Chapter 12: My Little Humble of Joy

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As we landed the jet on the front lawn I become increasingly nervous. I take a deep breath and open the back jet hanger.

We all step out and everyone but me looks at the house in awe. "Well don't just stand there. Come on" They all seem hesitant but follow me. "Who owns this?" Clint asks and I smirk "It's mine but there are a couple of people.." but I get interrupted by Rhodey who pulls me in a hug. Then I hear Lizzy heavy footsteps coming my way. I break the hug and Lizzy shouts "AUNTIE LEXIIII!" I smile genuinely and pick up the little girl and swing her up. She wraps her tiny arms around my neck and says "I've missed you. Daddy's no fun." I smirk and hold her on my hip. "We have guests Lizzy." She turns and we see all the Avengers with their jaws literally hanging open.

Once I look at them Tony snaps at me "Auntie?" I nod and Rhodey steps forwards "Tony.." he turns to Rhodey sharply "You have a daughter?" He nods and before anyone can say anything Lizzy says "I'm scared.." as she looks at The Avengers especially Thor and Steve. When they hear this they smile friendly at her and Thor puts down his hammer.

I put Lizzy down and say "Don't be scared Lizzy. These people" I gestured to all of them "are Avengers. They protect and save the world." She still looks hesitant so Thor kneels down and says "We mean you no harm, little one." I smile at Thors gently and caring voice and Lizzy gives him a toothless smile "My name is Elizabeth." He smile and says "Lady Elizabeth." 

She surprises all of us when she hugs him. Thor was the most surprise but nonetheless carefully put his arms around the small one. He gets up from one knee and holds Lizzy high up making her squeal.

I interrupt and introduce them "Lizzy that is Thor, God of Lightning and Thunder," I pause and Thor adds "Prince of Asgard." I roll my eyes and says "Yes, yes, yes we get it. Bow to the all mighty Thor." He rolls his eyes while everyone chuckles.

I say to Lizzy while gesturing to the people "This is Steve Rogers also known as Captain America." She smiles at him and soon gets out of Thor's grip and into Steve's. He holds her on his hip like it's the most natural thing in the world and I smile at them.

Then I continue with the rest of them and after all the introductions Lizzy takes Thors and Steves hand. She tells me "I want to show them to their rooms." I smile and say "Okay let's go!" Once we all showed them their rooms along with Lizzy complementing her princess theme room we headed to the grand dining room.

The Avengers all took their seat and Allison came with Rhodey to play with Lizzy so we could talk. Of course when we were all seated Tony said "How did you get this house without anyone knowing?" I shrug "I created an alias. A person that had no connection to me whatsoever. Basically, I created another person, it wasn't that hard." He slowly nodded impressed and then Natasha said "Okay so are we expected to just sit here and do nothing?" I nodded "Yes, all of you must stay here for not only your safety but for your loved ones." Thor said "What are we supposed to do? Just hide away?"

I turn to them and saw all of them agreeing to Thor. I shook my head "You all need to stay here where it is safe. I know it is hard.." but Tony interrupted "How would you know?" I glared at him "I lost my family because they didn't agree to stay hidden for a short while. If they just would've waited they would still be alive so I know what it is like. You all will be acting selfishly if you go and fight. You will be putting your loved ones at risk so I suggest all of you get comfortable HERE!" I emphasized on 'here' and hoped Lizzy didn't hear me.

All of them slumped their shoulders in defeat and I nodded at them "Dinner will be ready in 30 minutes." I left them to their own talk while I went to make dinner.


"Dinner!" I called out once the plates and food was on the table. I sighed as my phone rang. I picked Lizzy up and said "I will be right back. I have to make a call."She nodded happily and I answered the call "Agent Stans I want a report."

I sighed and went to the porch "We're safe." "Good make sure it stays like that." I roll my eyes "Is that all Director?" "No it isn't" He paused and continued "We need to know who your father is," "Fury I will not.." "We will find out eventually." "Then I guess I will be out of a job" And then I hung up.

After a few minutes of me attempting to calm down I went inside. I saw everyone gathered together as a family eating and drinking. I could tell Tony was still pissed off at Rhodey because of his secret.

However, I could tell he loved Lizzy by the way he looks at her lovingly. I smirk and take my seat at the head of the table. To my right was Steve and Lizzy to my left. I saw that my plate was already filled and a wine glass filled along with chilled water. I take a sip of water and began eating.

I stopped when I heard silence which was not normal. I look up and see everyone staring at me. "What?" "Who was on the call that took so long?" Clint asks and I said "Fury." He nodded and everyone began their own conversations. Steve squeezed my hand and whispered "Can we talk later?" I nodded not sure what he wanted to talk about and why I was nervous.

Authors Note:

***I am sorry it took so long but I have been very busy and I would very much appreciate your lovely comments. The comments motivate me and I am thankful for your support. Also PLEASE VOTE!**

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