Chapter Seven: Good Boys

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Calum stared down at the boy who was falling apart on his sofa. Ashton's beautiful hazel orbs were hidden behind his eyelids. His boxers were hanging low on his waist, the rest of his clothes in a neat pile on the coffee table. His chest was rising and falling with each even breath he took.

Calum struggled to keep his eyes open, the lack of sleep starting to become a problem. His mind was slipping from him. Ashton's head was resting on Calum's lap, the younger boys fingers interlaced with the older boys sandy brown, disheveled hair. Calum went to get up, gently setting Ashton's head on the couch.

When Ashton showed up on Calum's doorstep he was on the verge of a breakdown. He didn't know why, he didn't even know when he started feeling that way. All he remember was threatening Marco then crying on Calum's shoulder as the younger boy tried to lull answers out of him.

Ashton wrapped his arms around Calum's waist, lifting his head away from the couch.

"Don't leave"
his voice was sad. Empty. Calum nodded, his voice lost as he watched tears drip from Ashton's eyes. Instead of letting him sit back down and place his head on his lap, Ashton pulled him down so he was laying in front of him. The action shocked Calum but he didn't argue, the fear of Ashton breaking down scared him.

Calum turned around so he was facing him and wrapped his arms around him. The younger boys head was resting on Ashton's chest, her heart sinking with each sniffle Ashton made.

"Goodnight Calum"
Ashton whispered as his eyes
fluttered shut again.

"Goodnight Ashton"


The last thing Calum remembered before he fell asleep was Ashton pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. When his eyes fluttered open again he was alone. His face was shoved into the crease where the back of the couch meets the seats and everything was silent. He spent an hour searching his apartment asking herself if Ashton was ever even there.

Now Calum was sitting on a bench, across the street from Ashton's apartment. He was contemplating going up there or going home. Before he got the chance to decide someone sat beside him clearing their throat.

"My names Marco, and you are?"
The person asked. Calum looked over at the man and gave him a weak smile. He tried not to show the shock as he completely recognized the man. His green eyes were piercing into his brown ones, a smirk placed on his lips.

"I'm Calum it's nice to meet you"
he faked a smile. Calum thought of getting up- Just leaving him sitting there alone, but he stayed.

"So you know my buddy Ashton?"
Marco asked, a hint of suspicion I'm his voice. Calum tried not to squirm in his
seat as Marco sat closer to him.

"Scarcely. I've bumped into him once
or twice but that's just about it"
Calum lied.

"How much do you know
about Ashton Irwin?"

"Like I said not very much"
Calum said as politely as he could. He wanted to get up, he wanted to get up and find someway to contact Ashton. But his body was frozen, stuck to the bench, possible by fear.

"I have a feeling you're lying to me.
You see I happen to know Ashton
very well, he doesn't take interest
in many boys or girls. He'll fuck them
then they leave. But you. You're different.
Either you're pregnant or he likes you"
Marco chuckled as he watched Calum's eyes widen.

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