Chapter 7:The Lab

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After about 10 minutes a notification goes off on my screen. Someone is requesting entrance to my lab.

I look at my security cameras and see the Avengers looking right back at me. I pressed my speaker on that transmit my voice to the door "Why are you here?" "Open the damn.." Tony starts but Steve hits him in the head and asks "May we please come in?" "I am in the middle of something" "We can wait but first can we come in please?"

I was reluctant since I was in the middle of a meeting with Japan's board on the new building. I pressed paused on my video call with them and said to the Avengers "Fine but don't make any noise I'm in the middle of a meeting"

They all smiled and when I unlocked my door I un-paused the screen. I smiled at the board in Tokyo, Japan. "Tatemono no tame no atarashī keikaku o watashi wa chūdan o shazai shi, watashi wa mimi ni hijō ni kyōmi o motte imasu" (I apologize for the interruption and I am very interested to hear your new plans for the building).

Everyone turned and looked at me in shock at my fluent Japanese. "Tatemono jitai wa Nihon de hajimete no kurīn'na enerugī-gen ni yotte kyōkyū sa re, wareware wa sore ga watashitachi ni ejji o ataerudarou to kangaete imasu" (The building itself will be powered by the first ever clean energy source in Japan and we believe that will give us an edge).

I nodded agreeing and said "Watashi no ashisutanto wa, wareware ga hanasu yō ni sorera no fairu o sōshin suru ni torikunde imasu. Watashi wa ima ikanakereba narimasen. Sayōnara"(My assistant is working on sending those files as we speak. I must go now. Goodbye) they all nod their goodbyes.

I disconnect the video chatting and I hack into China's satellite and their government to see how far along they were to creating a fully functional clean and long lasting energy source. It turns out they weren't even close.

I shrug and turn all my computers off to focus on the others. "Why did you need China's satellite and government files?" Tony asked and I turned to him "It doesn't concern you." He narrows his eyes at me and I smirk "Oh god you're just as bad as Fury" he looked shell shocked but quickly recovered and yelled "I AM NOTHING LIKE FURY!"

I laugh and say "There are a lot of similarities like the fact that you need to know everything or your controlling issues." "I do not have controlling issues" "You can't even have someone pass you something and if you want I can give you my perfessional opinion."

He laughed and said "What? You're expert or something? Please honey you don't know anything.." But I cut him off and say "Let me guess. Your mom was the only person who was ever truly there for you. Therefore she showered you with whatever you needed because daddy was never there." I saw his jaw clench but I continued.

"Then when they died you turned to distractions to depend on because the one person who was always there for you was gone. You couldn't control her fate so you try,excessively if I might add, to control everything around you. Like the nuke in New York or let me guess the knowledge you received from SHIELD just wasn't enough so you hacked into their systems." I smirk and finish off "I bet there was also another thing you couldn't control so you just decided to walk away. Out of sight out of mind am I right?" I see a slight recognition in his eyes but he soon recovers and all I see in his eyes is anger.

I shrug and turn to the others who were staring at me in shocked. "Think about that before you try to get involved with someone else's life that you have no right to."

I left the lab not worrying because they can't access any information or my computers. But I couldn't ignore that sick feeling in my stomach as I replay my last words.

Tony did have a right into my life he just didn't know it.

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