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I sat in my dark bedroom, against my head board covered in blankets. My remote rested in right hand, Netflix was on.

I was watching the vampire diaries again with my animal friends. Golden laid his head on my thighs, S'more meowed.

S'more is my very fat cat or just really fluffy. I got her after aunt katie wanted me to make friends.

My phone dinged, I grabbed it off my nightstand. I didn't pause the show since I basically know all the lines.


Maddi told me about the little cafe across town I'll be there in a bit

I smiled at his text.


Okay just don't get stuck in traffic

I got of out bed and turned my light on. I walked to my closet and debated on what to where.

I picked a shirt that said 'I've been riding unicorns for years'. A pair of black high waisted jeans. Black and white harry potter high converse.

I walked to the bathroom and put it on, Harry Potter and unicorns. Seems appropriate for me.

And of course the 'D' necklace around my neck. I've barley take it off, I put under my shirt.

I started on my make up and left my hair straight.

I walked out of my bathroom with a smile on my face. I jumped as I saw my best friends laying on my bed.

"Who'd you have sex with?" Ashley asked straight up. Ashley was always the wild one out of all of us, didn't care about what people thought she just did it.

Emily, this innocent on that occasionally gets in trouble. She still was a little wild, but was still sweet.

Than there's me, the one who stays home or in the cafe most of the time. Playing it safe, no just really lazy.

"Ashley." Emily hit her on the arm.

I laughed, "oh some." I said.

"Who." They both jumped of my bed like a kangaroo.

I laughed as there was a knock on my door.

"Come in."

The door opened, aunt katie walked in. She looked at the TV than at me. "How many times did watch that series?"

"Ah." I thought about it, "too many too count." We all giggled together, "oh what I came he to say was. There's a boy named jack down stairs who asked for you."

Golden barked as he heard a familiar name. "Yeah, that's him." I said as I made my way down the hall way. Golden by my side as I could hear Ashley and Emily panicking.

I walked down the stairs, and down another to get to the cafe. Once I got down i saw jack and Cameron.

"Hey." I hugged both of them. "So that's the guy you had sex with." Ashley basically yelled. Everybody looked this way as everything went silent.

God just kill me now, my face was red as a tomato or a red fire work.

" Ashley. " Emily giggled.

"No." I said, once i said that everybody in the cafe sent back to their conversations. "Gees, I can never tell you guys anything." I laughed.

"What I miss." Hunter walked towards us, "kayla had sex with this jack guy." Ashley said really fast.

"Ashley." all of us said.

"You know what, lets just go upstairs." I said and turned around, I walked up the stairs with Golden.

I made my way to the living room, sat on the couch. Everyone looked at me, "well sit." I motioned towards the couches in front on me. They all sat in awkward silence.

Emily drooled over Cameron, Cameron looked around the room. Ashley looked bored out of her mind. Jack looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Hunter glared at both of the guys, Golden laid beside me.

"Guys this shouldn't be awkward, you've met before." They looked at me like I was crazy.


"Oh I remember you." Ashley pointed to Cameron. "You're the guy who helped sing all I want. When daniel asked out Kayla." She said the last part quietly.

"Yeah, Daniel wrote that song for her." Cameron is making me feel that it was bad to have sex with Jack.

"Oh and I remember jack, you told us that he was like a brother to you." Emily.

"You did?" Jack

"That was when I was dating Daniel things change in 3 years.

" yeah, since you had sex with him."

The guys chuckled. "Okay it happened, now Ashley you can stop with the you had sex." I explained.

"When I said make friends I didn't mean those kinda friends." I heard aunt katie said.

I jumped off the couch and turned around. "Ah, me and jack we already new each other be-."

"No I know, he looks familiar in pictures down stairs. It's fine your 18, I'm happy for you. Carry on" She smiled and turned around.

"What should we do?" I asked and sat bad on the couch.

"So, why do you like Kayla." Hunter asked.

Here we go this is gonna take a while.

Hunter now is the brother figure, well my brother and sister are still with my mom.

Ashley the gossip girl

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