The devil his here

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Aunt Katy was coming home today, Hunter had to pick her up for me. Ashely and Emily were helping me get ready for my date. Ashely was doing my hair while Emily dug in my closet for a dress. The date was a fancy occasion, I still had no idea where we were going. 

Glee was playing on my T.V. To keep me occupied, it was the Glease episode. This was literally my favourite episode, it's Glee and Grease mixed together. That was like the absolute best idea ever. I felt like dancing in my chair, but Ashley got mad when I did.

"I found a dress!" I heard Emily yell, I didn't have many dresses so..... "Finally." Ashley said curling my hair. Emily came out of my walk in closet. Emily's hair was everywhere, her eyes were wide, her clothes were all over the place. She held the dress in her arms, me and Ashely started to giggle at Emily's appearance. "What?" She asked, I shook my head. "Nothing, just be thankful Hunter isn't here yet." Ashley spoke, I we laughed again.

Emily threw the dress at me and ran to the bathroom, we still giggled.

A knock on the door was heard, "are you serious!" Emily yelled thinking that it was Hunter. We giggled, but knew that he would just walk into the house. "I'll get it." Ashley started towards my bedroom and headed down stairs. The thumping followed her down the stairs.

Golden barked after Ashely opened the door, his paws echoed through out the house. Light thumps followed him to the stairs, "Kayla the devil is here to see you." I furrowed my eyebrows to what she meant. I stood up, I looked towards the curler. It was off, she must be finished with my hair.

I started to head Down the stairs, "what are you talking about?" I asked her as she blocked the view of the person in the doorway. She moved out of the, there stood the blonde blue eyes boy who might be the father of my child. "Oh." Was the only thing I could manage to say. He khaki pants, black shirt with 'obey' written in white. Fake glasses sat on the bridge on his nose making his eyes a little glossy from the lighting.

"I'll just leave you guys alone." Ashely said before heading back upstairs. I let the door shut before I began talking. "Jack what are you doing here?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. He walked into my house and shut the door, "you look beautiful." His eyes trailed down my body making me self conscious. "Don't try to change the subject." I tried not to melt, but those glasses made his face even more adorable. He knew it to.

"You haven't been answering my texts and Gilinsky you're going on a date tonight. Before you went I just wanted to check on you." He walked closer to me, "Jack, I'm fine. You can go." I said pointing towards the door. His face gave me a sad expression "kayla I just want to help you." He explained. "Jack, if you wanna help leave. I don't want you to come back." I started to get frustrated with him.

It would be easier if he wasn't on my tail constantly. Daniel and jack are almost at each other's throats because of me. I love Jack but he's making it harder than it has to be, I need to push him away. Even if the baby is his, I don't want him to know.

Jack looked at the ground and breathed heavily as if cooling himself down. He blue eyes flicked back to me, "okay." He quietly said, "thank you Jack." I said, "whatever helps." He shoved his s hands into his pockets before heading towards the door.

I took a minute to think, was what I did right? I heard Jack start his engine and drive off. I headed back upstairs. "Is Hunter here yet?" Emily yelled from the bathroom, "no." Me and Ashely said in a sync.

Ashley was watching glee, I picked up the black dress from the ground. I walked into my bathroom, I closed my door. "What'd he say?" Ashely yelled, "um he wanted to know if I was okay. I haven't been answering his text." I removed myself from my clothes, "what if the baby is his though?" Emily asked this time. "I'm not going to tell him, I was going to tell him if it is his. I changed my mind, it'd be to much. My boyfriend and my baby's daddy as each other's throats, no thank you."

I slipped the black dress on my body. It had a skater dress vibe but it was elegant, it was strapless. Hugged my waist, it was right above my knees. Ashely and Emily stayed quite after I told them what I wanted. I turned to the side, noticing a very small baby bump. I sighed, this is going to be one hell of a ride.


I finished getting ready, Hunter came back with my aunt. I told everything that as happened in the last few days. She didn't look pale like she was a couple days ago.

I sat on the edge of her bed and held her cold hand in mine. She was sleeping peacefully, slow breaths she took. She's my world, she's more family than my other one. The thoughts of my brother and sister came into my mind. There fine, I know.

"Hey." I heard Daniel say, I turned towards him. He look too hot to describe, my jaw almost dropped looking at him. I smiled and stood up, the high heels I was wearing still didn't make me taller than him. "How is she?" Daniel eyes now on my aunt, I looked at her again. "She's going to be fine." I looked back at him.

"Can I just say how sexy you look in that dress." A smirked laid on his face. I blushed "well, you already did, but you look way sexier than me." I bit my lip as my eyes raked his body. "Damn, I could just rip that dress off." They way he spoke made me get a little hot.

"Oh." He said like he remembered something. "I meant to give you this a week ago.." Daniel pulled a small white box from his suit. "When, you got the news about Katie." Daniel opened the box. There laid a gold necklace, 'Daniel's' was the name on the necklace. I had no idea what to say, it was more beautiful than the first necklace he gave me.

"Daniel, I don't know what to say." I said still admiring it. "Simply you don't, it's an update from the 'D' that you're wearing." I still was speechless, he walked behind me. He moved my curled hair to the side. He took the old necklace off and put the new one on me.

The cold metal sent tingles on my chest, "there, now they know you're mine." He slipped his hand into mine. I leaned into his body as we began walk out. "It's beautiful." I finally found a word to say, "anything, for my girl." I liked the way my name rolled off his tongue.

I'm sorry, this really felt like a bad chapter 😭

I was thinking about ending it here but, she's preggers. You gotta know who's baby it is. I think I should have a sequel revolved around the child, or where Kayla and Daniel end up. Comment if you want more of her family or Daniel's in the sequel or...

Stay yourself because you're amazingly beautiful😍😘

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