Chapter 26: Sleeping Beauty and Prince Charming...?

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I was in a dark huge room. I had to squint to see anything and I heard a person's finger snap and suddenly the torches along the walls were lit. The torches lined a long hall and at the end sat a 10ft black skull throne where a girl no older than me sat. 

Sadness washed over me as I looked into her dark eyes but I fought against the depression and focused on my happiness which was Steve. She grinned but I wasn't afraid and she said "Alexis Stans-Stark we finally meet. Come forward." I nod gently and I started walking fighting the coldness.

Once I reach the throne I ask "What is your name?" "Lillian Nightshade, Goddess of Death." "So you know Thor?" she chuckles but the humorless makes me flinch and she finally says "Oh I know him. He is my uncle." so Loki is her father. I don't say anything though because I find the similarities between us ironic. 

After a moment she says "I feel no judgement from you like I do everyone else once they know my heritage. Why is that?" I shrug "I don't want to be known as my father's daughter and it's not right to judge you based on your heritage." She smiles and I scream on my insides 'Finally a genuine smile in this hell hole!' and I ask "Why am I here?" "Your life form is slowly slipping away from Earth. You need to decide if you would wish to stay here or fight to get back." 

I laugh brutally which makes her flinch slightly and I say after calling down "What kind of question is that? I want to go back!" she raises her eyebrows and says "To what though? You have little to no family left. From what I've seen you only bring havoc and pain in your wake." Anger boils inside of me and I shout "HAVOC HAS BEEN BROUGHT UNTO ME!" I take a deep breath to calm down "If you have seen it all you would know that I never give up. I have been in pain but I would go through it all a million times more if it means that I have a family. I don't care how little it is, because in the end I will have a family." She nods and stands up.

She slowly descends with her long black cloak flowing behind her. Once she stands in front of me she holds out her forearm for me. It takes me a moment to realize she wants me to take it. 

I grasp it strongly and she smiles "My uncle Thor was right. You are a warrior." "Till the end." I add. She nods and lets go of my arm and speaks "You have conquered death which only a few has. You may go back to Earth but you will have problems ahead that you cannot face alone. Stay strong Warrior Alexis." She kneels before me and whispers a few incoherent words and I feel a pull in my heart and one moment I see Lillian and the next I see white.

I gasp and sit straight up my hand instantly going over my heart. I frantically look around and see all the Avengers and the doctors looking at me in shock. I look down and see I was changed into a hospital gown. I breath in and it is like a breath of fresh air entering my lungs. 

I turn and see Steve with a tear stained face and he grabs my face in between his face and kisses me passionately. When we both needed air he breaks away but never lets me go. I breath in his scent and realized how much I missed this, how much I missed him. 

I smile greatly at him and he does the same. But a throat is cleared and we turn to see everyone else staring at us happy except for Tony, I mean Dad, who has his fists clench and a stern look on his face. But his loving eyes says different.

After the hugs are all exchanged the doctors says "You are on strict bed rest for a week. You have major concussion and 6 broken ribs. To be quite franc you shouldn't even be alive, your heart literally stopped so take it easy." I nod slightly overwhelmed and look to see we weren't at S.H.I.E.L.D but at the Avengers Tower. 

The doctors are dismissed and Tony takes the other side of me while Steve is still holding me. Tony says "You will stay here where I can watch you and care of you. I..I mean, we thought you were dead.." his voice cracks and I see The Tony Stark's eyes whelm up with tears. Acting on pure instincts I wrap my arms around his waist being careful about my ribs he wraps his arms around me. His head is in the crook of neck while my face is pressed to his fast beating heart. 

He whispers so only I could hear "Please don't ever die on me. I can't lose you, again." I nod and he says "Someone will be with you 24/7 and while it pains me to admit Stevie Wonder over here." he nods to Steve who is smiling and I take a hold of his hand. He intertwines our fingers while Dad says "never left your side and will refuse to leave it anytime soon." I smile and Steve says confirming my father's words"I won't let you out of my sight." that makes me roll my eyes and everyone grins.

Then Steve says "I'll take her to our room." everyone nods and he picks me up without a problem or hesitation but still takes account to my physical fragile state. Before we leave Dad says sternly "NO funny business and I will know so don't even try."

Steve nods solemnly and whispers as we walk "He won't even know." I laugh and wince slightly at the pain from my ribs but it was completely worth it when we hear from Dad "I HEARD THAT!" that causes Steve to chuckle and soon we were in our room and he lays me down on the king four posted size bed. He props me on pillows and I ask. "Can I shower and change?" 

I blush slightly and he smirks and picks me up "I'll join you." I roll my eyes and he places me gently down on my own two feet and grabs clothes for me. He puts them on the counter and says "If you need anything and I do mean ANYTHING please just say my name and I'll be there." I nod and kiss him gently on the lips that makes us both immediately smile, He reluctantly leaves and I shower quickly washing my hair and being careful with my body avoiding looking at it. When my skin is red I leave the shower and wrap my hair in the towel and dry my body and change into my undergarments and Steve's sweats and shirt. 

The shirt was white showing my black lace bra underneath and I shake my head knowing why he chose this. I tuck one side of the shirt in the sweats because it was so long and I take my already wavy semi-dry hair out of the towel and brush through it before leaving the bathroom.

I enter the room to see Steve with his head in his hands sitting on the bed. I realized this was much harder on him then me so I walk over and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He instantly wraps his arms around me and his sobs wracking his body slightly shakes mine. 

I whisper soothing words and once he calms down he pulls slightly back but not enough so my arms don't release him and says "I thought I was dead but when I woke up you were the one dying. I wished that it was me who was dead when I saw you being rushed to the infirmary. You were right beside me but yet it felt like you were so far away. I just..." his voice cracks and he takes a deep breath "I love you so much Alexis ..."


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