Chapter Ten: Drunk

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A squeaky moan escaped from his lips. Ashton's lips worked on the boy's neck, sucking and nipping at his pale skin. He kept his eyes closed, picturing him, he mentally slapped himself for trying to picture the boy. He opened his eyes and focused on the pretty boy with dyed blonde hair.

He smiled at him as she straddled his lap. His back was leaning against the strangers white couch, his shirt tossed somewhere on the floor. The boy allowed his lips to connect with Ashton's collar bone, sucking the skin until there was a purple mark there. He let out a soft moan as the boy started palming him through his jeans.

"Calum" he moaned. The boy paused. He released Ashton's skin from his mouth as he sat up straight.

"Excuse me?" he scoffed.

"What?" Ashton furrowed his eyebrows.

"Who's Calum?" the girl asked. Ashton shook his head, the image of the brunette boy stuck in his mind once again. The scent of alcohol still lingered behind his swollen pink lips. He gently placed the boy onto the couch as he grabbed his shirt.

"I'm sorry I can't do this" Ashton left the boy puzzled as he slipped his shoes on and walked out of the front door. The cool night air hit the exposed skin of his upper body as he walked down the street.

His mind was a mess, tears freely spilling from his eyes. Calum was the only person on his mind. The hickey on his neck was left by a boy he would gladly forget in the morning. He felt guilty for letting another boy touch him even though he had absolutely no reason to feel guilty.

Calum wasn't his boyfriend, as much as he hates to admit that.

Calum doesn't own him, as much he would love for him to.

Calum isn't Ashton's and Ashton isn't Calum's. And Ashton whole heartedly hated that.

He could still taste the alcohol on his tongue. The stale taste of cheap vodka invading his senses. His eyes were blurry as he pressed the elevator button. He stumbled into the elevator, staring at his anguished expression in the reflection of the metal elevator.

Once the elevator stopped, he slapped the doors with his palms until they opened. He staggered his way into the hallway, walking towards the door. He could hear soft music playing, The Machine by Mary Lambert. He could hear him humming along to the chorus of the song. Tears slipped from his eyes as he knocked on the door.


Calum was sipping on a glass of wine, the memories of Marco and Ashton playing in his mind once again. Mary Lambert was softly playing on his laptop, spreading smoothly throughout the living room. He was staring at the ceiling, moving his wine glass in his hand so the liquid moved in gentle circles.

Calum almost dropped his glass when there pwas a loud knock on the door. The boy set the glass on the coffee table and walked up to the door. His heart skipped a beat when he peered through the peep hole. Ashton's hair was disheveled, tears streaming down his flushed cheeks, his shirt hanging on his left shoulder. Calum unlocked his new locks and opened the door.

"Ashton what are you doing here?" Calum asked.

"I'm drunk" he stated. Calum's face contorted in disgust when Ashton breathed out and the strong scent of vodka filled his nose. Calum's level of annoyance rose even higher when he spotted the evident purple mark on his collar bone.

"Ashton go home" Calum said. Without giving the pained boy a chance to respond he closed the door and locked it securely. He contemplated unlocking it and dragging Ashton inside, nursing him through his drunk and hung over states, but just like last night he resisted.

He walked to his bedroom, locked the door and got into bed.


The sun streamed through the open curtains. Calum's body was buzzing with guilt and anger. All he could picture was some stranger giving Ashton that mark. Another boy's lips on his tanned, tone flesh, sucking on the skin that he dreamed so much about.

Calum shook off the thoughts as he slipped out of bed, his bare feet cold against the wood floor. His feet padded against the floor as he walked to the bedroom door, unlocking it and stepping into the hallway. The blank walls stared at him as he walked through the hall, entering the living room.

He slipped on his shoes, his mind set on going to retrieve the mail from downstairs. But once he opened the door he knew he wouldn't get the chance. For when he opened the door his heart almost broke.

Ashton was curled into a ball in front of Calum's door. His cheeks tear stained, his beautiful hazel orbs hidden behind irritated eyelids. Guilt filled Calum's body as he remembered telling him to go home, even though he was drunk and agitated.

"Ashton" Calum whispered softly. He kicked his shoes off as he bent down beside the sleeping boy. Calum lightly shook Ashton's shoulder, trying to wake him.

"Ashton" Calum said a bit louder. The boy stirred, twisting so he was lying on his back. His eyes fluttered open, his bloodshot eyes becoming exposed. He looked around, confused as to how and when he got there, but glad he was there.

"Calum?" he questioned, his voice strained and laced with sadness. Calum gave him a small smile as he placed his gentle hand on Ashton's forearm.

"Come on, let's get you inside" he wrapped his arms around Ashton's bicep and helped him up from the floor. Ashton let Calum lead him to the couch, plopping down onto the familiar soft material.

Calum walked away from him and went back to the door, picking his shirt up from the floor before closing and locking the door. He held it in his hand as he walked to the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of Aspirin and a poured a glass of water before walking back to Ashton.

Calum smiled at him as he sat down a few inches away from him. He handed him the glass of water and shook two pills into his hand before setting the two items on the coffee table. He watched with concern as he took the pills, sipping from the glass to help them go down. Calum watched Ashton's eyes squeeze shut as the water went down his sore throat.

Calum's heart beat quickened when Ashton's looked over at him, his hazel eyes meeting his gaze. As soon as his eyes met his, Calum suddenly remembered why he turned him away last night.

"You should go now" he stood up, grabbing the glass of water and taking it back to the kitchen. From where he stood by the sink he could see Ashton beginning to approach the door. Calum raised his eyebrows when Ashton hovered his hand above the door knob, not quite touching it.

Calum's breath caught in his throat when Ashton turned away from the door and entered the kitchen. Calum watched him intently as he took three slow steps towards him. Ashton cupped Calum's cheeks in both of his big, warm hands and pressed his lips against the smaller boy's without a second to hesitate. He held the sweet kiss for a few seconds before abruptly pulling away and walking out of the front door.

Calum could still taste the kiss, alcohol mixed with a the sweet taste of peppermint. His eyes were wide, his heart racing. The door was still open, Ashton's lips lingering on his own.

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