Chapter One: Introductions

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Calum stood in the bathroom of Gigi's, his favorite bar in all of Chicago, well, at least it was his favorite, before some drunk sleaze with grubby hands spilled a cup of whiskey down his shirt. The ebony haired boy knew the man did it on purpose just to get a better look at his slightly tattooed chest which was only covered by a thin white tee shirt that was now completely soaked.

So there he stood, in the bathroom with his hands holding the soaked material under the electric hand dryer. The boy was left in unhealthily tight skinny jeans and a crème colored bralet that brought out the tan color of his skin. A shiver ran up Calum's spine as he thought of the vulgar man, his grey stubble filthy with crumbs and dry alcohol.

Men like that make Calum feel dirty, even if she had no reason to feel that way. They only want what they can't have and they do the most twisted things to get it. Calum, they definitely can not have.

Calum ran his fingers over the damp material, groaning loudly when he felt the wet patch of cloth. His chest was sticky and smelled strongly of whiskey, a scent he didn't particularly dislike, just not on his skin. As his thought coursed through his mind the bathroom door swung open then shut with a loud slam, causing the tan boy to jump and almost drop his shirt. A tall boy with a heave covered in messy light brown curls leaned against the door as if trying to keep someone out, chest heaving in quick breaths.

"Who are you running from?"
Calum asked, curiosity evident in his soft voice. He looked away from the boy by the door and focused on getting his shirt dried so he could go home.

"Who said I was running from someone?"
The boy with the curls spoke in a deep, smooth voice. Calum didn't pay much attention to his features, but a shock ran through his body when he heard the boys alluring voice. It was a soft, deep voice that made him want to turn around and study his face, but he willed himself to keep his attention on his semi-dry shirt.

"No one needed to say it. Your
breathing is rugged, you locked
the door, and you look distressed"
Calum pointed out. The boy against
the door stared at the shirtless Calum before him, wondering how he would
look without his tight black skinny jeans,
if he underwear matched the royal blue bralet that hugged his chest so perfectly. Wondering how such a pretty boy could
get away with wearing women's clothing without a single fuss, because the way Calum looked could send any man to their knees. The mans curls swayed as he shook the dirty thoughts away and looked to the floor instead.

"Fine I was running, but
it's nothing that concerns you"
he said, a certain harshness to
his once soft voice.

"I was just curious.. You don't have to tell me all of your secrets, frankly I don't care"
Calum said, an annoyance ran with her words, quickly losing interest in the rude boy.

"It's not a secret"
the curly haired man
said stubbornly.

"Then why don't you tell me?"
Calum challenged, turning around and leaning his back against the cold tile wall, crossing his skinny arms over his chest, staring into the strangers hazel eyes.

"Cause it's a secret"
he muttered. An amused chuckled
escaped Calum's lips as he turned back around and started drying his shirt again. He slid the shirt over his head, satisfied with the dry material.

"Have fun with your secret"
Calum smiled as he approached the door, only for the stranger to block it with an amused smirk on his plump, pink lips.

"What's your name?"
he asked.

the tan boy deadpanned.

"My name-"

"I don't need to know
your name. I'm perfectly fine with remembering you as the weird, secretive, stranger from the bathroom at the bar"
Calum said. Without another word he managed to push past the stranger and disappear out of the door. Calum glared at the man who spilled a drink on him as he made his way out of the bar.

— • —

The Chicago air was cold and windy, the sky was layered in thick grey clouds, threatening to spill the water that had built up inside. Ashton held a white stick between his pointer and index fingers, occasionally using his thumb to flick off the grey ash. The tan boy released white, puffy clouds of smoke, his body relaxing. His hoodie clad back was pressed against the sapped brick wall of the alleyway. The early morning sun was scarcely beginning to peek through the dark clouds.

The soft hazel orbs of Ashton's eyes searched up and down the tedious streets, locking with a large figure standing beside a light post, talking to a women pushing a black stroller, a blanket covering whatever was inside. The women slipped her hand in the mans jacket pocket before retracting and walking away. Ashton rolled his eyes at the conspicuous drug deal, taking another puff of his cigarette.

Ashton's entire body stiffened when the
hot breath came in contact with his neck. He whipped his body around, gripping
the black object in the back of his pants. Calum let out uncontrollable giggled as Ashton glared.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"
Ashton exclaimed, placing the white stick between his lips and taking a long drag, his body relaxing again. Calum waved his hands in front of his face as Ashton released the white smoke in his direction.

"Who are you hiding from?"
Calum asked once his giggles died down. Ashton turned around, searching once against for the man. He was still stood by the light pole, only now he was staring directly at them. Thoughts of the previous night played in his head, the memory of Calum's royal blue bralet made a pleasant shiver run up his spine.

"No one"
Ashton muttered, he threw his spent cigarette onto the floor, smashing it
with the front of his shoe.

"So are you always this
weird and secretive?"
Calum asked, his short arms
crossing over his chest, head
slightly tilting to the side.

"For the most part"
Ashton turned his head to the side and looked back at the man. His heart stared beating faster when he watched the man crossed the street, coming towards them. A smirk was placed on his repulsing lips, which were almost covered by the thick mustache below his nose.

he yelled.

"Who is that?"
Calum asked curiously

Ashton ignored the oblivious boys question, gripping his wrist instead and pulling him down the alleyway. Heavy footsteps were heard throughout the alley as their paced increased. Out of nowhere Ashton broke into a sprint, dragging Calum along with him, making the shorter boy stumble and struggled to keep up with the taller boy.

"What the hell?"
Calum yelled over the loud footsteps, trying hard to pull his arm out of the taller boys grip but he was being held too tightly, running hard and fast.

"Just run"
Ashton's voice was strict yet
rugged. Without further protest,
Calum picked up his pace.

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