Chapter 24: Holding On

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My father, Tony kept by my side through it all. After 6 hours the doctors came out and told me and the rest of the Avengers that Steve was in a coma. They told me what I did saved what was left of his life but it was up to him and God now.

How is that suppose to help me feel better? I know they were trying but epically failing. I stood there in shock of the news trying to progress what the doctor just told me. This was my fault. They took MY family and I brought my other family into this and the love of my life. 

I run my hands over my face and quickly went to see Steve. What I saw though wasn't Steve. It was a man hooked on machines and tubes coming from his mouth. I held back a sob and quietly walked over to where he was and gently took his bruised but huge hand into mine.

I kissed his forehead and leaned down to whisper in Steve's hair "You NEED to get through this. I NEED you and the rest of the world needs saving." I paused and took a deep breath and continued "I need saving, Steve. So please come back because I am in love with you and I can't live without you. This is all my fault.." my voice breaks at the end and I slump in the chair beside him knowing my fight is over. I cradle his bruised hand in mine as if it was the only thing clinging me to him. I place my head right beside our hands and I didn't recognize how tired I was until I fell asleep. Always being with Steve.

I felt a hand firmly shake my shoulders and I woke up from my seat and on instinct had my gun out and the safety off. Sam backs up with his hands up in surrender "I'm sorry." I shake my head and put my gun back into its holster and apologized 

"No, Sam I'm sorry. I'm just a bit jumpy." He nodded and said "You've been by his side for 24 hours. I think you should get some proper rest and some food." he looked me over and winced "And maybe a change of clothes." I looked down and saw my cat suit bloodied. Steve's blood. I nod gently and ask "How is Izzy and Rhodey?" "Resting. Fury said you can see them after you shower, change , eat, rest and talk to him." 

I run my hands through my hair and nodded but I did not under any circumstances want to leave Steve's side. Sam understanding me said "I won't leave Steve's side while you're gone." I reluctantly nodded "Alright. I will be back in 2 hours." he shook his head and chuckled "Okay" I ran to my room oblivious to the looks I get and jump into the shower scrubbing.

The water turns red and once its clear and my skin is red by my scrubbing and my hair is cleaned I get out. I dry off and slip on a clean cat suit and place all my weapons back on and included my badge and key card along with my phone.

On my way to find Fury I stop at a vending machine and eat a sandwich. Finally I find him and make sure I look presentable and somewhat rested hoping he doesn't see through my cover up I talk to him. He looked relieved to see me and said "I am glad you finally left Steve's side for a little bit." I nodded and I asked "Where is Rhodey and Izzy?" He nodded and started walking and obviously I follow "We placed them in a secure safe living place on the Hellcarrier." 

I nodded and he asked "How's Steve?" I shake my head "He's in a coma. The doctors aren't sure if he'll make it..." my voice drags on and Fury places a hand on my shoulder stopping us outside a door probably leading to Rhodey and Izzy and said "He will make it out. Not for anything or anybody. For you." I smile and patted Fury and then swiped my key card into the room allowing me access.

When I entered I hear not only Izzy and Rhodey laughing but someone else. I walk into Izzy, Rhodey AND Tony laughing. I cleared my throat and smirked as I asked "Am I interrupting something?" Their heads all snap out at my voice and then I hear Izzy's famous squeal as she runs towards me like old times. 

Of course I swooped her up and winced slightly at the pain brought on by my shoulder but nonetheless smiled at the princess. She whispered in the crook of my neck as her legs wrap around my waist "I knew you would find me." I smile but it was bittersweet because I knew Steve should've been there. "It wasn't just me Izzy." she nodded but still held onto me. I rocked her back and forth and slowly led myself to the couch receiving a hug from Tony and Rhodey.

Soon Izzy fell asleep in my arms and Rhodey insisted on putting her to bed saying she refused to sleep until she saw me. I smiled at Izzy and kissed her forehead gently before passing her to Rhodey. When they were out of site Tony wasted no time and asked "How's Steve?" I shook my head emotions filling my throat enabling me to not speak. 

Tony sighed and came over to me putting me in his lap like how dads are supposed to with their little daughters. "He will pull through." I pulled back and asked my voice slightly shaking "How do you know?" he smiled and said 

"Because before we went in he turned to me and said 'We are all coming back from this" and I asked"How do you know?' and he said simply 'Because we have her.' and he pointed to you." he tapped my chest which cause me to smile and I jumped off his lap saying "I will be with Steve." he nodded "I'll visit soon." I nodded and raced out of there my chest filling with happiness, love and something I haven't felt in awhile.....hope.


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