Chapter Eighteen: Heartbreak

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The lilac haired boy sat in the uncomfortable waiting room chair, trying to get a hold of the brunette boy's mother or sister. He had no luck, but he understood as it was already 3 o'clock in the morning. He had been sitting in that same chair for four hours. his ass was numb and his head hurt, saying he was having a bad night would be an understatement.

None of the doctors would talk to him and he just wanted to get this all over with, he wanted to know if Calum was ok.

It was midnight when Michael got the call. It was an elderly women ranting about water seeping through her ceiling. The manager of the building had told him that the water from the bathtub flooded her entire bathroom and bedroom. The water damage was so extensive that it seeped through the carpet and the ceiling of the person below her.

Michael did the only thing he could in that moment, he got his phone out and typed a message to a boy he had been relying on recently.

To Luke: Lukey I'm freaking out.

To Luke: No one is talking to me, I can't do this.

From Luke: Don't worry Mikey, I'm sure he's going to be okay. Just take a deep breath and if you get too scared just call me.

To Luke: I don't know what I would do without you Lukey.

From Luke: I wouldn't even be here without you Mikey, you'll be ok babe.

"Is anyone here for Calum Hood?" Michaels head snapped up as he bolted out of the chair, almost dropping his phone, which he slid back in his pocket.

"I am" he said.

"Are you family?" the doctor asked.

"His family isn't picking up, I'm his best friend" he explained frantically.

"Since you're the only one here for him that'll be fine. Calum is stable for now but he isn't breathing on his own. We pumped his stomach and found oxycodone in his system. I looked in his flies and the pills were prescribed but not recently. Right now Calum is under suicide watch so only immediate family is allowed in" the doctor explained. Michael's head was spinning, he knew he shouldn't have left him. With everything he's been through Michael knew Calum wouldn't be able to handle it all.

"What about me? Can I see him?" Michael asked, fear laced in his voice.

"Seeing as you are the only one here for him yes you are an exception" the doctor confirmed. Michael let out a deep breath.

"Where is he?" A deep voice snapped them out of their conversation. Michael looked back and almost scoffed at the curly headed boy who was coming down the hallway. How did he even get into this part of the hospital? Michael left the doctor and approached the boy. He shoved him back, an angry expression on both of their faces.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up here" Michael scolded.

"Where is he? I want to see him" Ashton said strictly. Michael laughed, getting closer to the hazel eyed boy.

"Because of you he's lying in a hospital bed. All you had to do was stay the hell out of his life and he would have been fine. It's all your fault so before you do anymore damage I suggest you leave" Michael spat. Venom was just about laced with his words. Ashton's eyes filled with tears, his heart breaking because he knows Michael's right, at least he believes it.

"Ashton" Michael's eyes landed on a tough looking girl who was coming down the hallway. once again he wondered how these people got into this part of the hospital.

"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do? I care about Calum and I want to know if he is okay. So instead of being a fucking douche about it, just tell me how he is" Ashton yelled. People around them started to stare, whispering about them, wondering why they were screaming at each other.

"He tried to kill himself because he stupidly fell in love with you, he's lying in a hospital bed and he might not make it, how do you think he feels?" Michael spoke in a low, surprisingly calm voice. Ashton's eyes widened, his heart dropping into his stomach. He reached out for Nia, feeling numb and spent. Nia gripped onto Ashton's arms and led him back down the hallway. Michael stood there watching the two disappear down the hallway. Once they were out of his line of vision he turned to the doctor.

"I'm sorry" he muttered. The doctor shrugged it off and simply started leading him to where Calum's room was. Michael ran a hand through his hair as he enters the hospital room. The only light was a dim bulb above his bed, illuminating the tubes and machines that he was hooked up to. Michael sat beside him and gripped onto his hand. His brown eyes were hidden behind irritated red eyelids. He can't breathe on his own, the one person who he wanted the most thinks he's ruined everything, and his attempt at peace has failed, no wonder he doesn't want to breathe on his own.


"Ashton stop. You need to calm down" Nia yelled over the sound of banging and grunting. The girl was watching the hazel eyed boy drive his fist through the dry wall, his knuckles bloody. Ashton was screaming and sobbing, letting himself release his emotions through anger.

"I just wanted to know if he was ok. He could die Nia" he drops to the floor, staring down at his bloody knuckles, "It's all my fault" he whispers.

Nia stares at her best friend, what she should do is unknown to her. Ashton looks so broken, so weak. There were no tears this time, which worried Nia the most for some reason. Her best friend is breaking into pieces right in front of her and she can't stop it.

Heartbreak is unpreventable.

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