Chapter Twenty-Two: Luke

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Waking up was always a struggle for Ashton. He would toss and turn, eyes wide open. He would lie there and stare at the ceiling until he forced himself to get out of bed. Sometimes the loneliness settled in, when the oranges and purples of the sunrise spilled into his room he would wish there was someone there to hold while watching the beautiful sun rise. Now here he was, a beautiful, sleeping brunette in his arms, said brunettes head on his chest, their legs tenderly entwined.

He felt so serene. His heart beating at a normal pace, there was no pounding in his head, all he could feel was love and content. A warm wave of peace washed over him as he realized he finally got his person. He had his arms wrapped around his waist, holding him closely to his chest, staring out of the window watching the sun rise, beautiful and graceful colors stretching across the baby blue sky.

Calum started to stir in his arms, his beautiful brown orbs becoming exposed as his eyes fluttered open. Ashton looked down at him and smiled. His hair was a mess upon his head, his eyes were red and tired, and his sleeping shirt was riding up, but he looked incredibly beautiful in Ashton's eyes.

"Good morning" Calum mumbled, pressing his face into Ashton's bare chest, making him chuckle. He looked so small, curled up beside Aaron, stuffing his face into the older boy's chest, searching for a few more minutes of sleep.

"Look" Ashton whispered pointing out of the window. Calum followed his finger and he stared out the window. Ashton watched as his eyes widen slightly, a smile forming on his face. He could see the reflection of the sunrise in his big brown eyes.

"I don't want this to be it for us. After today I want more mornings with you, I want more sunrises. I want to have late night pillow talk and I want to be able to wake up with you in my arms. I don't want to be afraid of what could stand in the way because nothing else matters when I'm with you. You make me stronger and you make me better, you've saved me from a lifetime full of loneliness. I want everything with you Calum" Ashtons tone was hoarse and restrained, like his throat was closing up in fear that he would say something to scare him away. But his throat opened up and his nerves washed away when Calum pressed his lips to Ashton's. Ashton's breath almost hitched as Calum climbed on top of him. Be slowly pulled away, letting their foreheads rest against one another's.

"I want everything with you too Ashton. From sunrise to sunset I want you by my side" she whispered. A vast smile appeared on Ashtons lips as he flipped the boy over and pressed their lips together. There was a certain need in the kiss, but the sweetness and passion never left. For when the gentleness of the kiss is gone they'll know their time is up. But for now, the gentleness and the content feeling was there, right where it should be.


This is how it went for four days. Ashton and Calum would wake up in each others arms and silently watch the sunrise, occasionally sharing sweet kisses.

After the 96 hours of cuddling and staying indoors with each other they couldn't ignore the constant ringing of Calum's phone. 96 hours spent inside, the outside world nothing but a dreaded destination.

Calum was straddling Ashton's lap, Calum's lips dancing against Ashton's when his phone rang. They ignored it, letting his hand pull his shirt over his head. Calum smiled against Ashton's lips as the ringing ceased and his shirt fell to the floor. Calum suppressed a groan when his phone started ringing again.

Once again he ignored it, pulling Ashton's shirt off and dropping it somewhere to the side. Calum let Ashton trail wet kisses down his neck and chest but he abruptly stopped when his phone started ringing again.

"Just ignore it" Calum said, trying to kiss him again. Ashton turned his head with a sigh.

"They're just going to keep calling" Ashton pointed out. Calum rolled his eyes as he threw himself off of Ashton's lap. Calum rubbed his swollen lips, frowning at the thought of the ended make out session. He grabbed his phone off of the kitchen counter and furrowed his eyebrows at the unknown number. Calum pressed the green button and held the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" He answered

"Is this Calum Hood?" a whispered voice asked. Calum's eyebrows furrowed.

"Who is this?" He asked without answering the question.

"Luke Hemmings" Calum's breath hitched at the familiar name. His body suddenly filled with nerves as he stared chewing on his thumb nail.

"Oh- um- yeah it's me" he stuttered, struggling to find words. He ignored Ashton's questioning looks as he listened to Luke intently.

"I need your help. I ran away from home and I'm booking a flight to Chicago. I was wondering if I could stay with you for a while" Luke asked in a hushed tone.

"Luke where are you right now?" Calum asked.

"I don't know some gas station. Calum please" the boy begged

"Why'd you run away?" Calum asked

"Because I'm depressed and scared and I know you are too"

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