Chapter 1: The Start

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Have you ever had your life completely shattered in a millisecond? It was like your entire meaning of existence was gone in a blink of an eye.

My mom died and I was just sitting there, helpless and hopeless. Phil was my hero when he rescued me, I just wish someone could've been there sooner. After my recovery at age 8 I headed straight to MIT, fulfilling my mothers dream for me.  By the time I graduated, finishing with the highest mark ever recorded also being valedictorian and finished my PhD in nuclear physics and bio-chemistry engineering, I was 15 years old but with my growth and maturity I could easily pass for 18. 

Then I worked for a year and accomplished so much so that I was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for my weaponry idea that neutralizes the number of casualties almost to 1.54%. But then I found out who my father was. I wasn't happy as everyone probably would be, I was more disappointed. He wasn't there and as soon as my mom gave birth to me he kissed her on the forehead and left. He never came back and never once looked at me. How do I know that? I hacked into the hospital camera's and saw the footage of the nursery in the hospital. All I saw was me looking at the window waiting for my father but he was never there. I did this all so that I don't have guilt or doubt in my mind. I just wanted to be better than my father but I wanted to do it my way. Not my mothers, or anyone else's, mine.

I enlisted into the military at 16 years old and changed my birth to 3 more years back. Instead of being born June 13th, 1995, I was supposedly born June 13th,1992. At first I went to Afghanistan and my commander was James Rhodes. In the beginning, he was skeptical of me but after training and accomplishing my first tour he was impressed, and soon I gained his loyalty and his utter most respect. But, I found myself going back to the military again and again and again. Before I knew it I already served 4 tours, 2 in Afghanistan and the other 2 in Iraq.  I wasn't shocked at the death I've seen and I didn't have bad experiences until my last tour in Iraq when my convoy was bombed. It was so sudden, no one saw it coming. However, despite the circumstances I was able to save 3 of my men while the 9 others died. The only thing left were the dog tags that I was able to keep. So I have 9 of their dog tags on one of my chains and two others alongside my own on another. The two dog tags was because the 2 out of the 3 men I pulled out died soon after they received medical attention. After their funerals I knew I wasn't going to go back to the military and I think S.H.I.E.L.D knew it too.

They recruited me a day after all of my convoy's funerals and soon I wasn't just a genius, scientist or a soldier, I was an agent.

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