Chapter 10: "Wait what???"

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"I need to talk to you about something really important no one else can know." I nod "Okay what is it?" He sighs and when we reach his apartment he looked at me and said "I have a kid."

I didin't dare move I was in complete shock. Rhodey is...was one of the most responsible person I know and now he has a kid. He always said he wanted to wait until he was settled down to have a family.

I turn to him to see  him looking my way with guilt and I knew it was true. I took a deep breath and chocked out "Wait, what???" "I have a kid." "Since when?" He gets out of the car and holds mine open. He holds out his hand and says "Let me show you first and then I'll explain." I nodded and took his hand as he led us to his apartment. He nodded his thanks to the baby sitter and when I peeked in the bedroom I saw the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen sleeping soundlessly.  Well she wasn't technically a baby but she was around 4.

I know that sounds cliche but she was so perfect. I smile and he comes to me and sees what I am looking at. Once he sees her he smiles and any person can tell that he loves his baby girl. He gently picks her up and holds her on his hip as she rests her head on his shoulder and looks at me "Would you like to hold Elizabeth Rhodey?" I was hesitant but she looked at me and smiled. But before I could say anything she was reaching for me. He chuckled and said "You're the only person she has ever liked." I laugh and give her my finger in which she holds tightly. "She's perfect." "Yeah she is." 

I sit down and say quietly "Explain please." he nods and starts "I was reckless one night and drank too much. I woke up in another woman's apartment in Brooklyn and couldn't remember what happened that night. Four years later I get a knock at my door. I open it and see Elizabeth  with only her birth certificate and a thin blanket wrapped around her crying. Then I see my name on the birth certificate and I had a DNA test done. She's 100% mine." I nod and ask "What happened to the mom?" He shrugged "She disappeared. I tried finding her but it was no use. It's like she fell off the face of the planet."

I look down at her peaceful face and knew only a monster could leave such a beautiful creation behind. "I have a safe house that not even S.H.I.E.L.D knows about. You both can live there." "No I can't do that to.." but I cut him off with a look and said "Yes you will. She is my niece, I want her safe. I have more than enough money to sustain a country so I can provide for both of you." 

"I can't quit my job.." I nod "You won't have too. The house is 10 minutes away from your military base and I know the perfect person to nanny this little one." "Who?" I smirk "You remember my P.A, Allison.." He shakes his head "No you need her.." I shake my head "She can work at the house and my company has a board. It's no problem. She loves kids and I am pretty sure she likes you." 

He chuckles dryly "No she couldn't. I mean she is out of my league." "No, she isn't. I will call her in the morning. The house is already set up for you all." He's hesitant and said "I don't want to.." "Look it isn't about you anymore. I can provide the best for this baby, you need to let me."

He slowly agrees and stands up. "I'll go pack our stuff and put it in the car. Just make sure she doesn't wake up." I nod and quickly pull out my phone.

To: Allison

I need you to meet me at 456 Goldfied Drive at 8 o'clock. Make sure you are not followed and bring my usual grocery list to that address. Thank you and goodnight.

A few seconds later I get a response.

From: Allson

I will be there. Goodnight:)

I smile content with my decision as I gently soothe the young child. After 10 trips to the car Rhodey said "Lets head out." I nodded and he took her from me and buckled her in the back seat.

Of course I refused for him to drive and it took us 10 minutes to reach the house. It had a 2 mile long private driveway then expanded to a large 60 acres of property. A tall white three story house not including the basement stood at the center of it. I smiled and parked the car in the 4 door garage.

I carried Elizabeth in as Rhodey placed everything in the main entrance. He dropped all the bags and stared at the house in awe. I chuckle and said "Her room is on the second level, last door to the left." He nodded and I moved into the living room holding the young child.

After a few trips Rhodey came back and eventually found me in the living room. He smiled and took a picture of us and then all three of us. I chuckled and he said "Her rooms all set up. It's a very large and nice." I shrug and carefully handed him Lizzy but not before stealing a kiss on her forehead.

He left for about ten minutes and came back down and slumped on the couch. "There is 12 bedrooms, 13 in a half baths, three weapons room all of course with an electric fingerprint scanner, a theatre and a game room in the basement, a kitchen, dining room and a living room. That is just the inside."

"Holy crap why do you need a safe house so big?" I shrug and said "There's a pool, sauna, a hot tub, and a shooting range with trails in the back yard alongside a barn in case Lizzy wants a horse when she grows up." He smiles and hugs me "Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me." I pull back and say "But I know how much you mean to be. And besides we're family." He nods "We are family, forever and always."

We relaxed for a bit until I noticed how tired we both were. "Your room is on the second level, first door on the left." He nods and kisses me on the head. I call back to him "Allison will be here at 8 o'clock tomorrow!" He waves back in acknowledgment. I smirk and go to the master room on the first floor. I put on flannel pjs and slip into the huge king sized bed. I didn't realize how tired I was until I passed out the second I laid down.

I woke up to the sound of my phone blaring and saw an emergency call to all the Avengers and me....

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