Chapter Thirty-Six: No Affliction

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In a way he's his own worst enemy. His mind works against his heart and sometimes he doesn't make the right decisions, then he kills himself inside because of the guilt of knowing he's done the wrong thing. Like when he told Marco he was quitting and the drug dealer brought Calum into the line of danger and Ashton couldn't really do anything to protect him because he wouldn't let him in, and that hurt. But not as much as it hurt him to know that it was all his fault. If he never quit and he never forced himself into Calum's life they could all be happy right now.

But Calum would still be anxious.

But Ashton had made the right decision this time, and even though his heart is aching and he can't seem to bring a smile to his face he knows deep inside that everything will turn out ok, at least he hopes it will. But right now, with his suitcase in his hand, a curly haired girl leading him through the airport, and a brunette no longer thousands of miles away from him, he has a feeling that things will get better.

"Oh fuck no" Ashton snaps out of his thoughts when he hears the loud voice. He looks up and spots the pale boy who's hair is now a green color, his arms crossed over his chest with his eyes narrowed at Ashton.

"Give him a chance Mikey" Ashton looks to Michaels left at Luke, who actually looks taller than before which is intimidating yet makes Ashton wonder how the hell the kid can grow anymore. Although Michael is a bit taller than the blonde.

"I don't want to give him a chance. I'll buy him a ticket back to Chicago but I'll be dammed if you think that he's getting in my car" Michael yells. Ashton hangs his head low, instead of the usual argumentative Ashton only silence comes from him.

"Mikey look at him, he's obviously miserable. You know damn well that Calum will kick your ass if you don't take him to him" Nia spoke when no one else did. Michael huffed out a breath of annoyance, ignoring the smirk from Luke as he opened the trunk for Nia and Ashtons suitcases. Ashton sat in the back seat with Luke whilst Nia and Michael sat in the front, conversing. Ashton looked over at Luke when he feels a tap to his arm. The blonde is looking out of the window with a small envelope held out towards Ashton. The hazel eyed boy cautiously takes it with furrowed eyebrows. The envelope wasn't sealed so he lifted the tab and pulled out the folded sheet of paper that was inside.

There's a boy named Ashton. Ashton Irwin, and I fell in love with him. Michael said I was stupid at first but when he saw how much Ashton and I cared for each other he couldn't deny that we belonged together. But things got complicated and people started getting hurt, physically and emotionally. I went back to the hospital once and Ashton was put in a coma. I was kidnapped at least twice and Nia was almost shot. But I think we got through it because we had each other and after everything I've realized that's all we ever needed, and that's all I'll ever need. So when Ashton comes to the same conclusion I'll be waiting, I'll be waiting just like when he was in the hospital, and I'll never stop waiting.


"Mike tried throwing it away but I kept it because I knew you'd come. Just keep this in mind for when you see him, don't be nervous and don't be scared because he loves you and all he's doing is waiting" Luke spoke in a whisper, probably so Michael wouldn't hear.

"Thank you Luke" Ashton said sincerely. Luke smiled at the hazel eyed boy, giving a pat to his knee as the car came to a stop. Ashton looked out of the window at the small white house in front of them. Ashton shakily opened the car door, clutching the letter tightly to his chest, hoping Luke was right.

"He's probably upstairs in bed, if he comes out crying and screaming I'm making no hesitation to kick your ass" Michael said as he unlocked the door, letting Ashton in with a threat.

"I never mean-"

"You never meant to hurt him. I know. First door on the right" Michael cut him off as he walked away. Nia and Luke walked past the boy each giving a pat to his back. Ashton was terrified, the small staircase looked so deadly in his eyes. He took deep, shaky breaths as he began to climb the stairs. Michael said it was the first door on the right, and that's where Ashton stood, for at least twenty minutes.

When he finally turned the doorknob his heart stopped, frozen in place as he pushed the door open. And he saw him. It was exactly like when Ashton called him from a payphone and he told him to simply lock the door behind him. So that's what he's doing now. As he walks into the room, he shut the door quietly, and locks it behind himself. When hearing the door click shut Calum flips over in his bed and smiles at the sight in front of him.

"No fighting. No tears. No complications. No affliction" Ashton said. Calum smiled, lifting the covers and making room for the boy. Tears fell from the hazel eyed boys cheeks as he got into bed with the brunette.

Arms are wrapped around bodies, legs are entwined, kisses are shared, and hearts are pieced back together.

"No affliction"

The end

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