goodbye happiness

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I stirred and groaned at the loud bang on the door. I can never have a peaceful sleep in this house.

"What." I yelled into my pillow.

"Someone's at the door." William said through the door.

"Who is it." I reached under my pillow and grabbed my phone. It was 8 in the morning, whos this crazy to wake me up at this time.

"Come down and find out." He said. I groaned as I got out of bed. I bented over and threw my hair into a messy ponytail. I slipped on penguin slippers, I got then from-i can't remember where I got them but I seriously adore them.

I hope whoever is at the door isn't import because I look like a dead animal.

I was about to open my door when I forgot Golden likes to sleep by the door sometimes. I tripped over him landing on the ground with an "uhmff."

Well at least my floor is carpet and not wood. I got up and walked out of my room and door the stairs fast wanting to know who was at the door.

I opened the door to see Daniel holding a single white rose. Of course it had to be someone important. I shut the shut as I walked out. I hugged him, his tight hug made me feel at home.

"Why did you come I look like a dead animal." I complained. Daniel's glorious chuckle echoed the porch.

"You don't look like a dead animal. In fact you with no make up kinda turns me on." Oh gees daniel, I blushed.

"I didn't wanna leave with out saying goodbye. So hear my butterfly for you." he handed me the rose.

"Than-" I was cut off by daniel kissing me. More passion than I've ever felt when he kissed me.

He stopped, he held my hands in his. "I know I'll see you when I get back but I just wanted to say I love you."

" Daniel." I gasped.

"Sorry, I really just wanted too say that to you." He smiled.

"Well in that case I love you too." I said with a smile.

"I'll miss you." He started to slip from my hands. "I'll miss you." He walked down the porch, I already missed him.

I watched as he got into his mom's car. The car sped away, I turned on my heels and walked back inside.

"Is he gone?" My mom asked as her eyes saw the white rose in my hand.

" Yeah, he is." I nodded my head.

"K, good we tell you now." She smiled. I looked at her confused. "Tell me what?" I asked.

"We're moving again." My dad coming into the room laying it on me like it was nothing.

My hear borkwn into more pieces than i could count. I dropped mybrose and tears rolled down my cheeks.

"No, no, NO!" I dropped to my knees and started to cry. I didn't know how it felt to get your heart ripped untill this every mommnet.

I was moving away from the only person who gave me love when I needed it. Daniel was my sorce of happiness and now its gone.

Yeah I still have the memories, but they aren't enough. The way the electric feeling that ran up my body when he touched. His smile that have me butterflies, his sweet personality that made me fall in love with him in the first place was all gone. Everything that envoled Daniel was gone and never coming back.

I really hate my parents, my heart ached because of them.

3 years later


Yeah 3 years later. Every short chapter sorry.

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