Chapter 5: The Stand off

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At the end of the song he was fast asleep and I just stared at his relax, happy face and smiled. Then I turned back and looked towards the clouds and waited until we reached HQ.

"I don't know if I can do this." Pietro says as I am landing the jet. I look over and see him wringing his hands together. I grasp on to them separately and pulled them apart and whispered "They love you and there is nothing to be worried about." "Why did your dad leave you?" It was a strange and blunt question but I understood where it was coming from so I said "He wasn't ready to be a father, however, that isn't a liable excuse for his actions. They won't leave you, none of us will. You just need to give them a chance" "Will you leave me?" I smiled "I will always be here for you" He looks over at me and smiles "Thanks Alex." I nod and shut down the jet and unbuckle my harness.

I limp to get to the back hanger and Pietro says "Are you okay?" I nod and wince as I put pressure on my left leg. He shakes his head "No you're not. You're hurt and bleeding" I look down and saw some of my stitching rip. I curse under my breath and go to unlock the back hanger of the jet. I turn to him before I open it and I say"I will be fine. Just get ready" he nods just when I open it.

As I open the door to reveal the Avengers and Fury all of their focus is on Pietro and I smile when I see Wanda run up and tackle him with a hug.

I silently limp off the jet and out of their eyes. I try to teleport to my lab but the loss of blood is making me weaker. I press my hand to my thigh for a moment and see my hand soaking in blood.

I hear my name being called and Bruce appears with Steve. Bruce says "Alexis we need to get you to my lab" I shake my head "I'm fine guys" I attempt to limp away from them but Bruce steps infront of me and says "You are literally dripping blood and by the excessive amount you won't make it unless you come with me." I give Bruce my signature smirk and say "I'll be fine" He shakes his head and says "Take her."

It takes me a moment to register until I am lifted over someone's shoulder and by the looks of it, it was Steve. I pound on his back and yell furiously "LET ME GO!" "No, just let us help you." I roll my eyes and Bruce says "We need to hurry." Steve nods and they both start sprinting towards his lab. Soon I am placed on a hospital bed and Bruce rips open my cat suit to reveal my wounds. I smirk "If you wanted me naked you could've just asked" He rolls his eyes as Steve lets out a chuckle but stops when he sees my wounds.

Bruce starts an IV and places my blood type of O Neg. Then he takes out the stitches which makes me wince as he apologizes. "Steve hold her down" "Wait, why?" I ask concerned but Steve doesn't question it and holds my upper body down. Then all I fear is searing pain going into my skin and I let out a scream.  The pain becomes so unbearable that I passed out.

I heard voices surround me and I immediately shoot up from the bed into a sitting position. I see Bruce, Steve and Fury all looking at me. I look down and see my left thigh gazed and wrapped neatly. "There were pieces left of the bullets in you. It took me a while but I got them all out." I nod silently and swing my legs over the bed and cautiously stand up gritting my teeth from the pain that shoots up from my left thigh.

I saw my suit ripped open and I turn to Bruce and say "There is a zipper, you didn't have to shred it." He rolls my eyes and says "You were dying so I didn't have time to save your precious suit. My sincere apologies." I chuckle at his high amount of sarcasm but stop when Fury walks up to me and narrows his eyes "We need to talk." I shrug "Go ahead." "I am currently running a DNA test on your blood and every time one of my agents gets close their entire computer system shuts down and wipes all the memory on it. Do you happen to know why?" I shrug nonchalantly "Nope"

He narrows his eyes even further "Who is your father, Agent Stans?" I smirk and say "Wouldn't you like to know?" He grows frustrated and says "I need to know" I shake my head "No you want to know." By this time all the Avengers come in and I see Wanda with Pietro smiling and she looks at me mouthing 'Thank you' I nod my head towards her. Then Fury snaps me out and growls at me "I will find out"

I shrug and laid down on my bed putting my hands below my head relaxing "Fury this is the one thing that you won't know and I bet it kills you to come so close and yet failing with every single pathetic attempt." I look at the ceiling and say "You can fire me I don't need you. However," I pause and look to see him staring at me intently and I say "you need me."

I smirk as he storms out of the room and turn to see all the Avengers gawking at me. I roll my eyes and limp out the room and shrug off Tony's hand to help me. 

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