Chapter Twenty-Eight: Traumatic Stepping Stones

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A puff of grey smoke left his lips, wisping away in the brisk wind. Ashton flicked the ash off of the end of the stick, letting it fall to the ground in front of him. Calum hugged himself in some attempt to protect himself from the wind. He had convinced himself to wear a shirt with short sleeves instead of his usual long sleeved sweaters.

"Baby, are you cold?" Ashton asks from beside the smaller tan boy. They were leaned side by side against the brick wall of Nikko's Pizzeria.

"A little" Calum shrugged it off like it nothing, even though his arms were covered in goosebumps and he was about to start shivering. Ashton flicked his spent cigarette on the ground, smashing it beneath his shoe as he pulled his jacket over his head. Ignoring Calum's protest he pushed it onto the boy's head and pulled it down so it pooled down to his mid thigh. Calum pushed his arms into the sleeves, letting it hang over his hands as he wrapped his arms around Ashton's torso, smiling into his chest. with a wide, adoring smile Ashton wrapped his arms around Calum's shoulders, kissing his head.

"I love you" Calum whispered.

"I love you too princess" he kissed the top of Calum's head, rubbing his hands up and down the boy's back. Calum slightly pulled away from the hug, placing his hands on either side of his neck so his thumbs were resting over the older boy's jawline. 

"I really mean that. I love the way you're so patient and understanding with me. I love that you stayed by me even when I was pushing you away. I just love that you love me, from sunrise to sunset" Calum leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to Ashton's lips.

"From sunrise to sunset" Ashton repeated. He dipped his head until his lips were connected to Calum's, soft and passionate, the way he knows it should always be.

"Hungry?" he asked as they pulled away from the kiss. Calum nodded, letting his hazel eyed boyfriend lead him into the small Pizzeria. They asked for a table, entwining their hands as they were led to an empty booth towards the back. They sat across from each other, their hands in each others on the table.

"What can I get for you two today?" a seemingly young waitress asked. When Calum looked up his eyes bugged out in shock. The girls hair was an unhealthily blonde color, her shirt doing nothing to cover her cleavage, her black skirt was almost past her mid thigh, and on top of that her face was caked with make up.

"One coke and one sprite and a large pepperoni pizza, please" Ashton answered with a kind smile. Calum wanted to get out of his seat when the girl winked at Ashton before walking away. Ashton started laughing causing Calum to give him a slightly confused glare.

"First of all, she's not my type, I'm more into the problematic brunettes. And secondly, you're really cute when you're jealous" Ashton said, squeezing Calum hand so he would calm down. Calum sighed, smiling at the hazel eyed boy.

"I am pretty problematic aren't I" Calum chuckled. Before Ashton could respond with something sarcastic yet sweet, the blonde was back with their food and drinks. She set them on the table, her eyes never leaving Ashton and never glancing at Calum.

"What's your name?" Ashton asked the waitress. Calum leaned back against the booth seat with furrowed eyebrows as he stared at the curly haired boy.

"Kiara, wh-"

"Listen Kiara, I'm trying to enjoy my first date with my beautiful boyfriend and I can't enjoy it with you basically eye fucking me. So if you could have a different waitress help us for the rest of the night that would be lovely. Thanks Kiara" Ashton waved her off as he innocently took a sip a sip of his coke. Calum laughed as the blonde walked away with a shocked and embarrassed look on her face.

"So this is our official first date?" Calum asked with a shy smile.

"Yes it is. So eat your pizza and love me"


"Favorite color?"

"Blue. Favorite type of food?"

"Chinese food. Favorite alcoholic drink?"

"You already know it's wine" Calum chuckled as they continued their string of questions, just to know each other a bit deeper. "Favorite flavor ice cream?"

"That's a very good question, I'd say mint n' chip" Ashton said. They were walking back to Calum's apartment, intending on cuddling and watching a movie to end their date night.

"That sounds good. We should get some" Calum said with an exaggerated gasp. Ashton chuckled, removing his hand from Calum's and wrapping it around the boy's shoulder, pulling him closer to his chest.

"I had a really good time tonight" Calum said, wrapping one arm around Ashton's waist, letting the other hang by his side.

"I did too. Now let's go home and cuddle" Ashton said, he paused when he processed the words that came out of his mouth. Ashton hasn't been to his apartment in about a month, but they never talked about moving in together. What if he scares Calum away by moving too fast? Ashton doesn't want to lose the beautiful brunette, he's the only one who will ever accept him for everything he his.

"Home" Calum repeated the word, seemingly trying it out.

"I didn't- I just- I didn't mean anything by it" Ashton struggled to form a proper sentence as Calum tried to hold in his laughter.

"Would you want to?" Calum asked, making Ashton furrow his eyebrows.

"Would I want to what?" Ashton asked.

"Would you want to move in with me? You're at my apartment all the time anyways, why not just move in?" Calum smiled.

"You would let me move in with you?" Ashton asked, placing his hands on Calum's hips.

"Why not?" Calum shrugged.

"That it so cute. Already moving in together" Ashton's body tensed, his grip on Calum tightening. He slowly turned around, pushing Calum so the boy was behind him. He faced Marco, the mans face holding a smirk, his green eyes glowing with anger.

"Get out of here Marco" Ashton spat. Marco chuckled, stepping towards Ashton, gripping his shirt and yanking him away from Calum, who gasped. Ashton was pushed against the wall, a continuous string of punches being thrown to his face and stomach.

"Get off of him" Calum yelled, smacking his hands against Marcos chest, trying to push him off of the hazel eyed boy. Marco rolled his eyes, pushing against Calum's chest until e was on the ground. Rage boiled in Ashton's chest, he mustered enough strength to push Marco and collide his fist with the mans face. Marco shook it off easily, pushing Ashton back against the wall, but before Ashton could do anything else something sharp was being harshly pushed into his stomach.

His mouth gaped open, an excruciating pain filling his stomach. He looked down just in time to see Marco pulling the metal blade out of his stomach, sputtering when he plunged it in again.

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