault and besides its his loss" Steve smiled and I could've sworn his smile was contagious when I felt a smile form on my lips. "It really is" He said and then he asked "So tell me about your life? Because from what I have heard your mom would be proud" "More like would have been proud" his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion "Well my mom died when I was young" he took my hand from across the table and said "I am so sorry" I laughed dryly and said "You have been saying that a lot but I don't think you want to know anymore" "I would really like to" I look up in surprise and saw kindness in his eyes. I began my story, well most of it.

"When I was 7 me and my mom were kidnapped after my high school grad....." After finishing my life story without any specifics he pulled me into a hug and said "You are amazing" I smiled but soon felt discomfort because the table separated us. We broke apart and I finished my food and said "So that is my sad life story. Now that you know, do you regret asking?" He shook his head and said "No I'm glad I did." I looked at him in amazement and he continued "I am glad to know of the strongest women I have ever met and I see her as a close friend" "Well I see you as a close friend too" He smiled

I asked "So what's going on with the Avengers. I mean New York's finished and Ultron is destroyed so what are you up to now?" He shrugged "Well we have a meeting tomorrow so I don't know what that is about" I nodded and he asked "Out of curiosity, who is your favorite avenger?"

I laughed and then I saw the time it was already 5 in the morning "Shit" He looked concern and said "What?" "I have to go to my lab my diagnostics should be finished" I looked up and saw a sad look because I was leaving so I asked "Would you like to the top scientists' lab" He smiled and said "I would be honored to" Hand in hand we both walked to my lab.

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