Chapter Twenty-Nine: heartbreak

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"Ashton stay with me. Keep your eyes open" Calum cried as he pressed his jacket to Ashton's stomach in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

"I love you" Ashton whispered as his eyes began to close.

"No baby keep your eyes open. An ambulance is on the way you just gotta stay awake for me" Calum kept both hands on the wound, feeling the blood seep through the material of his jacket and onto his shaking hands. Calum's head was spinning, his stomach filling with anger and fear. The person he loves the most is in his arms, most likely bleeding to death. He could hear sirens close by, holding Ashton as the boy closed his eyes.

"Sir I need you to step back" a man instructed. Calum did as told, gently laying Ashton's head on the concrete as an officer helped him stand. Calum clutched onto the women, sobbing into the uniform. He watched in horror as his love was getting put onto a gurney because he was stabbed by a man who is most likely going to get away with it. Calum let go of the officer once Ashton was securely in the ambulance. He wanted to get into the back of the ambulance but he was frozen in his place. He's been afraid of cars since the accident, but he can't leave Ashton alone. Calum took a deep breath and kept his gaze on Ashton as he got in and sat beside him. He took a hold of his hand as they turned the siren on and started towards the hospital.


Blood covered Calum's hands, his entire body trembling as sobs raked through his body. Calum was screaming in frustration, banging his fists against the scratchy planes of the hospital walls. Everyone in the hospital waiting room was staring at him with confusion and annoyance but he didn't even notice their stares.

Calum has been waiting for 3 hours in the waiting room, no one has talked to him and he doesn't even know where Ashton currently is.

"Will someone please tell me where the fuck Ashton Irwin is" Calum yelled in frustration. A nurse walked up to him, a sympathetic smile on her face.

"Sweetheart Mr. Irwin is currently in surgery. He won't be out for another few hours, you just need to sit down and I will keep you updated" the nurse said. Calum shook his head, desperately trying not to completely break down.

"No. Is he going to be ok?" Calum asked, tears spilling fast down his flushed cheeks.

"I don't know his condition, I only know that he is in surgery and it is going to take some time" the nurse said before walking away without another word.

"Calum" the brunette looked back, spotting a tall, curly haired girl. Nia held her arms out, which he gladly collapsed into. Nia held him tightly so he wouldn't fall onto the floor, letting him sob into her chest, rubbing his back soothingly.

"He has to be ok. He has to be ok" Calum repeated the phrase at least one hundred times, clutching onto Nia for at least an hour. Once Nia managed to unlatch Calum from her chest she sat him down, sitting beside him as she called Michael and Luke. Once the two boys arrived they still were oblivious as to what was happening to Ashton. Nia had left Calum with the blonde and Lilac haired boys as she left the hospital waiting room to get Calum a cup of tea and coffee for the rest of them.

When she arrived back everyone was just as she left them. Calum wouldn't stop sobbing, someone had to be holding him in order for him not to completely break down. Michael and Luke took turns holding the boy, seeing as they didn't know Ashton all that well. Michael hated the hazel eyed boy for unknowingly breaking Calum down but he can't hate him because he's the one holding Calum together.

"For Ashton Irwin?" Calum sprung out of Luke's arms and ran towards the doctor. His hair was restricted behind a blue cap, his slim body clad in blue scrubs and a white over coat.

"Is he ok?" Calum asked, fresh, hot tears in his eyes.

"What is your relation towards Mr. Irwin?" the doctor asked. Calum wanted to scream again, all he wanted was to know that his love was ok. That he can come home with him.

"I'm his boyfriend. Is he ok?" Calum asked again, more insistent.

"Mr Irwin is stable for now but he is on the borderline of a coma" the doctor said.

"What are his chances?" Calum asked bluntly. The doctor sighed, giving him a sympathetic smile.

"Right now. He has a 50/50 chance of waking up. It could be days, it could be months, it could years" Calum couldn't take it anymore, everything came flashing back like a tsunami washing over his brain. He could see Ashton pressed against the wall by Marco, he could hear the metal pushing through his flesh.

And he fell.

Calum's legs gave out underneath his fragile body and his entire body became numb as he sobbed. He couldn't feel the arms wrap around his trembling body. Calum couldn't hear Nias sobs. He couldn't comprehend that Michael was on the floor cradling him in his arms, trying to calm him down. He didn't notice Luke holding a sobbing Nia with tears in his own eyes.

"Calum he's going to be ok" Michael comforted.

"What if he isn't? I won't be ok without him"

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