Chapter 16- Picture This

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Chapter 16: Picture This-

About a week later, my health was restored and everything was back to normal. sort of. if you make an exception of the gastric cancer, that is.

Kennedy and I were pulled up at a round wooden table in Starbucks. Kennedy was persisting to bud a conversation while I focused my camera on my vanilla bean frap in front of me, but slightly missing my target and coming into perspective of some scratches in the wood. Dammit.

"What time is it Keira?" Dee mumbled, as I tapped into the Instagram app.

Ever since Harry and I set up my account about a week and a half ago, I'd been addicted. Every few hours there was a new update on it, usually a picture of our new kitten, Buster. I scrolled through the multiple photos of her, and a faint smiled appeared on my lips before choosing a filter for the picture of my frap.

"1:42, Dee. They'll be here soon, don't worry." I replied.

The boys were at a meeting with Management. They had been gone for a few hours now, and every once in a while Ken or I would get a text from Harry or Lou. The last text we recieved was from Haz, reporting that they had some exciting news and they'd meet us here, at Starbucks, around 2 ish. Kennedy was of course anxious, but thats just how Kennedy always was. 

I, on the other hand was quite excited for the news. Harry had signed the text off with a 'xx,' which he only did in the best of moods. Whatever the news was, it had to be something worth celebrating over. 

"Oh, ok." She answered, chewing down on her pinky nail, peeling off the pastel purple nail polish that she had been sporting for days. 

The sun beat down through the window that we were perched beside, shining brightly on my face. I squinted at Dee for a moment, before I shifted in my seat to avoid being momentarily blind. When my vision was restored, she hadn't quit biting at her nail. I sighed faintly.

As soon as the sigh became audible, her hand shot down and landed in her lap. We had these sort of signals down pat, you could say. Like how she snapped her fingers when i had lipstick in my teeth, or maybe how i coughed dramatically when one of her exes walked by. It was a complicated language.

Now a sigh escaped her lips. "I miss Nova Scotia, Keir." She brushed her blonde bangs behind her ear. "Don't you?"

That was one thing I thought about often. When I drifted off to sleep at night, I thought about sitting on the rocks down at the shore for hours with Roxy and Kennedy. We'd sit there for hours on end, gossipping and taking swigs of Bacardi. Or how I'd spend my Sunday's at the cemetery, just chatting with my mom. Bring her a new boquet every week, and pick at the grass as I vented to her about all the new drama in my life. Sometimes I even thought about Kale, but then Harry's grasp would tighten around my waist as if he sensed that I was uncomfortable and the thoughts blew away like a feather in the wind.

But I especially missed Miranda and Oliver, even if they did annoy me when I did see them. They'd shaped my future, and always supported my choices like family is supposed to. I hadn't talked to them a week before I entered the hospital, and that had been over a month now. Mental note: call home soon.

"Ugh, like you don't know." I said. "Why can't we just escape? I really wish we could."

Her eyes brightened up, and her gaze focused beyond me. I turned around to see the boys walking in the room, locating us and pacing towards us.

Zayn and Harry pulled up a chair on either side of me, and Lou, Liam and Niall sat opposite of me, closer to Kenny. 

"So, guess where our travels will take us ladies?" Niall's Irish accent rang out.

Kennedy's brow furrowed, and my lips twisted to the side in spite of thought. 

"Um, America?" Dee guessed.

"Japan?" I tried.

"EHHHHH WRONG." Louis blurted.

Harry scooted closer, gaining a scrape of the metal chair legs against the ground. He kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear.

"Canada, baby."



Two days passed, and I was standing outside of the limo that was arranged to take the 7 of us to the airport. I could barely contain myself, excitement was almost bubbling over my edge. I felt like a four year old on Christmas. It was so amazing to think I'd be on my home turf after eight months of living in a foreign country. This trip was definitely long overdue.

Kennedy and Lou dragged their bags up next to the group, and tossed them into the trunk. We were all waiting on Liam, who was double checking that he hadn't forgotten anything. I tried to beat a level of Angry Birds while we waited, but got frustrated and put my phone in my pocket, deciding I should save my battery for the plane ride. 

My attention swerved over to the limo driver, who was playing with all the controls. Every now and then, a window would roll down, or he'd accidently lock the doors. Once, the alarm peirced the air. He was obviously very old, or just gotten his liscence, barely legal to drive. How comforting.

A few minutes passed, and Liam exitted the building. He piled his bags into the trunk as we all climbed in and picked our seats. Harry, of course, sat next to me and slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me close.

My eyes began to flutter as I drifted off. There was a smile plastered on my face, as I was more than excited to show Harry everything about Canada. It was going to be the best part of my summer, thats for sure.


Muahahahahha. I finally updated. You may bow down xD

I kid I kid. I'm not that worthy.

WANT TO KNOW WHAT ELSE IM NOT WORTHY OF? all of you guy's amazing support. I love you guys so much. 5000 reads. thats amazing. it blows my mind, really.

FUN FACT: im canadian, so you're probably going to learn some stuff about my experiences coming up.

ANOTHER FUN FACT: I've never actually been to starbucks and had to google that xD

FINAL FUN FACT: Keira's crossed off 3 of the 15 activities on her bucket list so far. a kitten, movie marathon and red velvet cupcake. Plus, she's started on her IG photos c:

um, since you guys love to comment, i'll shoutout my favorite commenter in the next chapter c:

Also, the first to guess what province the band will visit first will recieve a dedication in the next chapter c:

i love you guys alot. dont forget to check out my other stories toooooo (:


ps: next chapter will have multiple point of views, dont worry c:

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