Chapter 21: Bitter Sweet Reunion

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"WILLY!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and he was shocked to see me but quickly recovered when I hugged him.

He whispered "It's really you, snipes?" I nodded bringing tears to my eyes at the sound of his voice.But I also hear him trying to hold in his tears so I asked "You good?" he chuckled and nodded pulling me back and scanning me from head to toe.

"I've never been better." I smirk "Just like old times,huh?" he nodded and looks at my dog tags "Yeah a little bit." A throat was cleared and we turned to see The Avengers all curious watching us.Steve asked "You two know each other?" Sam placed his arm around my shoulders and nodded "Yeah we served together. She saved my arse more times then I would like to admit."

I jab him in the stomach and pointed at him "And don't you forget that." he holds out his hands in surrendered and shake his head when he sees my hand. "I should see the other guy, right?"I sheepishly nodded.

Then I jump on the coach and all the other Avengers plus Sam come sit and ask a bunch of questions. Until Steve asks "Where did you guys serve?" Sam looks at me and I shrug as in saying 'just tell him it doesn't matter now' he nods understanding and says "Iraq. It was to say the least messy." "How?" Natasha asks us and I play with the 4 dogs tags we lost that tour and said

"We were set up. We barely made it out alive..." then Sam says "Until you saved us." I turn sharply to him and said "I didn't save everyone." He looks down in remembrance and I cleared my throat remembering the moment and said "We were captured and we couldn't leave without setting off a bomb that would destroy a 5 mile radius. So we dug around the perimeter where the wires were all connected and I disabled it. Some guards were waiting for us and shot down 4 of our guys until we made it out."

I shake my thoughts out of the memory and saw all the avengers looking a little shell shocked and then I turned to Sam who was looking down and asked "What do you need?" Still looking down he said"It's been a year. They're having a memorial and its required of the leader to show." he looked up and I followed his gaze to see a dry cleaners bag which I think holds a uniform.

"Alright." "I'll pick you up in 0800 hours. It will take 4 hours." I nodded and he asked "Walk me out?" I nodded again and stood up going to the elevators and said "It was great seeing you Willy." He grinned "Well you'll see me tomorrow ." "Still going out on those morning runs?" "Yup and your Captain keeps leaving me in the dust."

I raise one eyebrow crossing my arms while we stood outside the elevator "My Captain?" He smirks

"He can't stop talking about you. Every fricken morning." I chucked at the mock of agony in his voice and say "Well its a great morning with me." he rolls his eyes and pulls me into a hug and said "Damn straight, snipes."  I smile and close my eyes feeling the brotherly love and then I let him go. I stand there facing the elevator for a couple of moments until Steve says"You okay?" I turn and he sees a tear leak out of my water filled eyes.

Then I am pulled into his arms and I clutch onto him as if he was my life line, the only thing holding me to Earth. "You're safe. I promise." He whisper and I whispered back "Please, don't let me go." His arms tighten and say "Never." he pauses "We should get to bed. You have an early morning." I nodded and we both go down to I believe what was his room. He gives me a shirt and sweats to wear. I go and change then come back to see him in just his boxes, shirtless. Let me tell you he has abs not that I haven't seen them before. He smiles and pulls me over to him. I fall asleep in his arms feeling safe and secure.

I wake up at 6:30 and take a shower gently sliding from Steve's iron grip. Then I pull my hair in a low military bun, making sure it's secured. Then apply only a minimal of mascara and a little concealer to hide the blemishes.

I take a deep breath and open to see my white suit and medals already attached along with my hat and boots fully polished.

I changed and looked at myself to see a grown women but somehow I still felt like a child. I pull the tags out so everyone can see the loss we've faced and then straightened my tie, hat and medals before going to eat breakfast quick.

I grab a ganola bar and brush my teeth quickly making sure they were there pearly self. I sigh and look at my watch to see 10 minutes until he arrives. Man time runs past and then I walk to the kitchen sternly and see everyone there sitting and eating acting fully casual in their pajamas.

To say that I felt overdressed was an understatement and clearly when they heard my footsteps they looked up. When they saw me they all looked a little taken back for a second. I smirk and Tony comes over crooks my hat saying "Now, you're perfect." and mocks a salute and I roll my eyes and straighten my hat and fixed his salute. 

He shrugs me off and said "I don't know how you can stand like that." I glare and then the elevator opens and low and behold Sam Wilson. He doesn't have as much medals as me and everyone notices because Clint asks "Why doesn't he have as many metals as Lex?" I walk over and say while going "Because I served longer and accomplished more." giving Sam a wink in which herolls his eyes and says "We will be back in 1200." Tony yells back "What time is that exactly?" I fight the urge to roll my eyes but smile when I hear a slap on his head and Steve saying

"It means they will be back in noon. Now, have some respect." Once we reached the lobby and head to the car I take in a shaky breath as we make our ways to the memorial. This is a reminder of our loss and I can't remember the gain....


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