Chapter Thirty-One: visits

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Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Days was playing on a medium volume through Calum's laptop. He was sitting beside Ashton's hospital bed, the music from his laptop drowning out the beeping of machines and bustling of doctors and nurses outside of the room.

"Michael got his book published, he's going on a book tour soon, Luke's going with him so it'll just be me, you, and Nia" Calum said with a hint of happiness in his voice.

"Nia got into film school. She's moving to California soon. She said she didn't want to leave you here but I told her that you would want her to go" Calum continued telling Ashton how their friends were doing. He looked down at his hand that was holding Ashton's, his own wrist raw with fresh and healing cuts, be never stopped cutting, even though he knew Ashton wouldn't like it. He knew it would break Ashtons heart but he isn't awake to tell him to stop, to explain to him that his skin is too precious to be raw with cuts and blood.

It has been a year and a half since Ashton fell into a coma. Since then Calum rarely leaves the apartment, he's been cutting more and more often, he goes through three bottles of wine a week, and he has an unhealthy eating habit, he could eat everything in the kitchen one day then not anything to eat for a week. Michael and Luke tried to keep him on track, Nia even tried to help but neither of the three could seem to get through to the hurting brunette, he was broken hearted and no amount of therapy and heartfelt conversations could repair him.

Michael has written a novel about the love story between two boys who met during a tragic event, which Luke thought was very ironic. He got a publisher and his book became a best seller. Luke mostly sticks by Michael, although he does bake a lot when Michael is writing or out talking to his publisher. They're happy, and Calum feels like he's only weighing them down, he's a roadblock on their journey to happiness.

"Marco's body was found floating in a river. I actually laughed when I read the story in the paper, Michael and Luke looked at me like I was crazy. That bastard ruined my life, he tried to take you away from me. But you're still here, I know you're not awake yet, but you'll wake up soon. You're going to wake up and we can finally have our sunset, because you can't have your sunset without me, and I don't want mine without you. I skipped another therapy session today, Dr. Wren called my mother but I ignored my mothers phone calls. I know it's not good to miss my sessions but I don't want to talk about my sadness. I want to sit here and wait for you to wake up. I don't want to miss it when it happens, because I know it's going to happen, I just don't know when. So I'm going sit here until I can see those beautiful hazel eyes again. it hurts. But if it means you coming back to me then I'll take the pain, for you, because you're worth it. You're worth everything" Calum sighed, then took s deep breath "I should go. I'm helping Nia look for flats in California. She told me to tell you that she loves you, she's waiting for you too Ash. We're all waiting for you. I love you baby" Calum kissed Ashton's forehead as he closed the laptop, placing it in his bag then swinging it onto his shoulder.

"From sunrise..." Calum trailed off like he always did. He was waiting for Ashton to wake up and complete their little phrase. He sighed when he got only silence in return, walking out of the room with a usual frown on his face. A frown that seemed permanently etched onto his chapped lips, a sad frown that gave a glimpse of what's inside.

But nothing really was inside. He's empty. A hollow heart with a painfully slow beat.

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