Chapter 16: What the hell?

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I am being dragged into Starks by cops, hungover and still in my party dress. You may be wondering how I, Dr. Alexis Stans the smartest person on earth, is literally getting dragged by the cops to my father in this horrid state? Well it happened like this.....


I woke up still in my dress in my penthouse by a buzzing sound. I squint from the light coming into my room with a massive hangover. I stumble to my phone my feet catching on my dress producing a large rip on my left leg.

I grunt and pick up my phone not bothering to look at the caller id. Right when I answer Rhodey yells "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" "Rhodey, can you please speak quieter?" "WHAT THE HELL! ARE YOU HUNGOVER?" "Yes, now I am in my own rights to withhold personal information whenever I wish." He sighs and I could practically see him running his hand through his hair trying to calm down "I know you are, I just wish I didn't have to hear it from Tony."

I walk into my kitchen and gulp down some water and try to look for aspirins "Look I don't want to talk about my dead beat father." "Well Lizzy misses you and is begging me to give her the phone." I chuckle but then a loud bang comes from my elevator and the police storm in "I gotta go Rhodes. I'll call back when I can" I hand up and say to the cops "Hello officers, what can I do for you?" One of the officers start "You need to come with us, Ms. Stark." I shake my head "I'm sorry but first of all its doctor and second of all my last name is Stans." They hand me paperwork clearly stating Tony's rights to me since I am a child. I sigh and ask "Can I at least get my purse and shoes?" The same officer who talked to me said "I will get it." I am stuck with the other officer and take my phone that Rhodey called and I call Allison. She doesn't pick up and I leave an angry voice mail considering even the officer flinched at my tone.

When the officer comes back with my clutch from last night and the same pumps we head to the elevator. I slip on my shoes and fix my hair and make up as they explain how we are leaving from the back where there are no cameras.

All I thought on our way to Stark/Avengers tower on the ways to kill Tony. He was about to get an earful from me and soon we arrived at the back entrance where the officers yet again escort me.

***End of Flashback***

I look over the paper on our way up to see if there are any possible loop holes. I run my hand through my now wavy hair in frustration when I can't find one single thing to help me get out of this at the moment.

I tap my feet making a clicking sound as we are almost at their floor and see Allison finally calling me back. I answered immediately and snap "What the hell is this?" She sighs "I just got the notification now. I am trying to find some way for you to get out of this. Luckily the company will not be affected by this whatsoever. and they will keep it out of the tabloids" "Allison I am sending you the official copy right now." I pause and send pictures and then go back on "I need a way out." "I know.." Were instructed by a bell when the elevator doors open. All of the Avengers are waiting for us and the perk up when they see me.

I walk to the only open chair "Is there anything else I should know?" "Yes. You are currently occupying every magazine cover world wide. Especially since last night at the Richard party." I massage my temples and she adds "I am having your things sent over and a driver will pick you up tomorrow the boards meeting and you need to work on.." I interrupted "Yup the paperwork for Japan. I got it."

I look up to see the Avengers staring at me and see the officers have left. "Be sure to have my stuff ready and transported asap." "It's on it's way." "Fantastic" I say sarcasm dripping my voice and hang up.

I cross legs and see the slit that ran from my ankle all the way to my knee. It actually didn't look bad. As I admire it I am interrupted by Peper giving my aspirins and a glass of water. "Here you go, sweetheart." I cringe at the nickname but quickly swallow the aspirins and take a sip of water as I say "Thank you, Ms. Potts." "You can call me Pepper"

I nod but don't correct myself. I look at Tony to see him examining me like I was one of his machines which I didn't like.

I hold up the paper and say "What the hell is this Stark?" "That is my right." I shake my head "No, it's a dictatorship." I see Steve flinch at my choice of words but I shake it off.

I shove the paper his way across the table "You are playing a very dangerous game." Tony snarls at me and says "This isn't a game. It's your life." "Then let me live it." "I am your father..." I cut him off "That gives you no right to be in my life." "Actually it does." Tony smarts back at me which I return "Actually what you're doing is trying to make yourself feel better. You are trying to fix your past mistakes. Well guess what Tony you can never fix this mistake." "I can try to." I shake my head and get up from the table "Not this one and especially not after all of this."

I walk to the elevator and speak to JARVIS "Can you please tell me where I am staying." "Right away Dr. Alexis Stark." "It's Dr. Alexis Stans JARVIS, please" "Very well Dr. Alexis Stans. Your room is the last door on your left. Your fathers is the room across from yours" I nod "Thank you JARVIS." "There are also spare clothes for you to change in." I nod and quickly make my way to my room.

It was the same size as my room in my tower. It had a great view of New York that I can see right in bed by the huge windows. I grab yoga pants and a white V Neck shirt that will show my scars on my stomach but I don't care at this point.

I quickly jump in the shower and clean off and change into my new clothes. I walk to my bed and quickly told Ally to hack into JARVIS's system so whenever someone is on the floor and coming to me I would know.

I get bored after playing on my phone and lay on the bed staring at New York while my eyes slowly drift closing.

Tony's P.o.V

Well, I blew it. I am trying and trying but she just won't open up. I run my hands through my hair as she walks out and remember when Pepper called her 'sweetheart' did she cringe. I wonder why. I always wonder why when it came to my daughter.

I am interrupted by Natasha "You need to talk to her." I nod and JARVIS says "She is currently in the shower" "I'll talk to her in 20 minutes." "Do we know anything about her like besides the annoying facts from her folder?" Clint asks and I slump in my chair and shake my head. "Well she's obviously gone through some horrid shit." Natasha says and Steve nods in agreement and says "She served 4 tours." I raise my eyebrows wondering how the hell she got away with that.

It makes sense as to why Rhodey knew her know but I couldn't help feeling jealous of him.

Then Natasha says "You should hear some of the missions she went through. She took one of the biggest Red Rooms down." "Not to mention a few of HYDRA's HQ's."Clint says.

I cover my face with my hands overwhelmed by my daughter's accomplishments. I just can't believe any of this.

"She is clearly frustrated with everything. I think we should back off a bit." Wanda says finally voicing her own opinion which I was a little surprised by since she doesn't talk much.

Bruce nods "But Tony you should go talk to her." I nod and get up and when I come to her room I see she is passed out. I open the sheets and lift her up. She is really light which makes me concerned then I see the scars on her abdomen. I gently lift up her shirt in a non perverted way and I am absolutely flabbergasted by what I see. There are so many faded scars and I clearly see two large on her collarbone.

I wonder how she hid them from everyone. I ask JARVIS to quickly run a full body scan on her and when he is finished I tuck her in. Then leave to see what I could possibly find about my daughter.....

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