Chapter 19: Begging

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After my little shout fest I went down to the punching bags and basically destroyed 10 of them before I calmed down.

But images of my tours came to light and I took a few deep breathes trying to calm my anxiety leaning my head against the punching bag but it wasn't working. My A.I, Aly came on "Would you like me to call for help?" "No." I fell to my knees and wrapped my arms around my sweaty body to attempt to stop hyperventilating but my breathing turned to wheezing. Then strong arms wrapped around me and I started to breathe easier.

I looked up to find Tony's concern eyes on me. I pulled back and stood up "I'm fine." I began to walk away but my father stopped me "No, you're not. I get these attacks too." I looked at him and he continued "I'm sorry. We all are especially Spidey." I nodded and he chuckled as he saw the amount of punching bags demolished "Why so many destroyed punching bags?" "It helps with my anxiety." He scoffed "Clearly not doing well." "I remembered my tours. That's why there's so many." He turned and looked at me with sympathy "I want to be there for you. I screwed up and I want to fix that." "What happens after its fix?" He walked over to me "We'll be a family, a team."

I nodded soaking the information and said truthfully "I've never had a family." "Well that makes two of us." I debated letting him in. I knew I probably should but my past was holding me back. Maybe it was time to tell them everything something's that only I know.

I look up at him to see his eyes hopeful and I said "You all don't know everything about me." "Then tell us." I slowly nodded and he pulled me upstairs to the meeting room. But stopped when we came to the entrance. "Maybe you should take a shower." He wrinkled his nose at me and I smiled "Yeah I'll be down in 10."

After showering and wearing dark skinny jeans with a white v neck that despite my efforts showed a couple of my scars. But before I left I grabbed a few gun and 25 of my combat knives and hide them so no one would see them.

Then I left and grabbed a coffee before sitting with The Avengers and Pete. I sip my coffee while everyone started apologizing. I cleared my throat and started "There's a lot of things all of you don't know. There isn't anything on my past  in S.H.I.E.L.D's database because well it's pretty bad. Actually worse than any of yours." I pause and took out 9 folders for each of the Avengers and of course Spider man.

"I'm not really good with explaining my past so I'll just let these folders do the talking." Each of them grabbed their own folders and I looked around to see the shock and recognition while they read. Natasha was the first one done and turned to me "You were trained in the Red Room." I nodded "My mother was the co founders and I began my training as soon as I could walk. That ended when she died." She slumped in her seat "How did I not know this?" "I loved my mom. No matter what the torture I was put through and I basically destroyed all she worked for." "What do you mean all she worked for?" Tony asks and I said "She helped build the Red Room. I destroyed 5 of their Head Quarters. Including the one Natasha was in." I nodded towards her. "You helped me get out?" Clint asks "Yes, I found you and told S.H.I.E.L.D about you." He comes over and pulls me in a tight hug. I awkwardly pat him and he whispers "Thank you so much." I nodded and sat down as they all continue with reading.

"Holy shit." Bruce says as he reads his folder further on. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a man in black here. I whip out one of my knives and through two of them in each of his shoulders. It didn't pierce his skin but it caused his jacket to stick to the wall. He chuckled and I recognized him as Nick Fury. They all stood up and laughed when they saw Nick pinned to the wall.

I walk up to him as he attempts to take the knives out of the wall having difficulty. It takes me 2 seconds to get them all out and he says "You haven't lost your touch I see." I scoff at him and sit down but Nick stops me and gestures for me to lose my weapons.

I roll my eyes and take out 6 plus the two knives I used on him. I see everyone gawking at my weapons but Nick raises his eyebrows and says "I know you have more." I grind my teeth and take out 4 more plus a gun. He crosses his arms and gestures for more. 

I throw my hands up and take out my last gun and 12 of my knives leaving the one on my wrist. He nods in approval and claps his hands "Okay now that's settled and my death can't happen." I roll my eyes and see everyone still gawking at my amount of weapons. "Let's begin." Nick says and I play with one of my knives moving it between my knuckles.

I tune Nick's blabbering out as I balance 2 knives in each hand and move them. Then Nick snaps at me "Dr. STANS." I look up to see everyone looking me. I shrug and ask "This has nothing to do with me so why should I have to listen to your pointless blabber?" I hear snickers from the twins and Tony but Nick just glares "You're an Avenger.."

I cut him off with a shake of head "Not an Avenger. And I don't plan on changing but if you're here to beg me to take my job back let me just record it so it can be my ringtone." 

He rolls his eye and says "You are a part of the Avengers and they need you." he presses the palms of his hands and looks deeper at me and says very dramatically if I might add "The world needs you."

I laugh at his techniques which I can see surprises him. I stand up and applaud him sarcastically "I bet you practice that in the mirror don't you? I think you should change professions from being a lying asshole Director to an asshole actor. You have the dramatics and you sure as hell have the personality but I'm not buying it." I take my weapons and leave Nick FURious.

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