Chapter 15: The After Party

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After the so called kidnapping I left the business party not caring anymore about my company because I knew I got the investors wrapped around my finger.

Once I was outside the paparazzi swarmed me and if it wasn't for my body guard I would have been trampled. He guided me to into the passenger seat and quickly went on the other side having to push the cameras away.

Finally he was inside and took off. "God that was the worse I have ever seen them." I nodded and felt a buzz go off in my purse. Before I answered it I told him "We can drop you off at your house. I need to go for a ride to clear my head." He nodded and as soon as I accepted the phone call Allison said "What the hell were you thinking?!" "Look I have the investors that's all you need to know." "You were suppose to stay there longer!" I snapped back "Well excuse me for getting dragged into a room full of Avengers!"

I glanced at the bodyguard to see him completely focus on the road and ignoring my call which I appreciated. "The Avengers were there?" "Yes!" I heard her sigh and said "I didn't think they would go that far as to interrogate you." "What do you mean when you said that you thought they wouldn't go that far?" "Not only is my phone getting calls all the time from the Avengers but my office phone goes off non-stop. I had to block them from our communication systems." I slump in my seat and said "You should've told me. I have to be at the office tomorrow for a boards meeting along with doing 5 stacks of paperwork for the new construction in Japan." "I'll inform you next time.""No, there is no next time. I want to be inform of everything especially when it involves my company!" "Of course."

The car stopped outside an apartment which I assume is Phil's and I say "I have to go."and I shut my phone off as Phil opens my door. "You know it would be a shame to just go home after getting all dressed up." I chuckle. "I should go to the Baxter building. Reed wants me to be there for our new science experiment opening." He nodded with a smile and said"Please be careful." I nod and open the driver's door "No one knows I am going except Reed." He nods and goes inside as I speed away.

When I drive up to the Baxter Building there are no cameras. I smile with relief and tossed my keys to the bellboy. I am greeted by the old man secretary. He nods at me with a huge smile. "Welcome Dr. Alexis Stans." I wave him off "You've known me long enough to just call me Alexis." He shrugs and he says "There waiting for you." I nod and as I walk to the elevator he calls back "You look beautiful!" "Thank you!" I tell him before the elevator closes.

I check my phone while waiting and see Fury's called me countless times since I left. I smirk but shut off my phone right as the doors open. I am greeted with Ben. I throw my arms around his bulky frame and say "I've missed you Benny." He chuckles "I've missed you too kiddo."He pulls me back and says "But I don't think you're a kid anymore." I roll my eyes and say "The proper terminology is adult." He rolls his eyes and throws an arm around my shoulder "Whatever, genius"

When we enter I see there is a fair amount of scientists all dressed up. Thank god I am not over or under dressed. I smirk as I see Reed coming towards us with a black suit but still wearing his lab coat. He envelops me in a hug so much that my feet leave the ground "Thank god you came, Lex." He whispers against my hair. I patted his back and say "Can you put me down,Dee." He nods and gently places me back down and I said "Are the people here that bad?"

Ben answers before Reed does "The scientists are know-it-all's and think this experiment isn't going to work." I smirk "Well the jokes on them." I nudged Reed and he smiles just as Sue comes over. She smiles and hugs me. She pulls back and looks me over "Always impressive Lexie." I smile "Well I aim to please." Sue turns to Reed and says "Johnny is on his way up." Ben puts his arm protectively around me and says to me "Johnny is a player. But don't worry I'll take care of you." "I can take care of myself, Benny boy."

He looks down at me and shakes his head "I saw how you take care of yourself when the pap's come onto you." I roll my eyes at his antics. Surprisingly Reed agrees with Ben "Ben's right. Johnny will come to you." "Dee, Ben, you do realize that you are talking to a former S.H.I.E.L.D agent right?" Reed raises his eyebrows and asks "Former?" I shrug "I quit. Fury was being an inconsiderate ass. And I should focus on my company more."

They both roll their eyes and Ben starts "You're company is the most richest." Reed finishes off "Most successful company worldwide. I believe you need a vacation." I laugh at both of them and say "I have never taken a vacation. I'll have plenty of time for rest when I'm dead." "Lex you need to relax." Ben says just as a waiter hands me a glass of champagne and when Ben tries to take it from him I say "You told me to relax. It would be wise for you to take you own advice."

Then an arm is wrapped around his waist and she says"She's right Ben." I exclaim when I see who it is "ALICIA!"She laughs as I gently hug her briefly. "I've missed you Lexie." "I've been busy. It's so great to meet again." She giggles as Ben pulls her closely to me and looks at her lovingly.

I smile "A thank you is in order for you Alicia for taking great care of Ben." She waves me off in my direction. Despite her being blind she has great senses "It was my pleasure." I winked at Ben and say "I bet it wasn't just your pleasure." She laughs at my joke and Ben gently smacks me on the arm and says "You're worse than Johnny." "Nobody is worse then me."

We all turn to see Johnny Storm smirking at us but when he sees me his mouth forms an 'o'. He quickly recovers and walks over to me holding out his hand"It is a honor meeting you, Dr. Alexis Stans." I place my hand properly on his expecting a handshake but he kisses my hand. "Good evening, Mr. Storm."

He shakes his head and gives me his signature smirk "Please, call me Johnny." I nod and Reed pulls me away from him and point an accusing finger Johnnys way "Do not touch Lex." He puts his hands up in surrender and Reed pulls me on to the stage where we need to reveal our experiment.

Sue hands me my lab coat and I quickly put it on as Reed starts. "I am happy all of you can make it. Dr. Alexis Stans and I."he pauses and pulls me closer to the spotlight "are honored to finally show our creation after months of work." As he goes to reveal he whispers"Talk." I nod and adjust the microphone and smile warmly at the crowd.

"Our creation is a self powering clean energy source that has the capacity to power a city for 15 years or a building at this size for over a 100 years. It is the only model in today's society that is capable enough to last years without needing electricity or any unclean power source. We are happy to present our energy souce.. "

All of the building lights go off for a second and then our energy source turns on and all of the lights shine brightly.

Everyone claps and some of the scientists jaws drop at our creation. A photography comes up to us and asks us for a picture to be on the New York Times. We nods and I put my arm around his waist as he put his on my shoulders in a friendly manner. After a few shots we enjoy the party.

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