Chapter Fifteen: Caught

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Just when Ashton was beginning to forget about Calum, he woke up. The thought of him came rushing back to his head along with a splitting headache and the urgent need to throw up. When he sat up he almost broke down, staring down at the small red head, sound asleep on his bed. When he lifted the sheet his body filled with disgust.

He practically flew out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, grabbing his boxers on the way. Ashton collapsed in front of the toilet and all of the alcohol once in his system started pouring into the toilet. Once his stomach started to settle he stood up and pulled his boxers on. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the red haired girl putting her clothes on.

Once he was about to walk out of the bathroom the feeling came back again and he was once again in front of the toilet. He deserved it and he knew it. Hot tears burned his tired eyes as he clutched his aching stomach. He stood up again and washed his mouth out, using his toothbrush to clear the taste of alcohol and vomit.

As he walked out he noticed the girl was gone, but there was a cold draft in the room. He walked into the hallway but froze when his eyes landed on the front door. It was wide open, no trace of the red head, but Calum was standing in the doorway. Tears were spilling down his cheeks and his hands were balled into fists.

"C-Calum? W-what are you d-doing here?" Ashton asked cautiously. He took a step closer, his heart pounding as he silently prayed he didn't see the red head. But the look on his face gave it away that he obviously did, and he was not the least bit happy about it. Calum looked up at him with a bewildered expression.

"I came here to express my feelings towards you. When I walked up the stairs I had this vast, bright smile on my face and then I got to the door, but once I was about to knock a girl came out" he let out an unamused chuckle, "She was zipping her dress and she looks at me and she asks me if I could help her, even with the tears in my eyes I helped her. She smiled, thanked me then walked away"

Calum took a calm deep breath before continuing. "At first I was in denial but then I saw you. And your half naked and even with the aching in my heart I couldn't help but notice how incredibly sexy you look. Your eyes have bags under them and your hair is a mess but you still look amazingly beautiful. So to answer your question, I came to tell you how much I like you, but now all I want to say is how big of a dick you are" with that out in the air Calum walked away. Ashton wanted to chase after him, but he had no clothes on.

He shrugged it off and ran out of the door anyways, Calum being more important than the possibility of getting pneumonia. His bare feet were freezing against the concrete, and goose bumps rose on his skin but he still chased after Calum.

"Calum wait" Ashton yelled. He grabbed his arm and made him turn around.

"Don't touch me" he yelled, pulling his arm away from him.

"Calum you don't understand" Ashton said, tears filling his eyes

"Understand what Ashton? Understand how I was so sure that I would end up heartbroken and in the end that's exactly what happened? Understand that the guy I was practically in love with doesn't care about me at all? How the fuck can I not understand that?" Calum's words were like slow stabs to Ashton's heart.

"Calum" Ashton lifted his head and saw a tall pale boy with weirdly colored hair.

"Take me home" Calum mumbled wrapping his arm around the boys middle, the boy glared at Ashton as he wrapped his arm around Calum's shoulder. Ashton stared with furrowed eyebrows, partly in anger and partly in confusion. Calum just admitted that he liked him yet she had another boy waiting for him outside? Did he even mean it? Ashton wondered as he started walking up the stairs, still clad in his boxers.


  Tears streamed from Calum's cheek as she buried her head further into the crook of Michael's neck.

"He's so infuriating" his yell was muffled by Michael's tee shirt. Michael rubbed the boy's back soothingly, trying to lull him to calm down.

"If he doesn't re-" before Michael had to attempt making a lifetime movie speech a knock on the door cut him off. He got up from the couch, gently laying Calum down. The knocks were loud and close together. When Michael opened the door he scoffed immediately trying to close it.

"I just want to talk to him" Ashton begged. Calum sunk further into the couch when he heard his voice. It was so broken and weak. Calum knew if he looked into his beautiful, hazel eyes he would cave, so he stayed on the couch with his head buried.

"You've already managed to screw him over multiple times. Just give it up man, he doesn't need anymore heartbreak" Michael exclaimed.

"Who even are you?" Ashton asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Someone who knows how fragile he is. If you really care about him you'll stay away" with that Michael slammed the door shut and locked it. Michael walked back over to Calum and sat back down.

"He doesn't know" Calum mumbled.

"He doesn't need to know. You're a mess with a tendency to fall in love a little too hard"

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