Chapter Eight: Rescued

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Ashton paced around his apartment, his fingers nervously running through his hair. Calum's apartment was empty, it had been for the past two weeks. His mind was racing with thoughts and terrible scenarios that Marco had taken her. Two weeks and no sign of the beautiful brunette.

He stopped pacing once a loud knock was heard. He practically ran to the door and swung it open. His best friend, Nia, walked in with a laptop and a backpack.

"It's about damn time" Ashton exclaimed. Nia shrugged off the comment as she sat down on Ashton's couch, placing the laptop in front of her.

"Alright I went back to Calum's and his door was wide open. The locks were busted and the apartment was trashed. I grabbed a few of his things but he wasn't there" Nia explained. Ashton sighed as he sat down a few inches away from her.

"Any good news?" Ashton asked, running a hand through his disheveled sandy hair. Nia opened her laptop and started typing inhumanly fast. Ashton stared at the screen with furrowed eyebrows as four boxes came onto the screen, they looked like old cameras.

"What is this?" Ashton asked. Nia had an evil smirk on her lips as she zoomed in on one of the cameras. Ashton gasped as Calum's distressed figure came onto the screen.

"This my friend is the surveillance to Hummingbirds Strip Club" Nia let out a chuckled when he said the last three words. She cleared her throat when Ashton glared at her.

"The place shut down years ago but Marco deals there all the time. That's where the douche is keeping your boyfriend"

"He's not my boyfriend" Ashton found himself blushing.

"That's not important right now" Nia mumbled as she zoomed in more on Calum.

"He doesn't look hurt" Ashton commented. The brunette had tears in his eyes and he was struggling against the ropes that were bounding him to a wooden chair, but he had no visible wounds. Ashton's eyes narrowed when Marco came into the room. He whispered something into Calum's ear before taking the tape off of his mouth.

"Is there audio on this thing?" Ashton frantically asked.

"Ash these cameras are like ten years old, you should happy that they even work" Nia said. Ashton sighed, settling on just watching them. Calum was shaking his head every time Marco spoke. When he started screaming he leaned over to him and stuck something in his arm. He mumbled something in his ear before falling unconscious.

"We need to go get him" Ashton said, his pulse was rising, his heart beating rapidly.

"Ashton we can't just walk in there and politely ask for him. I don't think 'Hey Marco, I know we've both screwed each other but can I have my boyfriend please?' Is going to work" Nia said.

"No but I have something Marco wants more than Calum" Ashton said, his heart sinking at the idea forming in his head. Nia stood up with furrowed eyebrows.

"What?" She asked. Ashton looked towards her with fear in his eyes.



"Ashton you can not do this" Nia said as she followed close behind him. Ashton had his hands stuffed into his pockets, his long legs making long, fast strides. Ashton's head was spinning, he could barely feel the beating of his heart over the pounding in his head.

"Nia I have no other choice. Calum is the sweetest and most innocent boy I've ever met and I am not letting him get dragged down with my shit" Ashton said. He stopped once he was at the side of the building.

"What's the plan?" Nia asked.

"Once Calum comes out take him back to my apartment, leave the lights off and don't move until I come back. I'll call you as soon as I can" Ashton said. Nia nodded in understanding, her eyes proving that he thought Ashton was completely out of his mind. Ashton walked around to the front of the building and walked through the front door.

"Marco" Ashton yelled.

"Took you long enough Ash" Marco chuckled as he walked out of the darkness.

"I want Calum" Ashton said in a demanding tone.

"You don't get what you want until I get what I want" Marco said.

"I'll do whatever you want just let Calum go" Ashton said.

"James untie the bitch" Marco said, Ashton grit his teeth at the name. A few seconds later a tall, buff man came carrying Calum bridal style. Ashton ran up to them and took  Calum from the mans arms. He stared at him in concern, a deep sigh leaving his lips as he held him. His eyes were tightly shut, his body completely limp in Ashton's arms.

"Nia" Ashton called. Nia came running into the building. Ashton gently handed Calum to the impressively strong girl and told her to be safe. Nia ran out moments later, carrying Calum in his arms.

"Now I believe you owe me a favor" Marco smirked.

"What do you want?" Ashton asked.

"There's a man that is very deep in debt. He owes me a lot of money. I want you to do what you do best and teach him a little lesson"


Calum groaned as his eyes fluttered open slowly. Her was resting on something soft, a brown ceiling fan turning in circles above him. His body ached, some parts of him still feeling tingly. Calum swung his legs over the side of the bed and slowly stood up, trying his best to keep his balance. His vision went fuzzy for a second before returning clear again.

Calum could hear bickering from outside of the small room he was in. He quietly cracked the door open and peered out. His throat was dry and scratched, memories of screaming and thrashing against the men's touches filling his head. Tears brimmed in his eyes as the painful memories clouded his mind.

Ashton and girl with dark hair could be seen arguing in the living room. He mentally slapped himself when he opened the door more and it loudly creaked. Ashton turned his head to the side and his eyes softened at the sight of the brunette. He slowly took a few steps towards him, but sighed when he stepped back.

"Why am I here?" He asked.

"I picked you up from Marco" Ashton scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"I want to go home. I don't trust you anymore" he said, his voice scratchy and hoarse. Ashton's heart sunk at the words he spoke, his eyes lowering to floor, slight rage building inside of him. Not towards Calum but towards Marco.

"What did Marco tell you about me?" Ashton asked. Calum looked down, taking in his figure. His knuckles were scratched and dried blood decorated them, his face had faded and fresh bruises. Everything Marco had said Calum now believed.

"You hurt people"

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