the feeling i get with you

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Me and Daniel decided to stay in his dorm room today was the last day in Rome and he leaves for his tour a day after he gets home.

I wore a peak-a-chew shirt, black leggings, and red convers. My hair was in a messy bun, there was no point on dressing up if we're just going stay in the dorm all day.

I was about open the door when ashely spoke "and were are you going?"

"To hang out with Daniel because its our last day." I said. "And you don't wanna hang out with me and Emily for that day."

"How rude." Emily gasped, "you two are way to dramatic I said before leaving the room.

I walked up the flights of stairs, this place has no elevator but eleven stairs cases.

My phone rang, I took it out of my leggings waist band and answered it without looking at who was calling.

" hello?"

"We are not darmatic." Ashley said

"You called me to tell me that, that's pretty dramatic."

" Whatever."

"Have fun with Daniel, bit not to much fun!" Emily yelled.

"Okay, bye guys." I said and hung up the phone.

I was looking at the room numbers, i knew which room number was his.

234, 235, 236.

I opened his door to see 3 boys on the floor playing a game. None of them were Daniel sadly.

The game paused and all the boys looked at me when I closed the door.

They looked at me like I was another species. "Where's Daniel?" I asked his roommate to be pacific. "He's not here but I am." A brown haired boy got ofntje carpet floor and made his way towards me.

"No, and eww." I said, why are most boys I meet so player like. "No, I'm here. Aaron step away from her!" Daniel yelled from the bathroom.

"How do you know it's me?" He whined. "Because you're always the one to approach a girl." Daniel said. Aaron shrugged and walked back to the group of boys. "You must me, the beautiful butterfly kayla." A guy I'm guessing is Kyle, Daniel mentioned him once it twice.

I blushed at how Daniel describes me to other people, "yeah, that me." I said shyly. "Wow, she's even shy, you can never find one of those any more." a light browned haired guy said.

"Yeah, that- what are you wearing?" Daniel asked as he ran over to his bed and grabbed his sweater and literally threw it on my body.

The boys laughed at his protectiveness, "its a crop top and you never told me Kyle was here with his friends. So its your fault that I'm wearing this." I said looking down at the sweater.

"Yeah, should of texted you. Anyway that's Aaron and thats Miles." Daniel pointed to each boy.

I noticed I was wearing the sweater Daniel wore when he asked me out. I felt so safe in it, it smelled like Daniel too.

"Well hello, what are we doing?" I asked as I jumped on to Daniel's bed. "Wow, this sweater it really soft." I commented. "Yep and you still look good in my clothes."

"I know you told me more than a million times."

The loud shooting from the games filled the room, daniel jumped onto his bed next to me. "Well we could cuddle and watched the guy play there game. Or we cuddle, or cuddle." He counted off his fingers.

I giggled, I pulled daniel towards me. He took it by surprise " Gees agressive." Daniel chuckled. "Nope, just for you." I nuzzles my face into his chest and we started our cuddle.

The way he made my heart pound, the feelings he gave me. The dorky ways he acts, the song he sang me. I never wanted this trip to end, when I get home some how I know this is gonna end.


After what felt like forever and still felt like a few seconds of cuddling, but probably was about an hour or so. The boys stopped playing there game. "Hey, daniel me and the boys are going to Aaron's dorm and leaving you two have some time together." Kyle.

"K, thanks bro."

"It was nice meeting you guys, even Aaron." I said against daniel's chest.

"Yeah, I'll be back in a couple hours." Kyle said and left with the other guys.

"Yes some alone time with my bae." I said as I sat up next to Daniel. Daniel chuckled at how I said the word bae.

"So Daniel, what do you wanna do?" I asked. A smirk grew on his face, "I know what we could do." He tackled me down as I fell backwards ontk his bed.

"Daniel, no." I said sternly knowing he was going to tickle me. "Too late." Daniel yelled as his hands went under the sweater I was wearing and started to tickle me.

His cold hands tickled me and I couldn't stop laughing. "Babe, say Daniel Skye is the best singer ever." Daniel said.


"Okay, your choice." He tickled me even more. I squirmed from underneath him.

"F-fine Dan-niel S-skye i-is the be-est singer e-ever!" I yelled as he stopped.

Daniel still straddled me as our heavy breathing came in sync. "I love your laugh, how you look so happy makes my heart melt." Daniel said looking down at me.

My cheek were a pink color, I swear i'd win most times blushing in the last four days.

"Daniel stop you're making me blush." I said and hit his chest. Daniel chuckled, he leaned in. "You look amazingly cute when you blush." Danile said seductively and licked his lips.

He stared into my hazel eyes, I felt like he was testing on how long I could resist his lips.

I couldn't take it anymore, I crave for his lips to be on mine. I pulled his neck towards me and our lips connected.

The butterlfies danced in the pit of my stomach. All I could hear was fireworks, I loved every bit of him.

I showed him I wanted to be in control by fliping us over. I was now straddling him, his hands rested on my waist not a bit further down.

We Moved around to much around the bed's edge and fell off. We hit the ground floor, it was too funny to keep making out and we burst out laughing.

"Well I was starting to get hungry anyways." I shrugged.

"They have a taco bell down stairs wanna go get some?" Daniel asked me. I gasped "taco bell with Daniel Skye, I'm honored." I acted like one of his fans.

Daniel chuckled as he got up. "Good impression, but you're not one of my lovely fans. You're my lovely girlfriend." Daniel held out his hand.

I took it "even better." I smiled as he helped me off the ground. He intsrwhined our hands as he walked into the hallway.

This is the dormitory for the boys, there was a few pasting threw.

"Don't worry Daniel, I'm yours and you're mine." I said leaning my head into his shoulder.

"I know, I know."


Happy lollypops and unicorns for know anyway.

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