Chapter 18: Meet and Greet

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Paper work after paper work....that has been me for the past 8 hours. Nobody realized how much work it took to branch a company even further.

While I was on my last file my business phone rang. I press the speaker button as I finish overlooking and proofing the file. "Dr. Alexis Stans you have.." "Its Dr. Alexis Stark" someone interrupted from the background. I rolled my eyes at my father's obnoxious rude voice and smirked as my secretary, Hannah, corrected him "Her name is Dr. Alexis Stans, so please don't interrupt." I chuckle and knew that was the main reason why I hired her, for her loyalty.

She cleared her throat and repeated herself "Dr. Alexis Stans, you have The Avengers here demanding to see you. However, they don't have a reservation, would you like me to call security?" "No, Hannah. Send them in I am almost finished the paperwork and need you to send it to Japan for finalizing once I leave." "Of course, Dr. Stans." I hang up and just as I sign my approval the Avengers come barging in.

They all admired my huge office in awe and Tony said "Do you realize that your secretary is extremely difficult?" I shrug "That's why I hired her." I place the last folder on top of the large stack and grabbed my black trench coat. "Now why are you giving my secretary a hard time?" "You were gone for 8 HOURS!" Tony shouted. "I had work." "So bring it home." he walked to the folders and tried looking into it but I slapped my hand over the stack.

"This is a big deal and no offense but you own Stark Industries. My company doesn't want your company messing around especially, with our future." He rolled his eyes "You're family, I wouldn't do that to you." I raised one of my eyebrows at the irony which made him roll his eyes again at me "I promise." I nodded and flipped my hair out from under my jacket that I placed on and grabbed my briefcase and keys.

Then Natasha said "We are going to pick up shrawma and eat at the Tower since we have a guest coming later." I nodded "Okay, let's go." We headed and Tony insisted on coming with me since I was driving my silver Chevrolet Corvette Stingray 2016 that wasn't even out yet.

I slipped on my sunglasses and quickly peeled out of the underground parking into the streets. I saw Tony stiffen as I manoeuvred through the traffic and I drifted into my parking spot in his garage. He exclaimed "DO NOT EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" I smirk and shut my door "I have done it hundreds of times."

I walked up the stairs where he followed mumbling some very foul words about reckless young adults. It took the others 20 minutes to come back with the food so I changed into skin tight black jeans and a white tank with my combat boots and leather jacket.

As I walk into the room I finished my call with Izzy promising to visit soon. I nodded to all the avengers sitting at the huge round meeting table and wasn't surprise to see Spiderman/Peter Parker there. I grabbed a sandwich and say "Hi Pete." Despite him being in his spiderman suit I could still see the shock. "" he muttered in utter shock.

I chuckled and ate my sandwich "Did you honestly believe I was dumb?" He shook his head still surprised. I hugged him like we were old best friends and finished my sandwich. Spiderman took off his mask and looked at me asking "When did you figure it out?" "When you started." He grinned and said "I could never keep a secret from you Rex could I?" I chuckled "Well you tried."

Then Tony interrupted exclaiming "Wait? You two know each other!" We both nodded and Tony looked at me "Why didn't you tell me you knew Spiderman?" "He's always been Pete." "I am your FATHER!" I groan and hold up my hand "Please come up with something better every time you find out anything about me then the obvious DNA" the rest of the Avengers chuckled while Tony turned red.

Pete jumped up slamming his hands against the table shocking everyone but me as he fumed "You're Rex's deadbeat father?" I put my hand on his arm and pulled him down to sit. I patted his back and said "Yeah, Tony Stark is my biological father." He turned to me and his angry look softened.

A voice cleared their throat and said "So how do you two know each other?" I turned to Clint and smirked as I put my feet on the desk. "I interned for her company." Pete said simply and then turned to me "Did you know I was Spiderman when I was working for you?" I laughed "I knew when I hired you Pete." his eyes widened in shock and I looked at the rest of the Avengers "So what's Pete doing for all of you?" "Apparently he is suppose to join The Avengers." Nat grumpily said.

I raise my eyebrows at her and asked "You don't want Spiderman to join the Avengers?" Everyone shook their heads and I asked "Why not?" "We cannot have a mere child tagging along with us while we fight battles." Thor said and I chuckled dryly at them which caused them to look at me with confusion.

I stood up and said "Are you all serious right now? Spider Man fights battles every day, he is as much as a hero as any of you." But I was interrupted by Pete saying "It's okay, Rex. I don't think I can do this."

I slam my fist in the table making it quiver and say "WHY PETE!" "BECAUSE OF GWEN!" he shouted back at me and I rolled my eyes as I walk around the meeting table "Oh come on Pete." "No, Rex you don't know what it's like." I stopped walking and looked back at him with anger that made him regret saying that. "I dont know what it's like? Me," I paused and placed both of my palms against the table standing opposite to Pete "I have lost everyone that I dared let in my life!" "YOU NEVER FELL IN LOVE!" I walk up to Pete and said "You have no idea what I have done."

He stood up trying to apologize but I cut him off "NO! I fell in love and I hit rock bottom. But I picked myself up. Unlike you who just left." I jabbed my finger in his chest and said "You buried yourself in Spider man. Who'd you think took care of Aunt May while you were gone? YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO BE THERE PETER PARKER! But you weren't"

I turned and said in disappointment to the rest of the Avengers "Believe it or not, all of you are the same." 


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