Chapter 14: Cutting Ties and Goodbyes

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I cannot believe I just did that. I didn't know what I was thinking, I just let my body control me.

After leaving Fury in a state of shock in the control room I went to my lab and destroyed all the files besides the important ones like the avengers, my dad and all of my projects. While I was destroying some files and backing everything on my Al I called Allison."The jet should be there in 2 minutes." a breathe of relief escapes me and I say "Thank you." "Why do you need it?" "I quit S.H.I.E.L.D. The truth is out." "Okay. Shall I start protocol 911." "Yes, I'm headed to the jet." I say when I race to the boarding hanger.

"Okay Alexis, just don't do anything stupid." I see the jet and I climb on. After it was closed and we lifted off I see Fury storming through. I call to the pilot "Can you hurry this up?""Right away Alexis." I sit down on one of the 8 plush leather seats and say to Allison "I am going to the tower." "You have a business party to go to at 7 tonight." I look at the clock and see the time. "Its already 5 o'clock!" "There's your dress and everything you need to get ready on the plane." I sigh and suddenly something clicks"Who's on the guest list, Allison?" I hear her sigh and I already knew the answer but nonetheless she says "Tony Stark."

She paused and said "We both knew you couldn't hide from the truth forever." "I know but I just.." "I know, Alexis. You need to face him." "I'm going to get ready." I said angrily and when she starts"Alexis.." I hang up on her and go have a shower. I quickly dried my body and hair. I braided it into a bun with a couple curly strands framing my face. I applied full glam makeup including a bold red lip. Then, I changed into my tight red long dress . I slip on my 4 inch pumps with an ankle strap to prevent tripping.

Of course I got stares from my plane attendants however, I gladly accepted their drinks that they offered. I walk and grab my red clutch and slip in the necessities such as my phones and my mirror that has an emergency rescue button in the powder along with lipstick that could be used as a laser when needed. I walk to one of the leather seats and click my seat belt together as we began to land on my building. I check my phone and see countless calls from everyone and numerous texts. I send one to Steve stating I was okay and needed time. I turned off my phone as I unbuckle myself.

The pilot, Dave opens the door for me and says "You look amazing Alexis." I give an appreciated look and said "Thank you. Impressive landing." He nodded with a smile and I walk out of the plan and into the building. I don't stop at my personal level knowing the bellboy will have my car ready for me.

As I step out I receive a lot of awestruck stairs and my bellboy opens the door to my lambo. I look at the time and see I can make it for 7. I sigh when I see the huge amount of paparazzi just waiting for me but also taking pictures of celebrities already there. Tony Stark was already there looking for once sober and professional in his black suit, receiving a lot of attention but when I pulled up everyone was looking at me.

I smirk as I see his frown from the lack of people around him but his eyes widened as I step out with the help of a body guard who follows me."Thank you, Phil." He nods with a smile "You look stunning Dr. Stans." I nod my thanks and he guides me inside while I get questions and flashes my way.

When I am finally inside I say hi to all my supporters and friends. When I was receiving a glass of champagne it was taken from me. I turn and see Tony frowning "You are too young." I smirk as the waiter hands me a glass and I take a sip before I say "I find my age irrelevant considering my circumstances and past experiences." With that I try and leave him hence the word try. He grabs my arm and guides me to a private room in which he locks not only both of us but when I turn around the rest of the avengers as well. "What do you think you're doing Stark?" He glares at me and says "We need to talk about A LOT of things!" When I see the way he is looking at me now and how he emphasized "A LOT", I knew that he found out the truth on who my father was.

I take a seat at the long business table and cross my legs over then I turn to them and say "What do you want  to talk about?" I guess my choice of words weren't to smart to say because then he shouts "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK I WANT TO TALK ABOUT! MAYBE IT'S THE FACT THAT YOU'RE MY DAUGHTER THAT I HAVE SEARCHED FOR OR THE FACT THAT WHEN I FINALLY FIND YOU, YOU JUST RUN AWAY!"Steve places a hand on Tony to calm him down.

I get out of my chair and walk angrily at him and jab him in the chest with my finger as I say "YOU LEFT ME!" I take a deep breath and take my finger off of his chest to wipe a tear that escaped the corner of my eye and continued in a much calmer voice "You just left. The second I was born my own flesh and blood abandons me. You didn't even look at me once. Nor did you look for me."

He tried to interrupt but I knew what he was going to say.

"Only after you experienced what it was like to be close to death did you try and look for me." I gestured to all of me and say "I am quite accomplished and I didn't need you because after so many years of wanting a father I grew dependent on myself. I learned not to need a father so you cannot just waltz into my life because you want too or because you feel guilty or pity."I walk with my head held high to the door and before I leave I say "You may just be my father but I will never be your daughter."

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