New school new people.

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Daniel's (P.O.V.)

I laid in bed with my hands behind my head, I smiled a the ceiling. wheezy laid on my legs, I could feel her move once in a while. That girl I met early, well spilled my Starbucks all over her. She looked exactly like the girl in my dream, same eyes, same hair. She didn't even know who I was, I liked that.

Kayla was her name, she was beautiful. Her smiled lit up the whole room or was it just me? "Daniel dinner is ready!" JoeJoe yelled coming into my without knock as he took me from my thoughts.

"What." I asked confused and looked at him, "dinner is ready." JoeJoe giggled. "Okay, I'll be done soon."  "Ok." JoeJoe giggled as he left my room, what up with him. I reached to my nightstand and grabbed my phone. It was too far to reach, I reached. I can't. Forget I'll get it later, my laziness took over.

I crawled of my bed and left my room, I jogged down stairs. I could smell spaghetti and meat balls. My eyes widened and I ran to the kitchen, as you could already tell I love spaghetti and meat balls. "That was fast." JJ my other little brother said, "well yeah, it spaghetti and meat balls." I said and sat down beside Becca and Robert.

We talked about our day as we had ate dinner together. "..boys how was the mall?" Mom asked, I thought about Kayla, I smiled like an idiot. "It was good." I said keeping it simple. "What! Mom Daniel and I got Starbucks, there was this girl he walked into and his Starbucks when tall over her." Robert said explaining what happen, you serious Robert.

Mom gasped "was she ok?"  "Yeah, she wasn't even mad about it. Daniel leaned her his sweater." I blushed as Robert explained. "What a gentleman." Mom looked at me, "that girl could be a goddess, but she too young." Robert explained, "what shes only 15." I said. Everybody looked at me. "I mean yeah she's 15 too young for you." I said trying to act cool about the situation.

"Aww, little Daniel likes a girl." Robert said in a baby voice, the rest of the dinner ended up being bugged about Kayla.

Kayla's (P.O.V.)

*The next morning*

I woke with a smile on my face, all I could think of was that guy that spilled his Starbucks all over me. But there was something about him, I somehow knew we were going to see each other again. I ripped off my covers and threw them on Golden, he was still sleeping like a puppy. I got off my bed and made my way to the bathroom, I did my business.

I got changed into a black dress, it stopped at mid thigh. I pulled over a mint green waist jacket. Slipped on black vans, I tied my hair back and did my make up.

I left my hair the way it was, the ombré wavy state. ( I really think this was a good change, I smiled . I looked in The mirror and walked out of my bathroom, Golden was laying on my bed like usual.

I walked to my bed, I sat down and started to pet golden.

My phone vibrated, I stopped petting golden and reached for my phone. I don't have any friends so I'm guessing it's my brother. I turned my phone on and there was the text.

Willy😝: hey you coming down stairs, it's almost time to go.

I sighed and replied, hey that rhymes.

Kayla🎶: yeah I'll be down in a sec

I got off my bed and left my room, I jogged down the Stairs to see William. "Hey Willy." He turned around at the nickname. He smiled as he saw me "ah there my beautiful sister." William never says this to me, what up with him.

"Sissy." Jess said, I turned around to see Jess and my parents. "Aww Kayla you look so pretty why?" My mom asked. Wow thanks love you too guys. "New place, new me." I smiled. "Well i think it's a good change." My dad said and kissed me on the head.

"Ok ready to go Kayla?" William asked, "ready when you are." I smiled. William smiled and headed out the door with my trailing him.

I looked out the window of my brothers black Range Rover, this school was big. "Wow look at this school, can't wait to see the girl here." I could hear the smirk in his voice, I turned around and glared at him. "What?" He shrugged, "I don't get how we're not a like, your a player and usually on the football team. And well I'm Kayla that musical geek freak." I sighed and looked out the window as he parked the his Range Rover.

"Not anymore sis, your beautiful and you didn't even now it. I'll show the ropes on how to be my sister." William said, "thanks but, I'm already your sister." I giggled. "There we go, now let's take this school." William said as he got out of the Range Rover, I followed.

"Ok I want you to be careful around here the guys that come up to you will probably be like me." He was serious, "ok so why haven't you told me this before?" I asked him. "I didn't tell you because you were a music freak and now your a music beauty." William said.

"Aw thanks." I said sarcastically, "just come on." William started to walk as I walked beside him. I could see girls stare at my brother, the think I found uncomfortable is that guys stared at me too. Now I wish this dress was longer.

We entered the halls and eyes glued to us, I felt like a model on a runway. People stared at us as we walked the hallways. Some looked as U.S. with adoration, hatred, desire, and surprise.

We wondered the halls till we found the office, William opened the door and held it open for me. I walked into the office first and William did after me. We walked to the front desk, the lady with black hair looked at us with a fake smile. "He how can I help you?" She asked.

"Hi I'm Will Mason and this is my sister Kayla Mason." He said and pointed to me. "Oh right the new students, I'll go grab you timetables I'll be right back." She got off her chair and left the room to another small one. "So sis how do you like the attention?" William asked.

"Ah well it's over whelming but flattering." I said thinking out loud, I love that song. "You'll get use to it, trust me?" He winked behind me. I turned around to see a couple of girls giggling.

"Ok, I'm back." I heard, me and William turned around. She handed us our timetables, "I'll just get some students to show you around and give you some tips." She smiled.

She lifted up a phone "Jason miller and Sophie Jackson come to the office." She said to the phone which I'm guessing it the announcement thing.

A few minutes later 2 people walked in, "yes Mrs. James." The girl as nicely. "Oh I need you to show Kayla around since you're the same grade. Jason I need you to show will around. They are both new." She said before going back to her business.

"Hi" Sophie said, "hi." I said back, "well why don't I show you my room instead." Jason said. Are must guys like this, ah no Daniel. The voice in the back of my head said. "Hey back off." William said as he pushed Jason away from me. "Sorry dude didn't know she's of limits." He apologized.

"Jason,Kayla is way to pretty for you anyway." Sophie shot at him, "and you are?" He folded his arms. "Ew. Gross. No. Come on Kayla lets get away from him." Sophie pulled me out of the office away form the boys. She started to walk and I of course followed, this was the start of a new school life.


She didn't see Daniel yet, do you thinks she should be friends with Sophie or not.

Stay you because you're amazingly beautiful😘😍

Love all my musical monkeys🐒

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