Chapter 9: Problems

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I wake up to my loud annoying ringtone. I groan but drag myself out of bed after 5 minutes.

I quickly shower scrubbing until my skin is red. Then after drying off and blow drying my hair I curl it. After its curled I braid the front of my hair into a high curly ponytail. Applying eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, a matte red lipstick, concealer and I then put my dress. It was a long black dress with a slit on my left leg. I hid my knives and guns just for emergencies and looked for a clutch. Finally I see a classic black sparkly purse which has some essentials like my phone and then I put a gloss over my red lips to add shine.

As I head to the kitchen to grab something to eat I put on my 4 inch black Louis Vuittons pumps. I smirk as I pass a mirror because not to sound arrogant but I felt good about myself. I make myself a P.B and J sandwich and then I quickly brushed my pearly white teeth. Surprisingly my lipstick is still intact and looks the perfect.

Just to pass the time I make my bed and just when I started placing pillows a knock is sounded at my door. I throw my pillows on my bed and not even looking at who it was I open the door. Colonel James Rhodey is holding a dozen red roses at my door step.

I smile as he pulls me into a hug. He whispers "You get more beautiful every time I see you." "Thank you" I pull away and lead him to the kitchen where the vases are. I find the perfect tall slim vase and fill it with water. I turn and look at him to see that he is trying out at New York.

My living quarters is an all open concept so my entire floor is surrounded with bullet proof windows.

I smile and take the roses out of his hands and while I put them in the living room he says "You have an amazing view." "It's what I have always wanted." He turns to me the first time breaking contact with the view and asks "How are you doing?" I shrug and he then said "I see you wear your dog tags." I nod "Always." He nods in approval and he smirks "Even though you weren't technically old enough to be in the military you were the best we've ever had." I nod my appreciation to him.

He comes and holds out his arm for me to take "Shall we?" I smiled and place my hand in the crook o his elbow and said "We shall."

As we pull up all I see is people and when we pull up they all make a path way. I wait while Rhodey goes on my side to open the door. I step out and on to the red carpet that I didn't see before.

Everyone claps when they see me and Rhodey gives me his arm for support. I put on my signature smile that has everyone smiling. I hold on to Rhodey tightly worrying I am going to trip on the red carpet while everyone we pass congratulates me. My response is a quick thank you because we have to hurry and get inside before the paparazzi get too wild. "How are you doing?" he asks me and I turn to him "A little.." but I couldn't find the proper word and he said "Overwhelmed?" I shake my head "Proud." He smiles and says as we take to the center table that holds only the people who are very important.

He pulls out my seat and I gently take a seat. He says "You should be proud because I know I am of you." I turn and see a waiter hand both of us champagne glasses and I say "Thank you, Rhodey. You have always been a part of my family and I owe you everything." He smirks and said "You saved my life more than I can count. Its what family does, cheers?" He holds out his glass to me and I said "Cheers." Clink and as we take a sip the rest of our table arrives.

I choke on my drink when I see Tony and Pepper directly across from us. "Oh shit.." The champagne goes the wrong way causing me to cough and said then Rhodey pats my back and asks with concern "Are you okay?" I hesitantly nodded and whisper to him while Tony grabs Pepper a drink but not before smirking at me "Why is Tony here?" "He was invited but he normally never comes to these events because they're not in his honor. I'm honestly as surprised as you are."

I drain my champagne and a waiter comes by "Madame would you like another?" I nodded as he trades me a full glass from my empty one.

I whisper to him as I slide a fifty dollar bill his way "Keep them coming." He nods with a smile "Will do." I say hi to the rest of the table that includes my old supporters and high military rank officers. I reach Tony and Pepper. First Pepper gives me a handshake and says "It is truly an honor to meet you Dr. Stans. I have been dying to meet you." 

I smile "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Potts." Then Tony interrupts us and says "She's a busy girl aren't you Dr. Stans?" Pepper lightly slaps him on the shoulder for his bluntness and says "I am so sorry.." I shake my head "No worries. It has been great meeting you but I must go attend to others." She genuinely smiles and nods "Oh yes of course. It's been an honor."

I smile and walk towards Rhodey who is taking to some of his old friends. He smiles at me and whispers after his friends introduce themselves "You're speech is up soon." I nod "I am just going to wing it." he shakes his head in disapproval before he can say anything he is pulled to the stage to announce the award.

He clears his throat and waits until the crow is silent. I gulp down the rest of my glass and the same waiter gives me a full glass. I wink at him and he blushes but nods.

"We are all here in honor of Alexis Stans. I have had the pleasure to have known her for a very long time and I couldn't be more proud of her and all she's accomplished. She has changed the face of weaponry and the military for the better. I couldn't be more honor and proud then to introduce the Valiant award to Alexis Stans."

Cheers are heard and I am pushed on to the stage wear Rhodey hands me a large clear trophy and he hugs me but whispers before letting me go "You got this." I nod and I adjust the microphone and talk "Thank you Rhodey for that amazing and yet embarrassing introduction."

I am interrupted by the crowds laughter and I mentally high five myself. I continue once the crowd quiets and said

"I am honored to have even been considered for this award. But, I didn't accomplish what I have because of the awards or the success. My only motivation was to ultimately protect everyone from cruel problems of the world. Speaking from personal experience I've seen what war has done and to be quite franc here we live in a brutal and unjust earth." I pause and say "But no matter how terrifying the world is I won't stop from trying to make it better." I hold my glass up and say lastly "Here is to a better world and to a brighter future ahead."

Everyone cheers and I take my leave to see James waiting for me smiling proudly at me. He held out his hand to me to help me down which I gratefully accept. He whispers as he hugs me "You were amazing." I pull away and place my empty glass on the nearest table "Can we go now?" He smiles and nods "We can sneak through at the back I had the car sent there." I smirk as he leads me to the side entrance but Tony stops us "Where are you two going?" Rhodey glares at him and says "We have some things to do." "But the party just started." I roll my eyes and push past Tony "Save it Stark were leaving."

As we pull out of the car he says "I need to talk to you about something really important no one else can know." I nod "Okay what is it?" He sighs and when we reach his apartment he looked at me and said "I have a kid."

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