Chapter 25: Avengers Assemble

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It has been 8 days 7 hours 23 minutes and 37 second since Steve has been in a coma. The doctors truly don't know what is wrong and I don't even know. Not only have I put forth my company's technology but so has Tony.

Everyone keeps telling us to wait and be patient. I am not the only one going crazy though. So is the rest of the Avenger's and to be quite frank here we are lost without our Captain. With that thought in mind, I am waiting on Steve's bedside so I can see his sky blue eyes first, then Fury comes in. He doesn't even bother to be quiet and just storms in with his long black cape that honestly looks like it just came out of the Star Wars movie. I glare at him and he glares right back and gives me a file with a stamp of the word "Classified". I rolled my eyes at his antics and open it to see a retraction plan that needs all the Avengers with the exception of Steve. 

I skim through it and shake my head but before I can say anything he interrupts. "I had the same reaction from the rest of the team. I know it's hard losing a teammate but that doesn't mean the world stops turning." I look up with questionable eyes "Why?" "Why what?" he asks and I say "Why the use of the Avengers for a simple extraction." "You all need to snap out of it and it seems the only way to do that is to get all of you moving. That's what Cap would've wanted." 

"You have no idea what Steve wants." I snap at him not only for his insensitivity but his use of the past tense. He shrugs and gives me a piece of paper. I quickly read it and I drop the paper on the bed in shock, he nods at my completely appropriate reaction and says "You read it right. Captain Steve Rogers left his position as team captain to you, Alexis Stans. Your team needs you and I believe Rogers wouldn't want you to just sit here while there are people in need of your aid." 

 I stand up abruptly causing him to flinch slightly and I said "Have the team in the control room in 20 minutes in full gear and combat ready." I pause and say before leaving the room. "It's time for the Avengers to assemble"

It took me 8 minutes to shower and do my hair, 10 minutes to apply makeup and prepare all my weapons and then pull on my combat suit. Now I race to the control room and once I reach the glass double doors I pause and take a deep shaky breath before entering. I see what's left of the Avengers all in combat gear but with their shoulders sagged, in defeat.

Once the door closes they look up and are clearly shocked not just by my appearance but by my stern, disappointed look. I shake my head in disbelief and walk to the head of the table but I don't take a seat. "Is this what the Avengers are like?" no one answers for a minute until Nat speaks up 

"Alex..." but I cut her off not at all fazed by the Black Widows depressed tone and speak "You ALL are pathetic!" all of them look startled and surprised at my tone of voice, especially the God, Thor. But that doesn't stop him from replying and shouting "We are NOT pathetic! STEVE IS GONE!"

I snap right back "BUT THAT WON'T MAKE A DIFFERENCE!" I pause and take a deep breath and continue in a calmer more controlled emotion voice "Steve's going to kill us for just sitting here while there is people in need. We won't have a Captain on this mission. But we will be coming back to one."

I pause and look at each one of them and say "And when we do we will make him proud. We won't be pathetic or defeated. Each one of us will strive, not for any organizations or for ourselves and not even for the people in need of our help, but for our Captain." After I finish my small speech the room is silent. You could literally hear a pin drop well that was until they all stood up.

They no longer had their shoulders slumped or looked defeated. They all looked strong and we all looked like an army. They nodded to me as a signal of the plan being a go and on our way out I saw people give me looks of respect and awe. 

Just as we boarded the jet Fury patted my shoulders and whispered "Roger was right." I look at him and say "Steve IS always right." I corrected him and he gave me a nod letting me leave. I nod and head inside the jet and once I was in the hangar doors close. I pass out all of the ear pieces and through the intercoms I start "Ok guys the plan is simple. Tony, you are responsible for the entire perimeter. Nothing gets in or out. Got it?" "Got it." he says and I continue "Thor and Bruce I need both of you to take out the big guns. They will be blazing so be cautious. And I want Wanda to help you both " "Understood. " all three of them say at the same time which makes me smile. "Nat, Clint and I will take care of the hostages and I need Pietro to get them out and onto the jet quickly." both Nat and Clint respond with "Understood." but I could feel Pietro smirk as he says "They won't see it coming." I roll my eyes just as Nta says "We're here."

After we got all of the hostages out me and Pietro go check once more to make sure. Then I hear a faint whimper. I nod to Pietro and signal to the closet. He nods and we both head towards the door, guns raised and well aware. 

I open it slowly and once its fully open I see a small figure and gasp when I see it's not just a person but a little girl sitting on a bomb. I analyse it while saying "We won't hurt you." "Promise?" she asks in a sweet angelic voice and I nod "I promise. But you got to be still for me okay?" she nods and I shake my head in frustration and turn to Pietro "The bomb will trigger if the slightest gram is off the scale." he nods "Can you try to give me a couple seconds to get you out?" "I don't know if you have a couple seconds to get both of us out. You need to take her." he shakes his head but I say before he can talk "You need too. Please." he shakes his head "I'll get you both out." I whisper knowing he won't listen to me and say "No you won't." After a minute I find the right wire that will buy us a few seconds maximum and nod at him. He nods back and right after I cut I am seeped into darkness....


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