Chapter Six: Notes

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Ashton's eyes were fixated on the ceiling fan above him, the brown blades spinning in slow circles. The light buzzing of cars passing outside filled his ears as he laid on the mattress, his damaged knee propped up with a pillow. His mind raced with thoughts of Calum, the brunette boy was all he saw when he closed his eyes. His soft, sweet voice rang in Ashton's ears every time silence surrounded him.

Ashton's train of thought was cut off by a loud banging on his front door. A groan escaped Ashton's lips as he sat up, his hipbone ached as he stood up from the small bed. He limped to the door, his right leg carrying most of his weight. He peered through the peephole, the image that has been in his head all day now standing on his welcome mat. His frizzy brown hair siting messily on his head, his fingers fiddling nervously. Ashton unlocked the door and swung it open, trying not to lose his balance.

"Calum ?"
he questioned. The skinny boy walked past Ashton and entered his apartment. Ashton shut the door and peered out of the peep hole, making sure no one followed Calum.

"Are you trying to torment me?"
Calum asked, his hands placed firmly on his hips. Ashton's eyebrows furrowed as he limped towards the couch, plopping down onto it with a soft thud.

"What are you talking about?"
he asked. Calum scoffed as he dug around in his bag. He pulled out a stack of folded white papers and threw them down onto the small coffee table that was placed in front of the ratty, brown couch.

"What is this?"
Ashton asked staring at the papers.

"These are creepy notes and I want
to know why you're sending them"
Calum exclaimed as he sat as far away from Ashton on the couch as he could. Ashton picked up the stack and placed them on his lap, unfolding each one
to read them.

Calum, you're beautiful

Calum, you have a beautiful smile.

Calum, good boys don't play well with bad boys.

Calum, be careful where you put your trust.

Calum, your black dress shows your curves perfectly.

Calum, 2498 Lincoln street apartment 13

"Cal, I didn't send these to you"
Ashton shook his head as he read the last note, which was his own address. This would explain how Calum found Ashton.

"Then who did?"
Calum bellowed. Ashton scanned over
the notes, studying the handwriting.

"Where were these?"
Ashton asked.

"Tapped to my front door"
Calum answered. Ashton set the notes down on the table, adjusting his knee, which was aching and cramping. Calum stared at his knee, some sort of wrapping prominently outlining his sweatpants.

"I think you should stay here for tonight"
Ashton suggested. Calum looked at him in disbelief. Ashton met his eyes, the chocolate brown orbs almost popping out as the you ever boy stared at him.

"Why would I stay here with
some creepy, mysterious, boy
whom I know nothing about when
I have a perfectly safe apartment?"
Calum sarcastically asked. He knew he wouldn't stay, he never planned on staying for more than ten minutes let alone an entire night.

"You'd be safer if you stayed with me" Ashton explained.

"I'd feel safer if I was far away
from you. If you know the person
giving me these notes tell them to stop"
on that angry note, Calum walked back towards the door, swinging it open and slamming it shut.

Ashton stared at the closed door, his heart racing. Watching Calum flail his arms, his face contort out of frustration, his soft brown eyes widen then squeeze shut. Ashton couldn't deny that all of his thoughts about Calum being angry were messing with his hormones.

Ashton pushed his sexual frustration out of his head as he stood up. His knee was still weak but he could walk on it without wanting to scream in pain. He limped into his room and changed from his sweatpants into a pair of jeans and a black tee shirt. He popped a few pain pills into his mouth as slipped on his black hoodie.


A puff of smoke was released from Ashton's lips as his body was blending with the shadows. Marco was stood in front of the pub, a cigarette held between two fingers. Marcos sickening green eyes were scanning over the intoxicated girls stumbling outside of the pub. Ashton threw his spent cigarette on the ground and smashed it under his shoe.

Marco left the front of the pub, walking towards the side. Ashton crossed the street, placing his hood over his head. Once Marco was almost towards the dead end Ashton grabbed him by the back of his shirt and threw him against the wall.

"What the hell"
Marco bellowed. Ashton held Marco against the wall, their faces inches away.

"Where'd you find him?
Were you following him?"
Ashton asked, his voice full of anger. Marco let out a sick chuckle, relaxing against the wall.

"Who? The pretty boy with the sexy
body? Have you seen him in that black
dress? If you haven't I suggest you should"
Marco said. Ashton pulled him away from the wall just to slam him back against it again. A groan escaped Marcos lips as his back came in contact with the hard bricks.

"Why are you sending him
notes? Tell me what you want"
Ashton yelled, spit flying out of his
mouth as he tried to suppress his anger.

"You know what I want Ashton.
Give me what I want and I'll leave
your pretty little boyfriend alone"
Marcos voice was unexpectedly calm. Ashton sighed, frustration replacing every emotion he previously had.

"I told you I was out. I'm done and I'm not going back. You're gonna leave him alone or else I beat the living shit out of you" Ashton threatened. Once his words filled Marcos ears he walked away, pushing against Marcos chest.

Ashton's chest was heaving quickly as he walked in fast strides. He walked into the lobby of the old apartment building. The elevator dinged as the metal doors opened. He stepped inside impatiently tapping his fingers against the metal railing as the small box raised. Once he was on the tenth floor he stepped out and walked down the hallway.

He knew it was late and he knew the boy wouldn't be happy that he was here but he knocked anyway.

The door swung open and the boy stood on the other side, a large white tee shirt hung on his body, stretching down to his mid thigh. His eyes were slightly squinted, probably from being woken by a
pounding on his door.

"What the he-"
Ashton cut him off by stepping closer to him and wrapped his arms around his waist, burying his face into the crook
of the boys neck.

"You're tearing my walls down
and I fucking love it"

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