Chapter Twelve: Re-Rescue

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He was ready. Whether Marco would kill him or ask him to kill someone, he was ready. There is nothing left anymore, Ashton will be the whispers in the alley. He'll be the lesson every father teaches their son about loyalty and staying in school.

As Ashton walked out of his apartment his expression was blank, as if there was no trace of emotion at all, and there wasn't. He didn't want to feel sad or angry, what good would it do? So he chose to feel nothing, nothing at all. He walked from his apartment straight to the closed down strip club.

Hummingbirds was dim, no one around in the area. The cold night air blew through the streets like tumbleweed. The soft chirping of crickets and the sound of trees rustling in the wind was the only sounds that could be heard. Ashton took a deep breath as he walked inside, squinting his eyes through the darkness.

"Marco" Ashton called. He stopped walking when he heard a sick chuckle. He turned around a few times, trying to spot something in the dark.

"Ashton you're not as smart as people think you are" Suddenly a light turned on and he could clearly see Marco. The stage that once held half naked dancing women was enclosed by a large velvet curtain.

"What are you talking about?" Ashton asked.

"Even after I thought you learned your lesson you let him slip through your fingertips again" Marco laughed. There was a twisting in his stomach, a sickening idea that made him want to run and hide, but he couldn't and he didn't plan to.

"Marco what the hell are you talking about?" Ashton asked, his patience running thin.

"James pull the curtain" Marco smirked. Ashton stared at the velvet curtain as it slowly started to open. His heart must have broke right there when he saw it.

Two chairs.

Two people.

Calum and Nia were bound to two wooden chairs in the middle of the stage. Nia looked worried yet calm but Calum  was motionless. He was staring at the ground, his body completely relaxed.

"Dammit Marco what the hell is this?" Ashton asked, his voice raising, dripping with rage. Marco chuckled as he started walking towards the stage. He climbed the seven steps that were needed to get onto the stage and walked towards the chairs. Ashton's hands balled into fists when he stood behind Calum .

"I want you to pick one" Marco smirked. Ashton's eyes practically popped out of his head. Tears filled his eyes once again as he stared at the two.

"Marco this better be a fucking joke" Ashton grit his teeth, biting his tongue so he didn't scream out of frustration.

"Nope. Pick one, the other dies" Marco laughed as if it were truly funny. Marco slipped his hand into Calum's hair, lifting his head up so Ashton could fully see his face, no tears, no anger. If he couldn't see his chest rising and falling he would have thought he was dead. But he wasn't, it was like he was waiting for something bad to happen to him. Just like Ashton, he was ready for it.

"Come on Ashton. Get up here" Marco motioned towards the stage. Ashton took slow strides towards the stage and climbed the stairs.

"Marco I'm not just going to chose one" Ashton said. Marco chuckled as he pulled a gun from the waistband of his pants.

"If you don't chose one they both die" Marco said with no smirk, no evil chuckle, just a straight face. Ashton's heart started rapidly beating as he pointed the gun towards Calum's head. He looked over at Nia who had tears in her eyes.

Nia continuously nodded his head towards Calum. Without anything covering her mouth she mouth two words.

"Save her"

Ashton squeezed his eyes shut, a weight filling his chest.

"Untie the person you chose" Marco took a step away from them. Nia discretely nodded her head as if in conformation to Ashton. Ashton gave Nia a reassuring look before going to the back of Calum's chair. He untied the ropes around his wrists and slipped his hands around his body. He picked him up bridal style and took careful steps down from the stage.

Calum held onto Ashton tightly as he carried him out of the building. He quickly walked to the small alley beside the building and set him down on the floor.

"Are you ok?" he cautiously asked. Calum nodded his head, tears filling his eyes.

"Stay here I'll be right back" Ashton assured. Before he even got to the front doors a string of gun shots were heard. His heart dropped into his stomach when he remember Marcos words.

"Pick one the other dies"

Tears dripped from Ashton's eyes at the thought of losing his best friend. Nia was always there, Ashton took her for granted. Now he c-

Before Ashton could process his thoughts Calum came casually strolling out of the building.

"Hey what's up man" Nia said casually with a smile on her face.

"Fuck,  what the hell? I thought you were dead" Ashton nearly screamed. Nia chuckled.

"Cool kids don't die my friend" Calum laughed.

"How the hell did you even do that?" Ashton asked curiously. He knew there had to be at least three guys in there, Marco wouldn't come without back up.

"Cause I'm badass. Come on let's get the hell out of here" Nia said. Before Nia could begin walking away Ashton engulfed her in a hug. Nia smiled, hugging him back just as tight.

"You're a good friend Nia" Ashton commented.

"I know" Nia chuckled. Ashton rolled his eyes as he walked back to Calum. He offered him a gentle hand, he hesitated before placing his smaller hand in Ashton's larger one.


Calum was ready. He wanted it all to be over, he was waiting for it. He thought Marco would finish the job, kill him instead of wasting the opportunity again. Now all he could think about was going home and finishing the job himself.

But as he thought about these awful things he felt warm. His hand placed in Ashton's, their fingers gently intertwined. Silence surrounded them, no one speaking a word. Calum worried that one of the them would see his scars, take a glance at his exposed arms and start judging him.

"Calum" Ashton pulled Calum out of his thoughts. He looked up at the hazel eyed boy, somehow everything feeling ok again. Calum surprised himself in many ways. All he could think about when Marco had him was dying, how he wanted it, how he just wanted him to do it. But now, being with Ashton and looking into his soft hazel eyes he never wanted to leave.

"What?" He asked softly.

"Um, did you want me to walk you home?" Ashton asked, looking down at him with gentle eyes. Calum shook his head, his messy brown hair slightly swaying in the wind.

"Would it be ok if I stayed with you tonight?" Calum asked. Even though just a week ago he lashed out at Ashton and told him to stay away from him, all he wanted to do was be with him. Be by his side and never leave. Ashton smiled down at him, nodding his head.

"Of course" he said.

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