here we are Rome

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A light tap on my shoulder woke me up from my sleep. I lifted my head from the side of the plane. As soon as my head was away from it my neck throbbed.

It didn't bother me because I was to danm tired. I opened my eyes, hoping to see a smiling Daniel. Instead I got a smirking jack with no Cam.

"Weres Daniel and Cameron?" I was the only thing I said through my yawn. "Daniel left with that pretty girl and Cam is just over there waiting." Jack pointed towards the entrance.

I was too tired to look and let my head fall against the every uncomfortable plane side. I groaned, jack chuckled.

"Wake up, come on there nobody on this plane but us. And why didn't you just lay your head on my shoulder."

"No, no wonder it was so quite in here. And I never thought about it." I replied to him with closed eyes.

"Come on Daniel is waiting for you." Jack chimed.

"No he has that pretty girl with him, so just leave me here to die." I said a little exaggerating.

"No sorry." Jack said as I gasped at two unfamiliar hands slip under my body. I opened my eyes as jack lifted me close to his body bridal style. "What I'm not just gonna leave you here."

"Thanks jack." I said as I snuggled into the crocked of his neck. My lips made connection with his lips by asedent. "Wow." I heard him whisper.

" What?" I asked

" Nothing. "

I went back to snuggling into his neck and surprisingly felt good. Don't get me wrong but i look at jack as an older brother. Nothing else, I look at daniel that way.

Every step jack made I bounced along with him.

I felt him stop "hey, is she sleeping?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah I'm sure." Jack started to walk again. "You know you can't like her right?"

"And why is that." I slip a little with every step he took. He threw me in the air a little and back into his arms with more grip around my body.

"Well she's younger than you, every body can totally see that her and Daniel go together. A random stranger could see it from miles away."

"Okay maybe not miles but if you pay close attention to them. Fait will tell."

"They're 15 they can't tell what love is. But my feelings for her are stronger than daniel's." Jack said.

Wait roll it back, jack likes me.

"You don't know that, love is a....its everything and nothing at all." Was the last thing I heard before I heard everyone else.

"Hey, Daniel!" Jack yelled and stopped. I felt myself slip out of jack's arms. I tried to grab him but I couldn't with my eyes still closed.

Jack gave me to the person who gave that electric feeling. "You got her?" Jack asked. "Yeah." Daniel whispered.

"Okay class listen up!" Mr.O'Donnel yelled. I really didn't want to listen to him yell at the class. I fell into a deep sleep with the warmth that daniel's body gave me.


I woke up in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people.

Two girls sat in a bay window, the one on the left side had a book. I couldnt see what the book was from where I sat. The girl on the right side of the bay window had a laptop. It was definitely a Mac book.

"His beautiful brown eyes go perfect with his smile."the girl on the right side sat. "Yeah but I liked the blonde one better." Jack.

I decided to speak up. "Um. We're am i?" I asked.

They both looked at me and got off the bay window. "Youre up Daniel said you would be up around this time." The girl from the left side of the bay window said.

"Youre at an English music school in Rome, I'm Emily and this is Ashley." Emily said.

"How long have I been sleeping for?" I asked.

"3 hours, its 6 now."

Wow, Daniel helped me sleep for that long.

"Oh you must get ready diner is in an hour." Ashley.

"It's a fancy diner." Emily added

"I didn't bring anything to wear." I said.

"Dont worry I'll lend you a dress, your my body type. Emily." walked away.

"So you're from Florida?" Ashley asked me. "Yes, its beautiful there. You guys should vist there." I said getting out of the bed I was sleeping in.

" Here, this should be the perfect dress." Emily handed me a mint green dress.

"Thank you." I said before walking into the bathroom. "Yes, anything for a sister." Emily said before I shut the door. I pulled on the dress, it hugged my body all the way down to mid thigh.

The dress was strapless, black lines went down the sides. It looked like a every expensive dress.

I walked out of the bathroom. "Sold." I heard Ashley yell which sent me flying a foot or two.

"Sorry." She saw my expression.

"What do you mean sold." I asked confused at what she meant.

"She means the dress looks better on you than me. So I'm letting you have the dress."Emily said.

My eyes widened. " no I couldnt possible take this beautiful dress from you."

"You are, and yes it is." Emily disagreed with me.

"Okay I will take this dress, only because you want me to." I said.

" Perfect, now lets get started on your hair and make up." Ashley said and pushed me into a seat in front of a mirror.

Emily pulled out loads of makeup. "I'll do her make up while you do her hair." Emily said. "Got it." Asley responsed.


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