Chapter 6: Working

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After my little show down with Fury I began to drown myself in my work and avoid the enviable truth.

Some people might say I am in denial of who my biological father is but I just don't give a damn about him. He left and I used to wish for my father every birthday candle until I found out.

Currently I am working on some improvements for my building since I have nothing else to do. I use my rolling chair to go back and forth from my white board and work table that has all my computers.

After about 4 hours my computer AL (A.C.S which stands for Artificial Computerizing Software) Ally interrupts me "Alexis your blood sugar, sodium and iron levels are extremely low" I nod and say "I'll eat something after I finish these measurements"

After a few last minute fixes I begin to eat my grilled cheese sandwich and coffee with extra sugar but soon I am interrupted when Ally says "The Avengers are requesting you to meet them for a meeting." "I am busy." "They say its urgent and I believe that it involves your biological father." I sigh and run my hands through my hair. "How close are they in finding out the truth, Ally?" "Very close. I think Mr.Stark had a slight recognition in your last name, therefore, he has been running his own research on your last name." "Go through J.A.R.V.I.S and destroy any clues or information he has on me and make sure you destroy everything in all his portable devices and business computers with any information that relates to me." "Understood miss. But I don't think that will stop him and after seeing his history on his computers he has been looking for you." "Ally wipe everything got it?" I snap at her and she says "Yes, Alexis. What shall I tell the Avengers?" "Tell them I'm busy." "They will insist.." "Then you insist!" I shout and all I get is "Okay"

I run my hands over my face and say "I'm sorry, Ally" "I understand. You are under a lot of stress." I nod and finish off my sandwich and refill my coffee. I send the improvements to my P.A who responds that she will get it done.

I get a call from Fury through my speaker "Agent Stans we need to talk." I sigh "Fine but in my lab. I don't trust your office and your cameras." "Understood I will be there in 2 minutes" I drown my second cup of coffee and fill another cup when Ally says "I think it is wise to tell the truth." "Is it the truth that he tried to look for me?" "Yes. He has a private investigator currently looking for you" "Why not S.H.I.E.L.D?" "My hypothesis is that he doesn't want his only child to be involved with S.H.I.E.L.D." I chuckle "Too late for that." "Indeed..." without further talking Fury walks in after Ally unlocks the door.

He slumps in my other chair in exhaustion. I raise my eyebrows since this is the first time I have seen him tired and defeated. He says "I know why you don't want any of us knowing who your father is but I think your father would want to know" I let out a breath "Would I be a horrible person if I said that maybe I want him to torture himself just a little longer since I've been tortured my entire life?" 

He shakes his head "You wouldn't be a horrible person, you would be normal. I want you to know that whoever your father is doesn't make you the person you are today. You are the most remarkable person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and working with. That is why I want you to have a family because you deserve better than this." He gestured to my lab "Your mother would've wanted better for you."

I chuckle and say "I am a multi-billionaire with hundreds of cooperation's scatted across Earth. I have served 4 tours all successfully and I am your top agent and scientist. Not to mention my inventions changing the name weaponry for all of man kind. And my mother.." my voice cracks slightly but I continue "would've been proud." He nods "Yes she would've but don't you think she would've wanted you to have your father." "I dont need him." "Maybe he needs you." I look away from his gaze and turn to the filing cabinet that holds my heritage.

He stands up and says before leaving "I will find out and the truth will be heard Agent Stans. No matter what you need."

After a few moments of silence Ally says "Alexis the Avengers are insisting you meet at the command room. I believe Fury is there too." I stand up and change out of my old uniform and put dark skinny jeans and a blue flowy tank top with black combat boots that has a three inch heal. I latch on two guns on each hip with extra ammunition, then, I hide 8 combat knives. I pull my hair in a high bun with only a few curly strands that frame my face and I force myself to walk normally not showing any pain in my eyes or facial features.

I receive a lot of awe struck looks which boosts my confidence as I walk into the control room. The Avengers turn and look at me with surprise as I take the seat farthest from everyone.

I plug in my blue tooth that connects me with Ally and I put my feet on the table and relax in my seat as everyone looks at me. "Whats so important that you had to nag Ally?" "Who's Ally?" Bruce asks and I say "My computer Al." Natasha asks me "Why don't you want to be an Avenger?" I look at her and shrug "Do I need a reason?" 

"Yes, you do." Tony says and I raise my eyebrows at him and move my feet from the table and cross my legs like I do at confrontations or meetings. I narrow my eyes at him and answer "I don't need to answer your question nor am I in any desire to do so." 

Steve answers before Tony can say anything "We're just curious. I mean from what we can gather you are what we need and you have helped us in the past. We just don't understand why you wouldn't accept an official title of an Avenger." "I don't need the attention nor the title of an Avenger like you all do."

"What do you mean by that?" Clint asks and I say "Well you and Natasha wanted to be an Avenger to wipe the red in your ledgers. Tony wanted to be an Avenger just to prove everyone's wrong on what they think of him and possibly redeem himself for his companies mistakes. As well, Steve is an Avenger because after he woke up it was realistically the only option left. Then there's Bruce who wanted to be an Avenger to correct his wrongs in life by being a part of something good. In addition, Thor is an Avenger because its his responsibility to look after Earth and lastly the twins are Avengers because its the only good thing they got going." I stand up from my seat and say

"I have no reason to be an Avenger and to be franc I don't want that title."

Tony stands up and says "No you just don't want the responsibility." I laugh at the irony of his words and counteracts "You of all people cannot talk to me about responsibility!" I shout at him and shut my mouth before anything else slips out. His eyes widen slightly and he asks "What do you mean by that?" I shake my head and mutter "Nothing."

I push my chair out and say "All of you listen I have done a lot of things, some I am proud of and others, not so much. The point is that I have accomplished a lot and I want to continue doing that. Being a part of S.H.I.E.L.D has allowed me to make a difference without needing the added attention of being an 'Avenger'. So I will keep declining the offer of being one of 'Earths Mightiest Hero's' because I have never believed in hero's and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon." With that I walked to my labs and did what I did

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