Young love

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"Offer me that deathless death" our lips touched.


My lips moved in sync with his, my stomach burned with butterflies. Fireworks couldn't decline this feeling. Well to make it far I've only kissed 2 guys in my life. I heard the door open as both of us jumped away from each other. "What just happened." Will asked, "nothing." We both answered really quickly and shared a glance.

"Ok" will said awkwardly "Daniel your leaving in a 20 minutes." Will said before closing the door. As soon as he was gone I felt the awkwardness leave with him. Me and Daniel looked at each other. "So." "So did you feel that or was that just me." He straight up asked. I laughed and shook my head "no I did feel it."

"So what dose that make us." Daniel reached for my hand, "Daniel were only 15." I stated. "I know but when I kissed you it was like I was in so dream." He smiled, i blushed. "Aw your cute when you blush." He said as he connected our lips again. He held my face with his hands. My hands wondered in his hair, this was perfect.

His lips were on mine, this was the best feeling I've ever felt. I didn't know if it was love or are we too young. We stopped kissing, "wow I've never felt like this before." He whispered. "I haven't either." I whispered back.

He smiled and led me to my bed, we sat down. "So?" He asked, "we've only met a few days ago. We can't just date." I said. "I know but I'm leaving soon to go on tour, it's better to make you mine in stead of you fall for someone else."

"I don't even know what I'm feeling right now." Daniel looked at me with sad eyes as if I just broke his heart. He reached for my hand, my skin was burning under his touch. How could his touch do that? I looked at our hands. How was this even possible.

"Did you feel that." Daniel took his hand away as I craved his touch. I nodded my head once "yeah." I said. I looked at him, all I wanted was him and only him.

"Daniel." I heard his mom yelled, "well it looks like I gotta go." He said, he leaned over and peaked my check. He got off the bed and left the room, I blushed at the burning sensation he left on my check. Daniel was different, maybe even more perfect than I thought.

Daniel's (P.O.V.)

I closed her door, as Her door clicked I sighed in bliss. My lips still burned with delight, I wanted to kiss her more than ever right now. I started to walk down the stairs, I thought about what happened moments ago. "Daniel what took you so long." My mom asked with a hand on her hip. "I-ah."

"What?Prince Charming didn't have enough time." Robert laughed with the rest of my brothers. Becca came out from behind dad and punched Robert right on the leg. "Ow." Robert yelled as his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. He held his leg as everybody laugh well except for the adults.

"Daniel can be a Prince Charming if he wants to be, un like you." Becca said looking up at Robert. "Burn." Jess I think was her name said as she high five-d my little sis. Everyone laughed at there cuteness, it was beyond adorable how Becca dissed Robert.

"What going on put here." I heard a heavenly voice, we looked up at Kayla who hung over the rail of the upstairs. She wasn't wearing a dress anymore, she wore joggers and a red tank top. Her hair in a messy bun and no make up, to me she looked more attractive.

"Becca dissed Robert about how Daniel could be a Prince Charming and he couldn't." I heard the little voice of Jess speak. Everyone turned around and looked at her, the only different was I was the only one blushing. "I wasn't suppose to say that was I." Everyone shook their head. She gasped and covered her mouth, she's like Becca but with bright blue eyes.

Everybody laughed. I turned my attention back to Kayla, she looked directly at me. When she looked at me like that I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Mom, can you maybe buy me Instagram now?" Becca asked, every body laughed. She took the attention off me and onto her.i really do have the best sister.

I walked over to her and picked her up "Becca I told you, we can't by Instagram." I said, I looked up at Kayla again. It's so hard not to look at her, her laughed was my favourite thing about her. She covered her mouth as she laughed, I wanted to take her hand away and whisper don't cover your smile. It's beautiful. But I resisted the urge to do so.

"Ok I think that's it's time to go, thank you for having us." My mom said as she opened the door. "Your welcome, come back anytime." Mr. Mason said as the rest of our family left.

"Bye. Daniel." Kayla said, right before I closed the door. She only said bye to me and nobody else, wow I feel kinda important.

"Hurry up Prince Daniel." Robert yelled as he took me from my trace. My other brothers laughed at his comment. Still. "Stop bugging your brother." My mother said sternly at him. I smiled to myself as I got into the van.


Aw how cute Daniel and Kayla, comment for a ship name. Does anybody remember when Becca said that she wishes her mom bought her Instagram. Vote if you did.

Stay you because you are amazingly beautiful😘😍

Love all my amazing musical monkeys🐒

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