Chapter 17: Pleasure and Buisness

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I wake up to me on a bed which I knew someone must have put me in. I look around and groan realizing I'm in the Avengers Tower. It wasn't a nightmare, it was reality.

JARVIS speaks "Good morning Dr. Alexis Stans. It is currently 5:30 am on a sunny 24 degree Saturday morning." I nodded "Thanks Jar. Anyone up?" "No, everyone is sleeping." I headed to the gym after changing into workout clothes and ended up breaking 5 punching bags. On my sixth bag I begin to remember my tour and Will. He wasn't like a brother, we were in love but he died during our 4th tour.

I began to remember our last day when we were ambushed. I didn't realize how hard I was punching until it broke off the chain and sand filled up to my ankle.

A voice interrupted me as I was duct taping the bag "I am having deja vu here?" I chuckle and place the bag back on the hook and turn to see Steve. I unwrap my hands to see them bruised. "Couldn't sleep?" he shrugs and comes over to me when I hide my hands and take a sip of water "I think I've slept long enough." I nodded and wiped the sweat off my hands with the back of my hand.

"Are you okay?" "Yeah, you know me." I playfully punch his shoulder. He chuckles "Yes I do which is why I know you need a shower." I gasp fackly insulted and I smirk evilly.

He frowns and slowly backs away. But I tackle him in a hug with my sweaty body. He tries to pull away but it just makes me hold him tighter. Then he throws me over his shoulder which makes me shriek and pound his back "Put me down!" He laughs and walks to the showers.

He doesn't check the temperature before he pulls me and him in. I pull away and slide down. I gasp when cold water hits my back and Steve takes advantage of this. He kisses me passionately and soon our lips were moving in perfect sync under the cold water and one of his arms holding my waist and the other tangled in my hair.

After a while we had to both catch our breath and he leaned his forehead on mine while the water dripped over us. "Am I clean enough for you, Captain?" He smirks and says "No I believe you are very dirty." I slap his arm and said "Who knew there was a dark side to the Captain?" He shrugged and kissed my lips softly and whispered against them "You bring me out." I smile and kiss him gently which turns into a competition of entrance. But when Steve bits my lips, it makes me gasp giving him access to me which he takes full advantage of.

Sadly, all good times must come to an end when JARVIS says "I am to inform Dr. Alexis Stans that Tony Stark wishes to see you in his laboratory, immediately." Me and Steve both groan and he kisses me once more before leaving me to shower and change. I slip on ripped light black skinny jeans with a white flowy blouse on leaving my black hair naturally curly down along with my nude heels.

I walk out I see Steve on the punching bags and when I walk out he stops and stares at me. I smirk and strut to the elevator and ask JARVIS to bring me to Tonys lab. As I walk into the lab I see him and Bruce talking over a screen and I see Tony slump his shoulder.

I feel the tension grow more and more as I look at the screen. Its a body scan of a female. The amount of injuries is extensive and when I see a long scar on the stomach I realize this female is me. "Oh shit." They both jump at my words and turn to see me.

Tony slams his fist cracking the screen and yells "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" "Tell you what?" "That your body consists of 26% of SCAR TISSUE!" "I DON'T HAVE TO TELL YOU ANYTHING!" "I AM YOUR FATHER! Whether you like it or not it is my responsibility to know.." but I cut him off "No, it was your responsibility to take care of me which you have failed in doing so." "I AM NOT GOING TO FAIL YOU AGAIN! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST REALIZE THAT!"

I take a deep breath and sit on one of beds with my legs hanging off the side. "Every person that has been in my life has failed me." He walks over and stands in front of me "I know. But that's in the past I won't fail you again." I look into his eyes and see regret and honesty.

Hesitantly I nod "Fine but if you do I will kick your ass." He smirks "I would like to see you try." I raised one of my eyebrows and his smirk is wiped off his face and he says "You won't have to kick my ass because I am not screwing this up." "Okay." Bruce comes over to us and pats my knee and said "We need to run a couple of more mandatory scans."

I lay down on the bed after taking my heels off and said "Do your worse doc." They both chuckle and start running more scans. After a few moments Thor walks in. He smiles when he sees me and opens his arms out wide "Lady Alexis it is so great to see you!" I hold out my fist and he thinks I am about to punch him so he flinches. I chuckle "Thor you're suppose to punch my fist." Realization dawns and he gently holds out his fist which I pound in a friendly gesture.

He sees the scans and his jaw drops. "Who is this poor creature?" Tony pats Thors shoulder and says "That Pointbreak is Alexis's body scans." Thor turns to look at me and says with fury that would put the Fury into shame "WHO DID THIS TO YOU!" He demanded and I shrug "A lot of monsters." I patted his shoulder "But no worries they're all gone." Then I am pulled into a bear hug by him "I will destroy any monsters that dare come after you." I place my arms on his waist and whisper "Thank you, Thor." He nodded and pulled away from me and looked me over.

I smile at his concern and say "I am perfectly fine, no need to worry." He smiled and Bruce comes over with my chart and I grab it from his hands. I skimmed it over and nod. "You have low blood sugar and.." I cut him off "low iron and low sodium."

I hand it to him and he says "I thought you only had a PhD in Nuclear Physics and Bio-chemistry engineering." "I picked up on a few other things on the way." "Impressive." I get off of the bed and a wave of dizziness washes over me and Thor steadies me.

I put my shoes on and hesitantly take a step trying to ignore the dizziness. But I end up almost falling then Thor sweeps me up. "Lady Alexis are you well?" I shake my head. Tony comes over and asks "When was the last time you ate?" "I don't know." He turns to Thor "Make sure she eats the dizziness should stop. If it doesn't bring her back." "Of course."

After Thor force feeds me more than a army eats we watch t.v when I get a call from the office. "Hello." "There is a car waiting downstairs for you." "On my way." I hang up and say to Thor "I have to go to the office. I will be back late tonight." He nods "Be careful." I rush to my room and change into my business wear. This consists of black slacks, a white blouse with a black jacket along with black pumps and my brief case.

As I walk to the elevator I fix my hair and apply little mascara and a nude lipstick. When I make it down I see Phil my bodyguard waiting for me and he escorts me through the paparazzi to my company.


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