Chapter 22: Remembrance and Wills

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Loss. Is. Dreadful. Especially if its family. And if there is anything the military has taught me is that blood doesn't make a family. It is the bond between people that does. 

With that said I stand beside my brothers remembering the happy moments and pushing away the bad. In the beginning we gave our condolences again to their families and then we all joked around. To be quite franc here, if we didn't joke I am positive we would all cry. I know I saw a tear escape Sam but we were taught never to console another soldier because they wouldn't want that. 

I stand tall for my men, my brothers because we need to remember what they sacrificed themselves for. They died for us and I hated that they did. Of course, the paparazzi has no sense of respect or consideration for that matter. They all stood there while we visited our dead family. If it wasn't for Sam holding me back I would've punched all their cameras and shove the parts into their eyes. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. 

Once we leave the memorial we all decided to go get a much needed drink at Rosy's. Of course I texted Steve saying I won't be home till later which he completely understood . I sigh into my empty beer and I get another one just when Sam places his hand on top of mine and said "You okay?" I nodded  and turned to see the few men that were left of my team. "They should've been here." Sam nodded "Yes, they should have but they aren't." I gulp down my beer and placed it down just to have it refilled by Sam of course. The rest of the night we all told stories of the brothers we lost but within telling them we felt closure and relief.

I wake up to the aching sun in my eyes. I groan and feel arms around me. Oh oh. I look down and see thankfully see pajamas but who changed me. Manoeuvring over I see Steve soundlessly sleeping. I slip out of his arms slowly and with a lot of difficulties and into the shower. It was difficult showing in the dark however, it was worth it. Then I found aspirin and swallowed them then changed in my MIT sweats and a plain t shirt. I wash my face apply concealer to hide the blemishes and a little mascara. Leaving my wavy hair down I see Steve still sleeping. 

I look over to see its 6 in the morning! I walk out knowing I can't go back to sleep and made pancakes with the help of JARVIS. Everyone woke up to the fire alarms going off but in my defense the pancakes didn't burn. I look up and said "JARVIS I thought you said I didn't need any more butter" "My apologizes.." then the Avengers came in all changed into their uniforms. I raise my eyes at them. Captain only has a shirt and sweats with his shield. 

Tony has a full suit on without the helmet that showed his bed head which does not surprise me. Then Clint has his bow and arrows in his pajamas same with Natasha. Thor holds his hammer in his Asgardian armour and Bruce is well just Bruce. I quickly take a picture of this. I smiled "Breakfast?" I hold it as a peace offering and while that flies with everyone but Natasha. She yells "IT IS 6:30 IN THE BLOODY MORNING!" I shrug "I got up early so pancakes?" 

They all  grumble a response and quickly eat until they all say they are going back to bed. Steve pulls me back and says "You should come back to bed." I raise one eyebrow "Mine or yours?" he doesn't miss a beat and says "Ours" I smirk and nod. "But I have to call Rhodey and check on Izzy." He nods and kiss me on the lips lightly whispering "Come back to bed when you're done." I smile and peck his cheek but he pulls me back "You missed?" he says amused by his joke and just to leave him in a stunned state I kiss him passionately. 

When I pull away he is there left standing stunned. I smiled and called Rhodey. "Hi, Rhodes how's everything?" "OH it's good. We haven't heard from you in a while." "Yeah sorry it's been super busy." "I saw.." I sighed "Did Izzy?" "No, I keep her away from.." but gets caught off by a huge bang. I look around to see if it was here and ask on the phone "RHODEY! IZZY!" "Auntie..." i hear Izzy's soft voice and her whimpering as she says "Please help.." 

but a man cuts him off "Alexis Stans we have your family, come to us and they will live." "YOU TOUCH A HAIR ON HER HEAD AND I WILL KILL YOU, YOU SICK SON OF A.." but they hang up and I smash my phone to the floor and finish "BITCH!!!" Obvious my screaming match had the Avengers watching. Steve comes and wraps his arms around me whispering soothing words but that only fuels my anger. "We need to find them." "We will." 

I find Tony already tracing the location and it was utterly pointless. I dig my fists into my eyes fighting the tears as SHIELD is on their way. Most likely Fury. I rock back and forth on my heels with Steve's arms around me holding me to humanity. 

But when Fury comes in I lost it and soon finds myself holding Fury by the collar forcing him to look into my eyes. "You find them. Do you understand me? Or so help me God I will show you what real hell is." he nods silently and whispers "We will." That seems like all I ever hear these days...we will...we will. I think the more appropriate statement is....I WILL



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